Patch icon V0.9.22.7
Kassadin OriginalSkin old
Kassadin, the Void Walker
Release date (US) August 7, 2009
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V0.9.22.4 V0.9.22.9

PVP.net v0.24.15[]

  • Upgraded Adobe Air to version 1.52.
  • Fixed some localization bugs and added support for non-English characters.
  • Adjusted how teams are balanced in matchmade games.
  • Fixed a bug where you could manipulate your runes in your rune book while on the rune combiner page.
  • Fixed a bug where some users could not see chat.
  • Fixed a bug where users could get over the max amount of runes from the grab bag.
  • Re-skinned password input screen for practice games.
  • You can now look up forgotten usernames and look up for change passwords using our website.

League of Legends v0.9.22.7[]


Kassadin, the Void Walker Kassadin, the Void Walker

  • Kassadin is an agile fighter with a focus of fighting casters and chasing down fleeing foes.
  • Null Sphere Null Sphere: Kassadin fires a void bolt dealing Magic Damage and silencing his target.
  • Nether Blade Nether Blade: Kassadin's physical attacks steal a percent of his target's mana, and he gains twice the mana drained from these attacks.
  • Force Pulse Force Pulse: Kassadin draws energy each spell he casts. Upon reaching 4 charges Kassadin can use Force Pulse to deal Magic Damage and slow enemies in front of him for 3 seconds.
  • Riftwalk Riftwalk (Ultimate): Kassadin teleports to a nearby location dealing damage to nearby enemy units. Additionally, multiple Riftwalks In a short period of time cause them to cost additional mana and deal additional damage.
  • Void Stone Void Stone (Innate): Kassadin takes 15% reduced damage from abilities and transforms this damage into bonus attack speed.

Alistar Alistar

  • Triumphant Roar Triumphant Roar: healing reduced to 40/65/90/110/130 from 50/70/90/110/130.

Anivia Anivia

  • Glacial Storm Glacial Storm:
    • It is no longer subject to global cooldown.
    • Updated tooltip to fit the other toggle spells.
  • Rebirth Rebirth: egg now has set magic resist -36/-24/-12/12/24/36.

安妮 安妮

Ashe Ashe

  • Enchanted Crystal Arrow Enchanted Crystal Arrow:
    • Max stun duration reduced to 4.5 from 5 sec.
    • Now applies slow to the primary target (for when the stun duration is low).
    • Added a minimum stun duration of 1 second.

Cho'Gath Cho'Gath

  • Carnivore Carnivore: heal amount increased to 30-72 from 15-72.

Evelynn Evelynn

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  • Movement speed increased to 325 from 315.


  • Movement speed increased to 325 from 320.
  • Meditate Meditate: now increases Armor and Magic Resist by 30.

努努 努努

  • Updated Lore with names.
  • Movement speed increased to 310 from 295.
  • Visionary Visionary: tooltip updated.

Ryze Ryze

  • Overload Overload: ability power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 1.0.
  • Spell Flux Spell Flux: ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 0.75.

Singed Singed

Sivir Sivir

  • Stats:
    • Movement speed increased to 310 from 305.
    • Mana per level increased to 43 from 37.
    • Attack range increased to 425 from 400.

提摩 提摩

  • Noxious Trap Noxious Trap:
    • Cast Duration increased to 2.5 from 2.
    • Now has a bonus 150 Armor while stealthed.

Tryndamere Tryndamere

  • Stats:
    • Movement Speed increased to 320 from 310.
    • Base health Regen increased to 2 from 1.62.
    • HP Regen per level reduced to 0.18 from 0.2.
  • Bloodlust Bloodlust: duration increased to 15 from 10 seconds.

Twisted Fate Twisted Fate

  • Wild Cards Wild Cards:
    • Ability power ratio reduced to 0.75 from 1.
    • Cooldown increased to 5 from 4.
    • Range reduced to 1450 from 1750.

Veigar Veigar

  • Baleful Strike Baleful Strike: mana cost reduced to 75 from 80.
  • Event Horizon Event Horizon: cooldown reduced to 24/22/20/18/16 from 26/24/22/20/18.
  • Dark Matter Dark Matter: cooldown reduced to 14 from 16.
  • REWORKED Entropy Entropy: auto attacks lower the target's ability power by 25% (non-stacking).
  • Primordial Burst Primordial Burst:
    • Now gives a bonus 5 ability power upon killing a champion (just like Baleful Strike).
    • Has a new updated sound.

Warwick Warwick

  • Movement Speed increased to 325 from 320.


  • NEW Nashor's Tooth Nashor's Tooth:
    • +30% Attack Speed.
    • +55 Ability Power.
    • +10 Mana Regeneration per 5
    • +15% Cooldown Reduction.
  • NEW Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rylai's Crystal Scepter:
    • +500 Health.
    • +500 Mana.
    • +80 Ability Power.
    • Passive: After a spell cast, your champion's next basic attack reduces your target's movement speed by 35% for 2.5 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 6 seconds.
  • NEW Malady Malady:
    • +15% Lifesteal.
    • +40% Attack Speed.
    • Passive: 30% chance on hit to proc a debuff that increases the damage received from enemy champion attacks by 8 Magic Damage for 8 seconds. This effect stacks to a maximum of 6.
  • Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet:
    • Slow increased to 30/40% from 25/35% (range/melee).
    • Duration increased to 2.5 from 2.25 sec.
  • Phage Phage: slow duration reduced to 2.5 from 3 sec.
  • Doran's items & Gold per 10 sec items sell back reduced to 50% from 70% of original cost.


  • REWORKED Promote Promote: While on cooldown, Physical Attacks deal a bonus 15 damage to buildings.
  • Cleanse Boost:
    • Cooldown increased to 150 from 120 sec.
    • Duration reduced to 12 from 15 sec.
  • Clairvoyance Clairvoyance:
    • Sight range reduced to 1800 from 2000.
    • Vision is now blocked by terrain.
  • Exhaust Exhaust: cooldown reduced to 210 from 240 sec.
  • Heal Heal: AoE healing reduced to 50% from 66% of total.
  • Reinforce Reinforce: damage boost to minions increased to +9 from a passive +6.


  • Fixed Tooltips.
  • Rebalanced rune stats (nerfed hp5 / mp5 / lvl 1 stats, rebalanced armor pen and magic pen).
  • Removed armor pen by lvl and magic pen by lvl runes from the grab bag and combiner.
  • Boosted static armor pen and magic pen runes.
  • Removed tier 1 and 2 gold / 10 runes from the grab bag and combiner.
  • Changed tier 3 gold / 10 rune to tier 1 gold / 10.


  • Fixed a few ability tooltips.
  • Decay timer increased by 1 minute.
  • First Blood gold increased to 150 from 100.
  • Fixed Random Lua Errors.
  • Dragon Dragon:
    • Global Experience reduced to 145 from 250.
    • Global Gold increased to 165 from 125.
  • Global Cooldown: ?????? Reduced to 0.5 from 1.
  • Movement Speed Soft Capping:
    • Minor Soft Capping Threshold increased to 400 from 370.
    • Major Soft Capping Threshold increased to 475 from 450.
  • Melee DPS Champions now gain 1.25 Magic Resist per level.
  • Inhibitor Turrets: Base Damage reduced to 210 from 226.
  • Field of View: Increased to 53 from 51.
  • Kill Streak Bounty: Kill Streak bonus per kill decreased to 20% from 25%.
  • Wraith Wraith:
    • Armor increased to 35 from 7.
    • Damage reduced to 60 from 65.
    • Gold increased to 35 from 22.
  • Lesser Wraith Lesser Wraith:
    • Armor increased to 30 from 5.
    • Damage reduced to 35 from 45.
    • Gold increased to 12 from 7.
  • Load screen no longer displays Summoner Level.
  • AFK timer increased to 8 minutes.