Disambig gray 這是一個消歧義頁,羅列了有相同或相近的標題,但內容不同的條目。

Template:Split section

Named item effects function similarly to unique effects, except that the effect is unique across any and all items which provide the named effect. Similar effects that do not share a name will stack, such as Quicksilver and Mikael's Crucible Mikael's Crucible.

Aid/Eleisa's Blessing[]

Aid reduces the cooldowns of your Heal, Revive, and Clairvoyance summoner spells by 20%. Eleisa's Blessing permanently grants the user the effects of Eleisa's Miracle (including Aid) if you gain three levels while in possession of the item, and consumes the item.

The following items grant Aid and Eleisa's Blessing:

The fact the effects are named is because Eleisa's Blessing consumes the item, and thus a global unique needed to prevent players from purchasing the item again.


Avarice grants 2 gold every 10 seconds.

The following items grant Avarice:

The fact only one item grants Avarice could imply a second item was planned, such as an upgrade. Alternatively, the effect was named so has to emphasize the fact it would stack with Kage's Lucky Pick's Kage's Lucky Pick's Lucky Shadow and Philosopher's Stone's Philosopher's Stone's Transmute, as there was some confusion in Season Two about whether or not the gold per 10 passives stacked.


Awe grants bonus attack damage equal to 2% of your maximum mana.

The following items grant Awe:


Butcher increases the damage a champion deals to monsters by an percentage (excluding true damage).

The following items grant Butcher:


Cleave causes the champion's autoattacks to deal physical splash damage of up to 60% of their attack damage centred around their target, decaying to 20% towards the edge.

The following items grant Cleave:

Cold Steel[]

Cold Steel grants the user an effect that triggers whenever they are struck by a basic attack.

The following items grant Cold Steel:

  • Warden's Mail Warden's Mail - slows the attacker's attack speed by 20%.
  • Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen - slows the attacker's attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 10%.


Crescent is an active effect that causes the champion to deal physical damage up to 100% of their attack damage in an area around them, decaying to 60% towards the edge. This effect has a 10 second base cooldown.

The following items grant Crescent:

Enhanced Movement[]

Enhanced Movement grants the user bonus movement speed.

The following items grant Enhanced Movement:

Eyes Of Pain[]

Eyes Of Pain grants 15 magic penetration.

The following items grant Eyes of Pain:

Ghost Ward/Ward Refresh[]

Ward Refresh grants the user a number of charges, which are refreshed by returning to the fountain. Ghost Ward consumes a charge to place a Ghost Ward Ghost Ward at the target location. The amount of Ghost Wards a user can have active is capped.

The following items grant Ghost Ward and Ward Refresh:


Greed grants you an additional 2 gold on every kill.

The following items grant Greed:

The fact only one item grants Greed could imply a second item was planned, such as an upgrade. Alternatively, it was named to distinguish it from the gold per 10 passives of other items.


Hunt is an active ability that spawns two invulnerable ghosts for 6 seconds to seek out the two nearest enemy champions. If they touch an enemy champion, the ghosts slow their movement speed by 40% and reveal him or her for 2.5 seconds. This effect has a 120 second base cooldown.

The following items grant Hunt:

The fact only one item grants Hunt could imply a second item was planned, such as an upgrade.


Icy adds a chance to slow an opponent's movement speed on each basic attack.

The following items provide Icy:

  • Entropy Entropy - 25% chance to slow target by 30% for 2 seconds
  • Phage Phage - 25% chance to slow target by 30% for 2 seconds (20% slow on ranged attacks)
  • Trinity Force Trinity Force - 25% chance to slow target by 30% for 2 seconds (20% slow on ranged attacks)
  • Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet - 100% chance to slow target by 40% for 1.5 seconds (30% on ranged attacks)

Slows sourced from items do not stack. As such, Icy will not stack with the following:


Insight grants the user bonus ability power equal to 3% of their maximum mana.

The following items grant Insight:


Incinerate causes the user's attacks and abilities (excluding damage over time) to deal 15-66 true damage over 3 seconds.

The following items grant Incinerate:

The fact only one item grants Incinerate could imply a second item was planned, such as an upgrade.


Legion is an aura that grants nearby allied minions and champions armor, magic resistance, and health regeneration per 5.

The following items grant Legion:

It is worthwhile to stress that Legion will stack with #Valor.


Lifeline grants you a magic damage shield for 5 seconds if you would take magic damage that would leave you at less than 30% health.

Items that grant Lifeline:

Lucky Shadow[]

Lucky Shadow grants the user 4 gold per 10 seconds.

The following items grant Lucky Shadow:


Maim adds chance to deal a large amount of bonus magic damage to your basic attacks on minions and monsters.

The following items grant Maim:

Grez's Spectral Lantern Grez's Spectral Lantern shares the same effect as Wriggle's Lantern Wriggle's Lantern, although it is unnamed due to the other two items being unavailable.

Mana Font[]

Mana Font grants the user an effect which increases their mana regeneration by 1% for every 1% of missing mana.

The following items grant Mana Font:

Mana Charge[]

Mana Charge increases the user's maximum mana. This caps at 750 bonus mana.

The following items grant Mana Charge:

Mana Warp[]

Mana Warp grants the user an aura that grants 6 mana regeneration to nearby allied champions, including the user.

The following items grant Mana Warp:


Promote is an active ability that transforms a nearby siege minion to a more powerful unit. This Promoted minion credits the user for all the kills it obtains. This effect has a 180 second base cooldown.

The following items grant Promote:

The fact only one item grants Promote could imply a second item was planned, such as an upgrade.


Prospector grants 200 health.

The following items grant Prospector:

Notably, this effect is exclusive to Dominion-only items.


Quicksilver is an active ability which removes all crowd control, damage over time and other debuffs. This effect has a 90 second base cooldown.

The following items grant Quicksilver:


  • Quicksilver will not remove persistent areas of effect.
  • If Quicksilver removes Veigar's Veigar's Event Horizon Event Horizon, the user will gain immunity to that instance of the skill.
  • Quicksilver detaches the effect of Chum the Waters Chum the Waters, prevents it from reattaching to the same champion, and removes the initial slow, but conveys no immunity to the damage, knockup/knockback, and AoE slow when the ability goes off at the end of the delay period.
  • Quicksilver's interaction with leashed effects is somewhat complex; it is not known whether the following are general rules, or if each of the following interactions are specifically coded individually:
    • Quicksilver will remove leashed effects that are not damage-over-time effects, such as Ethereal Chains Ethereal Chains or Soul Shackles Soul Shackles, removing the slow, breaking the tether, and preventing the second instance of damage and the snare or stun, respectively, at the end of those abilities.
    • Quicksilver will not removed leashed damage-over-time effects, such as Drain Drain, including any crowd control they apply continuously (such as the slow component of Decrepify Decrepify).
    • Quicksilver will remove the crowd control component of leashed damage-over-time effects that apply their crowd only initially (such as the suppression component of Nether Grasp Nether Grasp and Infinite Duress Infinite Duress). It will not break the leash or end the damage component of such abilities.
  • Although visually similar, Urgot's Urgot's Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser is not a true leashed ability. Quicksilver will remove the suppression, but if the channel completes, the movement and slow will still occur, even if the target has moved "out of range".

Mikael's Crucible Mikael's Crucible provides a similar effect, allowing you to remove crowd control from the target ally. Note that Mikael's Crucible does not remove damage over time or other debuffs, and it cannot be activated while unable to activate abilities (such as a silence).


Rend may also refer to the execution damage over time of Fizz's Fizz's Seastone Trident Seastone Trident.

Rend causes the champion's basic attacks to deal 10 bonus true damage to neutral monsters.

The following items grant Rend:

Slow Resist[]

Slow Resist causes all slows on the champion to be reduced in effectiveness by 25%.

The following items grant Slow Resist:

The fact only one item grants Slow Resist could imply a second item was planned, such as an upgrade or to prevent stacking.


Spellblade may also refer to the Season Two item, Moonflair Spellblade Moonflair Spellblade, or the Spellsword mastery.

Spellblade causes your next basic attack to deal bonus damage after using an ability. (2 second cooldown)

The following items grant Spellblade:


Stasis is an active ability that makes your champion invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but also renders you unable to perform any actions for the duration.

The following items grant Stasis:

Wooglet's Witchcap Wooglet's Witchcap shares the same effect, but it is not specified in the description.

The fact that Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass is the only item to grant Stasis could imply that either a second item was planned, such as an upgrade, or that Wooglet's Witchcap Wooglet's Witchcap was once available to be purchased alongside it.


Tenacity grants the user 35% crowd control reduction.

The following items grant Tenacity:



Transmute grants the user 5 gold per 10 seconds.

The following items grant Transmute:

The fact only one item grants Transmute could imply a second item was planned, such as an upgrade. Alternatively, the effect was named so as to emphasize the fact it would stack with Avarice Blade's Avarice Blade's Avarice and Kage's Lucky Pick's Kage's Lucky Pick's Lucky Shadow as there was some confusion in Season Two about whether or not the gold per 10 passives stacked.


Valor is an aura that grants nearby allied minions and champions additional health regeneration per 5 seconds.

The following items grant Valor:

Valor's Reward[]

Valor's Reward restores 150 Health and 200 Mana over 8 seconds after leveling-up.

The following items grant Valor's Reward:
