英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事

传说[ | ]

诺克萨斯,每一位居民都可以平步青云,而无论其种族、男女、贵贱——实力,就是一切。锐雯曾怀着对此理想的坚定信仰,不懈地追求着远大的前程。她曾是一位初露锋芒的士兵,那时的她能够挥动一把与自己差不多重的长剑。她曾是一位无情高效的勇士,但是她真正的实力潜藏在她的信念之中。她总是毫不迟疑地投入战斗:不因道德而犹豫,不因死亡而恐惧。锐雯逐渐成为了同辈之中的领头人物,诺克萨斯精神的典型代表。她锲而不舍的精神是如此的出类拔萃,以至于诺克萨斯最高指挥部奖给了她一把用诺克萨斯巫术所锻造且附魔的黑色符文剑。这把神兵比鸢盾还重,并和鸢盾差不多宽 – 正好符合她的口味。不久之后,她就被派往艾欧尼亚,成了诺克萨斯侵略军的一员。

战争与灭亡,如影随形。诺克萨斯士兵们跟随可怕的祖安战争机器,跨越那些遍布死尸的人间炼狱。这和锐雯在受训时所学的光荣战斗相去甚远。她完成了各种上司的各种命令,例如带着严重偏见去消灭一支战败的敌军残部。随着侵略的持续进行,事态开始逐渐明朗:艾欧尼亚的社会将无法重组,只能消亡。在一次艰苦的交战中,锐雯的部队被艾欧尼亚的军队包围了。在敌人围上来时,他们请求支援,收到的却是由辛吉德 辛吉德发射的生化恐怖弹幕。锐雯环顾周围的艾欧尼亚人与诺克萨斯人,如同被无法言喻的阴森命运所打败的牺牲品。她想尽办法逃出了轰炸,却没有办法抹去这段记忆。诺克萨斯认为她已经阵亡,而她则将此事看成是一次重新开始的机会。她弄碎了她的剑,以示切断与过去的联系,并以自我放逐为名,开始了流浪之旅 – 只为了寻求救赎,并挽救她所信奉的纯粹的诺克萨斯价值观。


— Excerpted from the poem, "Scarlet Shon-Xan"

台词[ | ]

Upon selection
  • 播放 "So much death."
  • 播放 "A necessary strike."
  • 播放 "It must come to pass."
  • 播放 "They've crossed the line."
  • 播放 "For those who were lost."
  • 播放 "Violence to end violence."
  • 播放 "To serve the greater good."
Attacking while Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile is active
  • 播放 "I am awakened."
  • 播放 "There is no other way."
  • 播放 "They cannot go unpunished!"
  • 播放 "The time for talk is over."
  • 播放 "Sacrifices must be made."
  • 播放 "So long I've wandered..."
  • 播放 "How should I proceed?"
  • 播放 "My spirit is not lost."
  • 播放 "Burdens of the past."
  • 播放 "What conflict awaits?"
  • 播放 "Choose your own path."
  • 播放 "My hands are stained."
  • 播放 "Learn from your mistakes."
  • 播放 "A sword mirrors its owner."
Movement while Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile is active
  • 播放 "A broken blade is more than enough for the likes of you!"
Taunt when using Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile
  • 播放 "You are beyond redemption!"
  • 播放 "I knew I should have sprung for the blade warranty."
Joke when using Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile
  • 播放 "This is why I spend so much time sheath shopping."


Development[ | ]

Champion Sneak Peek[ | ]

Announcement made in the Sneak Peek by Average Gatsby:

File:Exile teaser thumb.jpg

Riven's sneak peek

If there's anything that we've learned over the course of the years here at Riot Games, it's that it pays to be prepared for any eventuality. Take this next champion for instance. Riven, the Exile, is here to show you that you can still be a badass even if your sword's been broken. Now take a moment to appreciate what she could probably do with a complete weapon, because you just might find out!

Mechanics Preview[ | ]

Announcement made in the Sneak Peek by Morello:

Greetings Summoners!

With Riven on the horizon, I wanted to take a few minutes and give you all a sneak peek into some of her gameplay and mechanics.

Riven is a flow-based fighter who performs aggressive combo attacks to decimate her opponents. This often involves her stepping forward into her sword swings to chase down cowardly enemies who might try to escape or utilize their ranged attacks to avoid direct combat. This highly mobile fighting style makes her a really aggressive, momentum-based character.

Her signature ability is Broken Wings, a 3-part combo slash that causes her to step forward and slash nearby enemies. On her 3rd hit, Broken Wings unleashes a nova, knocking nearby enemies back. While performing the three-hit Broken Wings combo is powerful in its own right, more veteran Riven players will find great opportunities to mix in her Ki Shout to deliver a short stun (for her to follow up with more devastation) or move into an even better position with Valor.

Her ultimate, Blade of the Exile, allows her to reform her broken sword, restoring her former power and allowing her to activate Wind Slash, a powerful shockwave that slices the air itself to cut down enemies that are out of reach.

We're excited about Riven because she draws some heavy inspiration from fighting games, utilizing combos that can be interspersed with other abilities to change timing and effect as needed. This flow and feel is something we feel will appeal highly to aggressive players who want to make split-second decisions on when to deal damage and when to sacrifice damage in favor of additional utility effects.

历史补丁[ | ]


  • Broken Wings Broken Wings
    • Riven's final step forward of Broken Wings Broken Wings will allow her to jump over various small walls and ledges if positioned correctly now.



  • Runic Blade Runic Blade
    • Adjusted damage to 15-45% of her total attack damage (based on champion level) from 5-15 (+0.5 bonus attack damage).
    • Undocumented: damage increased to 20-50% from 15-45% of her total attack damage.
  • Broken Wings Broken Wings
    • Fixed a bug that was causing Broken Wings to improperly apply its splash damage if Valor was cast too recently.


  • Stats
    • Base health regen reduced to 6 from 10.4.
    • Health regen per level reduced to 0.5 from 0.9.
  • Valor Valor
    • Shield amount increased to 70/100/130/160/190 from 60/90/120/150/180.
  • Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile
    • Cooldown increased to 110/80/50 seconds from 75/60/45.
    • Targeting cone is now attached to Riven.


  • If Broken Wings' Broken Wings' movement extends past Riven's current movement order location, that order will be cancelled; she will no longer automatically walk backwards to that point.


  • Fixed a bug where Riven could get locked out of moving during her third cast of Broken Wings Broken Wings.


  • Blade of the Exile's Blade of the Exile's
    • Allied ultimate HUD indicator will now remain green until the shockwave cast is used.


  • Stats
    • Movement speed reduced to 320 from 325.
    • Base health regen reduced to 10.4 per 5 seconds from 12.
    • Health regen per level reduced to 0.9 per 5 seconds from 1.0.
  • Broken Wings Broken Wings
    • Base damage increased to 30/55/80/105/130 from 30/50/70/90/110.
  • Ki Burst Ki Burst
    • Base damage reduced to 50/80/110/140/170 from 50/90/130/170/210.


  • Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile
    • Tooltip updated to display how much attack damage you will gain.
    • It has been clarified to state that it scales off total attack damage, not bonus attack damage.


  • Fixed a bug that caused her to stop moving after certain commands.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Ki Shout Ki Shout and Broken Wings Broken Wings to temporarily leave dead unpathable minions behind.
  • Fixed a bug that caused her collision radius to be improperly calculated.


  • Broken Wings Broken Wings
    • Now counts as an attack command when you use it to lock-onto a target.
    • Slightly extended duration of collision ignoring with minions after using this ability

September 20, 2011 Hotfix:

  • Stats
    • Attack speed per level increased to 3.5 from 2.9.
    • Base armor increased to 15 from 12.
  • Broken Wings Broken Wings
    • Bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.7 from 0.6.
  • Ki Burst Ki Burst
    • Cast time reduced to 0.25 seconds from 0.5.
  • Valor Valor
    • Shield strength increased to 60/90/120/150/180 from 40/70/100/130/160.
    • Cooldown reduced to 10/9/8/7/6 seconds from 11/10/9/8/7.
  • Wind Slash Wind Slash
    • Cast time reduced to 0.25 seconds from 0.5.
    • Projectile speed increased to 2200 from 2000.

V1.0.0.125: Added

  • Runic Blade Runic Blade (Innate)
    • Riven's abilities charge her blade, causing her to do bonus damage on her next autoattack. Riven can store up to 3 charges, but only expends one at a time.
  • Broken Wings Broken Wings (Q)
    • Riven steps forward and lashes out in a series of powerful sword slashes. This ability can be activated up to 3 times in a short period.
  • 1st/2nd cast: deals damage to a small area in front of her
  • 3rd cast: jumps into the air and slams downward, causing a larger impact nova that deals damage and knocks nearby enemies back.
  • Ki Burst Ki Burst (W)
    • Riven damages and stuns nearby enemies.
  • Valor Valor (E)
    • Riven dashes forward and gains a shield for a short duration.
  • Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile (Ultimate)
    • Riven's sword reforms, giving her a percentage multiplier on her total attack damage, extended range on her damaging abilities and basic attacks and the ability to use Wind Slash once.
    • Wind Slash Wind Slash: While Blade of the Exile is active, Riven can reactivate the ability to emit a large shockwave that deals damage to all units hit based on their missing life.

参考资料[ | ]

A New Champion Approaches: Riven at Leagueoflegends.com
