
A boost temporarily increases the amount of Influence Points or Summoner Experience Points gained at the conclusion of each match. There are two kinds of boosts: duration boosts and win boosts. Each of them can be bought from the Riot Store using Riot Points or received from Riot (often compensatorily).

Duration boosts[]

Duration boosts are active for a certain amount of time (for example, 1 day). Duration boosts double the base amount of IP received for any type of game win or lose, not counting other bonuses. Examples of those other bonuses which are not doubled include the first win of the day bonus, the match-made game bonus, or a bonus from another boost.

Per win boosts[]

Per win boosts are only applied if you win a game – they will never expire. Per win boosts give you a flat amount of IP equivalent to the max base IP you can earn from a game (values are different for each game mode). This change was made to ensure players were getting the most out of their boost for extremely short games, but Riot hasn't updated the explanations of how per win boosts work. Because of how per win boosts work, they will give much less IP for Dominion, Custom and Co-op vs. AI games than they will for Summoner's Rift games. Playing PvP on Summoner's Rift will maximize the IP gain from your per win boost.

Bonus IP
Map Normal Ranked Custom Easy bot Intermediate bot
Summoner's Rift 143–145 166 95 74


Twisted Treeline 143
Crystal Scar 78–85 60

Bonus EXP
Map Normal Ranked Custom Easy bot Intermediate bot
Summoner's Rift - - ~140 - -
Twisted Treeline - - - - -
Crystal Scar - - - - -

Available boosts[]

The Riot Store offers boosts for a specified number of wins and for specified durations.

Type Amount of bonus Duration Cost
IP Boost Icon Base IP 1 day 290RP RP
IP Boost Icon Base IP 3 days 520RP RP
IP Boost Icon Base IP 7 days 1020RP RP
IP Boost Icon Base IP 14 days 1846RP RP
IP Boost Icon Base IP 30 days 3490RP RP
IP Boost Icon Max length win IP 2 wins 160RP RP
IP Boost Icon Max length win IP 4 wins 290RP RP
IP Boost Icon Max length win IP 10 wins 670RP RP
IP Boost Icon Max length win IP 20 wins 1250RP RP
IP Boost Icon Max length win IP 50 wins 2560RP RP
XP Boost Icon Base XP 1 day 150RP RP
XP Boost Icon Base XP 3 days 260RP RP
XP Boost Icon Base XP 7 days 520RP RP
XP Boost Icon Max length win XP 4 wins 150RP RP
XP Boost Icon Max length win XP 10 wins 350RP RP
XP Boost Icon Max length win XP 50 wins 980RP RP

Free boost[]

  • If you combine a duration boost and a per win boost, you will receive both bonuses as long as both are active.
  • During special events, Riot has given the community free IP boosts.[1][2]
  • Under the original Refer A Friend program, a player receives a 4-win IP boost for having a referral reach summoner level 5.

See also[]

