For other uses see Poro (disambiguation).
For the Legends of Runeterra icon Legends of Runeterra card, see Poro Snax

Poro-Snax is a consumable item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. It is exclusive to Howling Abyss.

Every player starts with a Poro-Snax in their trinket slot. Additional snax cannot be purchased, but the first turret kill grants all team members an additional Poro-Snax Poro-Snax.


  • Poros will attempt to run if you do not have a Poro-Snax.
  • To feed a Poro, simply click the item when near one.
  • When attempting to feed a Poro when it is slightly outside than the Poro-Snax's range, the Poro will chase you.
  • When feeding a Poro, it will run around in a circle, producing hearts and slightly grow in size.
  • One Poro starts in each center brush and will normally run from champions. Because of this, they can give away your position by exiting the brush and being seen by the enemy. However, if the first champion to enter the brush has a Poro-Snax, the Poro will stay next to that champion.
  • Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks will need to use all of his Poro-Snax before being able to use his innate innate.
  • Sejuani Sejuani (only with Poro-Rider skin) starts the game with two Poro-Snax instead of one.
  • Braum Braum starts the game with two Poro-Snax instead of one.
    • Killing the first turret while having 2 Poro-Snax will not grant him a third one, as a champion can only have 2 Poro-Snax at a time.
  • As Braum Braum, if you feed a Poro with a Poro-Snax, the Poro will grow a black mustache.
    • As Dragonslayer Braum Dragonslayer Braum feeding a Poro with a Poro-Snax, it will grow an orange mustache instead.

Alternate Icon[]


  • They are the favorite food of a Poro.
  • Its icon is a blue recolor of the removed Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation's Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation's.
  • On release, the patch notes stated that Poro-Snax cost 35 Gold and could be purchased from the store.

Patch history[]

  • New Effect: On first turret kill, all team members receive an additional Poro-Snax.
  • Now held in the trinket slot.
V3.6 Added
  • Costs 35 Gold and one can be purchased per player.
  • Can only be purchased if you have the Biscuiteer mastery 2013 Biscuiteer mastery.
  • You can feed it to Poros, causing it to perform a random behavior (such as love hearts).
  • If a Poro is fed 10 snacks, it will explode into 8 small Poros.


List of Items
