- Notes
- Deals
spell damage on basic attacks and
area damage on the beam.
- H-28G Evolution Turret's stats are determined on cast, and do not update when Heimerdinger ranks up the ability.
- The Turret Kit stockpile is displayed by a buff, represented as small metal nuts orbiting Heimerdinger.
- The Turret Kit buff will visually represent the recharge rate cooldown, and how many H-28G Evolution Turret's that Heimerdinger has stored. This is visible to both allies and enemies.
- The recharge rate of H-28G Evolution Turret is affected by cooldown reduction.
- Notes
- No additional details.
- Notes
- Hextech Micro-Rockets' direction-targeting allows for custom spread.
- Hextech Micro-Rockets will cast from wherever Heimerdinger is at the end of the cast time.
- Notes
- Hextech Rocket Swarm's direction-targeting allows for custom spread.
- Heimerdinger can move once Hextech Rocket Swarm has been cast, even if the projectiles are still spawning or haven't even started to move yet.
- Hextech Micro-Rockets will cast from wherever Heimerdinger is at the end of the cast time.
- Notes
- No additional details.
- Notes
- No additional details.
- Notes
- Toggle abilities do not count as ability activations for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Spellblade and stacking .
- Consuming the buff for an empowered basic ability does.
- No compensations for
mana are made if UPGRADE!!! is recast.