Patch icon V1.0.0.127
Graves OriginalSkin
Graves, the Outlaw
Release date (US) October 19, 2011
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New Skins in the Store[]

The following skins were released along with this patch.

The following skins were released along with this patch. They were limited edition skins and were removed from the store with the following patch.

The following skin was released on October 27 2011.

League of Legends v1.0.0.127[]


Graves, the Outlaw Graves, the Outlaw

  • Buckshot Buckshot: Graves fires three bullets in a cone damaging all enemies in the projectiles path. Enemies at close range can be hit by multiple projectiles, but each one beyond the first will deal reduced damage.
  • Smokescreen Smokescreen: Graves fires a smoke canister at the target area that deals damage and creates a cloud of smoke. Enemies inside the smoke cloud have reduced sight range and movement speed.
  • Quickdraw Quickdraw: Graves dashes forward gaining an attack speed boost for several seconds. Attacking enemies lowers the cooldown of this skill.
  • Collateral Damage Collateral Damage (Ultimate): Graves fires an explosive shell dealing heavy damage to the first target it hits. After hitting a champion or reaching the end of its range the shell explodes dealing damage in a cone behind the target.
  • True Grit True Grit (Passive): Graves gains increasing armor and magic resistance the longer he remains in combat.

Corki Corki

  • Gatling Gun Gatling Gun:
    • Now has a base damage of 20/32/44/56/68 per second.
    • Duration has been adjusted to 4 seconds at all levels.
    • Scales with 0.4 bonus Attack Damage ratio per second, from 0.2 total Attack Damage ratio per second.

Gangplank Gangplank

  • Raise Morale Raise Morale:
    • Active self movement speed bonus reduced to 8/11/14/17/20% from 10/14/18/22/26%.
    • Active self attack damage bonus reduced to 12/19/26/33/40 from 14/22/30/38/46.

Kog'Maw Kog'Maw

Orianna Orianna

  • Basic attack range increased to 525 from 500.

Riven Riven

  • Broken Wings Broken Wings:
    • Now counts as an attack command when you use it to lock-onto a target.
    • Slightly extended duration of collision ignoring with minions after using this ability.

Shaco Shaco

  • Base health increased to 525 from 501.
  • Base mana increased to 270 from 250.
  • Health per level increased to 84 from 80.

Skarner Skarner

  • Attack speed per level increased to 2.1% from 1.44%
  • Energize Energize will no longer activate when attacking turrets.
  • Crystal Slash Crystal Slash: mana cost reduced to 15 at all ranks from 22/24/26/28/30.
  • Fracture Fracture will now heal Skarner if Fracture kills its target.
  • Impale Impale: suppression duration increased to 1.75 seconds from 1.5.

Talon Talon

  • Base health regeneration reduced to 7.25 per 5 seconds from 9.5.
  • Base mana regeneration reduced to 6.75 per 5 seconds from 10.


  • Ambient experience gain has been lowered by 10%.
  • Lowered the point where Nexus Health will only be affected by holding capture points (and not by Champion Kills or Neutralizes) to 100 Nexus Health from 125 Nexus Health.
  • Health packs pickups will now grant 20% more Mana.
  • Personal Scoring has been adjusted to more evenly reward defensive play:
    • Minion Kill reward increased to 2 points from 1.
    • Channel Interrupt reward increased to 5 from 2.
    • Martyr (dying on point) now gives an additional 10 points over its previous bonus.
    • Point defense bonus is granted more regularly.
    • There is now a score bonus associated with getting a champion kill or assist while being on or near a point.


  • Archangel's Staff Archangel's Staff, and Manamune Manamune now display their current bonus mana again.
  • Hextech Gunblade Hextech Gunblade:
    • Attack damage reduced to 40 from 60.
    • Ability power reduced to 70 from 75.
    • Life steal reduced to 15% from 20%.
    • Spell vamp reduced to 20% from 25% and is now Unique.


  • NocturneSquare Haunting Nocturne has received two particle changes on his skills.
    • Duskbringer Duskbringer now has a slime green/light blue particle with green ghosts coming out of it from black.
    • Unspeakable Horror Unspeakable Horror has had its color changed to light blue from black.

Patch Preview video[]


League of Legends - Graves Patch Preview
