
Here is a summary of the types of Crowd Control.

 X mark  denotes that the action is bloc​ked

Movement Attacking Abilities Spells Reduction Removal
  • Knockback
  • Knockup
  • Knock Aside
  • Pull/Fling
 X mark   X mark   X mark   X mark   X mark 
Blind  X mark 
Entangle  X mark   X mark 
Forced Action
  • Charm
  • Fear
  • Flee
  • Taunt
 X mark   X mark   X mark 
Polymorph  X mark   X mark 
Silence  X mark 
Snare  X mark 
Stun  X mark   X mark   X mark 
Suppression  X mark   X mark   X mark   X mark   X mark 

Please note the following:

  • Movement includes abilities and summoner spells (such as Flash Flash Teleport Teleport and Ezreal's Ezreal's Arcane Shift Arcane Shift).
    • For example, while airborne you can cast all summoner spells except Flash and Teleport.
  • Ability refers to a champion's kit (by default Q, W, E and R), and in this instance includes activating items (including consumerables).
  • Spell refers to the Summoner Spells.
  • Suppression cannot be removed by the summoner spell Cleanse Cleanse.
  • Slow, though a form of crowd control, doesn't actively block anything.

Types of Crowd Control[]


  • The target is unable to control movement, attack or cast abilities.
    • The target remains targetable and affected by area of effect damage, despite the visuals.
    • The duration of the effect is related to how long the target is in the air. A common bug where a target who is dashing is made airborne causes them to be knocked "into orbit". The duration is largely extended due to the increased distance the target has to fall.
  • Interrupts the channeling of abilities.
  • The duration is unaffected by crowd control reduction.
  • The effect cannot be removed by any means.


Knock Aside[]

  • The target is made airborne in a direction tangent from the point of cast.
  • Champions with Knock Aside: Draven Draven, Sejuani Sejuani (minions only)



  • The target is made airborne in a direction toward the point of cast.
  • The effect can also pull the target beyond the point of cast, also known as a Fling, Flip or Throw.
  • Champions with Pull: Blitzcrank Blitzcrank, Diana Diana, Darius Darius, Nautilus Nautilus, Orianna Orianna, Singed Singed, Volibear Volibear


  • The target will miss auto-attacks, incurring the message "Miss" above their attack target.
    • Blind only mitigates the physical damage portion of an attack, including physical damage sourced from a physical on-hit effect. Other damage types and effects won't miss. See: On-hit effects.
    • Abilites that apply on-hit effects will also miss.
    • Blind is considered a form of damage mitigation. As such, it is applied after Thornmail Thornmail's passive.
  • Does not interrupt channeling.
  • The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
  • The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
  • Champions with Blind: Heimerdinger Heimerdinger, Teemo Teemo


  • The target is unable to control movement or attack.
    • This includes abilities and summoner spells that move the champion.
    • This will not prevent delayed teleports that have already begun channeling, such as Twisted Fate's Twisted Fate's Gate Gate. The target will arrive snared, if the duration permits.
  • Does not interrupt the channeling of abilities.
  • The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
  • The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
  • Champions with Entangle: Amumu Amumu

Forced Action[]

  • The target is unable to control movement, attack or cast abilities.
  • Interrupts the channeling of abilities.
  • The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
  • The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.


  • The target will attempt to move toward the source for the duration.
  • If the target does not have vision of the source, they will instead stand still.
  • If the source dies, the effect ends.
  • Champions with Charm: Ahri Ahri


  • The target will walk in random directions with reduced movement speed for the duration.
  • Champions with Fear: Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks, Nocturne Nocturne, Shaco Shaco, Volibear Volibear (minions and pets only)


  • The target will run directly away from the source.
  • Champions with Flee: Hecarim Hecarim


  • The target will attempt to attack the source of the taunt for the duration.
  • If the target does not have vision of the source, they will simply stand in place.
  • If you cannot attack your target (such as Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass), the target will simply stand in place.
  • If the source dies, the effect ends.
  • Champions with Taunt: Galio Galio, Rammus Rammus, Shen Shen


  • ​The target is unable to attack or cast abilities and is slowed for the duration.
    • This is distinct from Blind as the target cannot attack at all: as such, on-hit effects are never used/wasted.
    • Whimsy Whimsy also transforms the target into a small critter (reducing their size).
  • Interrupts the channeling of abilities.
  • The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
  • The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
  • Champions with Polymorph: Lulu Lulu




  • The target is unable to control movement.
    • This includes abilities and summoner spells that move the champion.
    • This will not prevent delayed teleports that have already begun channeling, such as Twisted Fate's Twisted Fate's Gate Gate. The target will arrive snared, if the duration permits.
      • Unconfirmed Bug: Teleport Teleport is disrupted and put on a reduced cooldown.
  • Does not interrupt the channeling of abilities.
  • The duration is affected by crowd control reduction.
  • The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects.
  • Champions with Snare: Caitlyn Caitlyn, LeBlanc LeBlanc, Leona Leona, Lux Lux, Maokai Maokai, Morgana Morgana, Nautilus Nautilus,Rengar Rengar, Ryze Ryze, Swain Swain, Varus Varus, Zyra Zyra



  • The target is unable to control movement, attack, cast abilities or summoner spells (including cleanse).
  • Will interrupt channeled abilities.
  • The duration is not affected by crowd control reduction.
  • The effect can be removed by all cleansing effects, except Cleanse Cleanse (since Suppression prevents summoner spell use).
  • Champions with Suppression: Malzahar Malzahar, Skarner Skarner, Urgot Urgot, Warwick Warwick