For the Twisted Treeline icon Twisted Treeline variant, see Timeworn Talisman of Ascension Timeworn Talisman of Ascension.

Talisman of Ascension was a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Talisman of Ascension item
2200 Gold (450 Gold)
Nomad's Medallion item
850 Gold (300 Gold)
Raptor Cloak item
900 Gold (450 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold


Gold Value

Passive Gold Value

Active Gold Value

Gold Efficiency



  • The quest reward can only be obtained after being out-of-combat for 5 seconds.
  • Percentage movement speed stacks additively with other sources of percentage movement speed.
  • Upgrading Nomad's Medallion Nomad's Medallion to Talisman of Ascension Talisman of Ascension does not improve its ability to generate gold.
  • Talisman of Ascension's Talisman of Ascension's Movement speed icon movement speed boost is especially useful for the advantage it provides a team when initiating or exiting a teamfight.


Shurima Crest icon


;V8.2 - Removed
  • Bug Fix: The Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit passive no longer incorrectly grants gold for nearby minion deaths while you're dead.
  • New Effect: Grants Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit.
  • New Effect: Bandit mastery 2016 Bandit counts toward the quest goal.
  • Quest gold required to upgrade increased to 750 Gold from 650 Gold.
  • Favor mana coin restoration reduced to 6% of missing mana from 10%.
  • Favor minimum mana restored from mana coin reduced to 10 from 15.
  • Favor mana coin restoration reduced to 10% of missing mana from 15%.
  • Removed: Quest rewarding you with an Elixir of Skill.
  • New Reward: Quest granting your allied champions, moving toward you, gain 8% bonus movement speed.
  • Favor gold coin bonus increased to 40 Gold from 30 Gold.
  • Favor mana coin restoration increased to 15% of missing mana from 8%.
  • Total cost reduced to 2200 Gold from 2400 Gold.
    • Combine cost increased to 450 Gold from 350 Gold.
  • New Effect: Champions no longer pick up mana coins if they're at full mana.
  • New Effect: Coins now have visual indicators when they're about to expire.
  • Quest progression VFX displays every third of the way from every fifth of the way toward completion.
  • Total cost reduced to 2400 Gold from 2425 Gold.
    • Combine cost unchanged.
  • Bug Fix: Mana coins no longer restore other types of resources (e.g. Ferocity, Fury).
  • Base health regeneration increased to 175% from 150%.
  • Total cost increased to 2425 Gold from 2400 Gold.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip no longer mentions Point Runner grants 200% movement speed instead of 20%.
  • New Effect: Cannon minions now always drop coins.
  • New Effect: The bonus skill point you get from the Elixir of Skill now behaves as if you're one level higher than you actually are.
  • Undocumented: Base mana regeneration reduced to 0% from 75%.
  • Bug: Tooltip mentions Point Runner grants 200% bonus movement speed.
  • Gold per 10 seconds increased to Gold from Gold.
  • Favor - Rework: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that give either 30 Gold or restore 8% missing mana (minimum 15).
  • Removed: Unique Passive - Favor: Grants Gold and restores 10 health each time a nearby enemy minion dies that you didn't kill (1400 range).
  • New Effect: Quest.
    • Quest: Earn 650 Gold using this item.
    • Reward: Favor is upgraded to Emperor's Favor and you receive an Elixir of Skill that instantly grants a skill point when consumed (max 18 skills).
      • Emperor's Favor: Enemy minions killed by your allies sometimes drop coins that give either 30 Gold or restore 8% missing mana (minimum 15). Champion takedowns grant both the gold and mana.
  • Total cost reduced to 2400 Gold from 2500 Gold.
    • Combine cost reduced to 350 Gold from 450 Gold.
  • New Recipe: Nomad's Medallion Nomad's Medallion + Raptor Cloak Raptor Cloak + 450 Gold = 2500 Gold
  • New: +45 armor.
  • Health regeneration increased to 150% from 100%.
  • Mana regeneration reduced to 75% from 100%.
  • New Unique Passive – Point Runner: Builds up to +20% movement speed over 2 seconds while near turrets and fallen turrets.
  • Total cost increased to 2200 Gold from 2100 Gold.
    • Combine cost reduced to 800 Gold from 835 Gold.
  • Gold generation removed.
  • Movement speed removed.
  • Favor gold increased to 6 from 4.
  • Active cooldown increased to 60 seconds from 40.
  • Unique Passive – Favor
    • Bonus gold per nearby minion death increased to Gold from Gold.
    • Health per nearby minion death increased to 10 from 5.
    • Range increased to 1400 from 1100.
  • Active cooldown reduced to 40 seconds from 60 seconds.
  • Total cost reduced to 2100 Gold from 2200 Gold.
    • Combine cost unchanged.
  • Mana regeneration changed to +100% of base mana regeneration from +15 mana regeneration per 5 seconds.
  • Health regeneration changed to +100% of base health regeneration from +15 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
  • Bonus movement speed increased to 20 from 0.
  • Health regeneration increased to 15 per 5 seconds from 10.
  • Cooldown reduction reduced to 10% from 20%.
  • Combine cost increased to 635 Gold from 580 Gold.
    • Total cost unchanged.
  • Combine cost reduced to 955 Gold from 970 Gold
    • Total cost unchanged.
  • Mana regeneration reduced to 10 from 15.
  • Unique Passive – Favor:
    • Gold per minion death reduced to Gold from Gold.
    • Now heals for 10 health per minion death.
V3.14 - Added


List of Items
