Patch icon June 26, 2009 Patch
Cho'Gath OriginalSkin

Amumu OriginalSkin
Cho'Gath, the Black Terror & Amumu, the Sad Mummy

Release date (US) June 26, 2009
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  • All Mastery Tree points have been refunded for this week due to Mastery Tree Changes.

League of Legends[]


Cho'Gath, the Black Terror Cho'Gath, the Black Terror

  • Rupture Rupture: Cho'Gath causes the ground to rupture. After a short delay jagged spikes will emerge, popping enemies into the air, dealing damage and slowing them upon landing.
  • Feral Scream Feral Scream: Cho'Gath lets out a terrifying cone based scream, damaging and silencing units who are hit.
  • Vorpal Spikes Vorpal Spikes: Passive: Cho'Gath's basic attacks send out spikes, impaling units behind his primary target.
  • Feast Feast (Ultimate): Cho'Gath attempts to consume an enemy whole, instantly killing it if it is below a Health threshold. Each time Cho'Gath successfully devours a unit he grows in size, gaining health and increasing the consume health threshold.
  • Carnivore Carnivore (Passive): Cho'Gath gains life upon killing units.

Amumu, the Sad Mummy Amumu, the Sad Mummy

  • Bandage Toss Bandage Toss: Amumu sends out a sticky bandage, if it encounters an enemy unit it will damage and stun them while Amumu pulls himself to them.
  • Despair Despair Toggle Ability: Enemies within a short range of Amumu lose x% of their life each second.
  • Tantrum Tantrum: Passive/Active Ability: Permanently reduces physical damage dealt to Amumu. Additionally, upon being hit a number of times he can unleash his rage to deal magic damage to surrounding units.
  • Curse of the Sad Mummy Curse of the Sad Mummy: (Ultimate) Amumu entangles surrounding units, dealing damage and causing them to be unable to move for a short duration.
  • Cursed Touch Cursed Touch: (Passive) Amumu's physical attacks reduce his target's Magic resist.

安妮 安妮

  • Attack Speed reduced to be in line with other casters.
  • Pyromania Pyromania: stun duration modified to 1.75 from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 sec.

Ashe Ashe

  • Changed Volley's Volley's cone to be locked to Ashe.

Evelynn Evelynn

  • Malice and Spite Malice and Spite:
    • The Malice and Spite charge now only lasts three minutes.
    • Can now be cast while stealthed (without breaking it).
  • Hate Spike Hate Spike:
    • Radius increased to 350 from 330.
    • Base damage modified to 30/50/70/90/110 from 25/50/75/100/125 .
    • Ability power ratio increased to 0.28 from 0.25.

Karthus Karthus

  • Fallen One Fallen One: now correctly shows buff tooltips.
  • Defile Defile: cooldown reduced to 0.5 from 1 sec.
  • Wall of Pain Wall of Pain: slow modified to 40/50/60/70/80% from 80%.


努努 努努

Singed Singed

  • Poison Trail Poison Trail:
    • Mana cost per second increased to 13 from 10.
    • It will now apply slightly in front of him while not moving.
  • Insanity Potion Insanity Potion:
    • Bonus stats reduced to +30/50/70 from +30/55/80.
    • Duration reduced to 25 from 30 sec.

Sivir Sivir

  • Fixed an issue with Spiral Blade Spiral Blade that caused it to display the wrong ability power ratio in the tooltip.

Tristana Tristana

  • Buster Shot Buster Shot: Ability power ratio reduced to 1.5 from 1.8.

Twisted Fate Twisted Fate

  • Gate Gate: moving at the beginning and end of Gate no longer cancels the channel.

Twitch Twitch

  • Ambush Ambush: 30% self slow removed.

Warwick Warwick

  • Hungering Strike Hungering Strike: cooldown modified to 12/11/10/9/8 from 12 seconds.
  • Blood Scent Blood Scent: changed to be a pure passive: When an enemy below 66% health comes in range of Warwick, he gains incredibly heightened movement speed.


Summoners Spells[]

  • Clairvoyance Clairvoyance:
    • Cooldown reduced to 2 from 2.5 minutes.
  • Flash Flash: cancels channeled abilities upon casting (no more Absolute Zero hopping).
  • Rally Rally:
    • Armor reduced to 25 from 50.
    • Fixed a bug with Offensive mastery that gave Rally a bonus 50 seconds (it now gives it a bonus 5 seconds).

Mastery Trees[]

Offensive Tree
Defensive Tree
Utility Tree

Bug Fixes[]

  • Fixed grammatical errors with a few Tooltips.
  • Fixed all issues relating to neutral minion tooltips.
  • Fixed some bugs with cone targeting. It should feel a lot better now.
  • Fixed a bug where Teemo's Teemo's passive and Singed's Singed's Poison Trail Poison Trail were leaving dots on the minimap.
  • Fixed a bug where stealth units would become visible when they weren’t suppose to.
  • Fixed various crash bugs.
  • Increased performance on low performance settings by disabling aggro unit highlighting.
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong sound played when you got hit by a spell.
  • Fixed a bug where Enchanted Crystal Arrow Enchanted Crystal Arrow targeting was erratic at close range.
  • Fixed a bug where pixels aspect ratio did not properly change when changing the resolution from normal to widescreen and vice versa.
  • Fixed a bug with order queuing.
  • Fixed a bug where you could channel spells through death.
  • Fixed white flash that appears on summoner items on the loading screen.
  • Fixed flash of bad summoner level numbers that appear on loading screen.
  • Load screen now shows users name before they connect.
  • Fixed a problem with buffs sometimes showing up when they shouldn’t.
  • Fixed a pathing problem that would cause pathing to stop if you clicked along the edge of the map.
  • Fixed a bug so you should no longer cast on dead units.
  • Added a check at the end of spell casts so you can no longer cast on units that get out of range (unless the spell already launched and projectile is in motion)


  • Turret health is now dependent on the number of players in the game (it is now 1200/1500/1800/2100/2400/2700), previously it was 2800.
  • Now gain 10% attack speed and 10 Armor for each nearby friendly champion (from 25 Armor).
  • Damage gain per minute increased to 6 from 5.
  • Armor gain per minute decreased to 2.5 from 3.
  • Outer Turrets now scale for only 5 minutes (down from 10 minutes).
  • Inhibitor Turrets now scale for up to 40 minutes (up from 30 minutes).
  • Anti Backdooring: Turrets now have +100 Armor and Magic Resist if there are no enemy minions within 800 distance of the turret.
  • Game Ending Change: After a period of time, turrets begin to degenerate their armor (to speed up the game).
  • Inner turrets start off the game with 7 minutes worth of updates (17.5 Armor and 42 Damage) (but do not start increasing stats for 7 minutes).
  • Inhibitor turrets start off the game with 12 minutes worth of updates (30 Armor and 72 Damage) (but do not start increasing stats for 12 minutes).


  • Spell Shield Spell Shield, Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil, and Cleanse Boost no longer get consumed by autoattack abilities like Frost Shot Frost Shot or Toxic Shot Toxic Shot.
  • Changed the way negative Armor and negative Magic Resist are calculated to make them less painful.
  • Updated items 'builds into' section.
  • Super Minions: Now do 75% reduced damage to Inhibitors and HQs.
  • Added friendly/enemy tooltips to sight ward and rally.
  • Updated tooltips to Super Minions.
  • Stealth units now have a smooth fade.
  • Added Alt+Enter for fullscreen/window toggling.
  • Reduced the bandwidth required a little (Should help a bit with lag).
  • Changed the Particle System (please be on the look out and immediately report if you see any green spheres in the game.)