

Possible Upgrades for[]



  • Percentage movement speed stacks additively with other sources of percentage movement speed.
  • Homeguard activates upon entering/spawning on your starting platform.
    • Simply standing on the stairs will not grant the buff; champions must stand on the center of the platform where they are dropped after spawning or recalling.
  • This enchantment dramatically reduces the time needed to fully regenerate at the fountain, making it effective at outlasting enemies sieging the entrance of your base.
    • For that reason, it is a strategic choice against pushing compositions, especially if they lack the CC or burst damage to kill defenders before they go back to base.
  • It is possible to Teleport to a distant location while still standing on the starting platform, allowing you to utilize the speed elsewhere. This can often catch opponents off guard, especially with a champion that usually have a hard time catching up with enemies.
  • Also, it is perfectly fine to buy the Homeguard enchantment while standing in the center of the fountain platform - this way, obtaining the buff; and, after that, switching to another enchantment - a one-time, rather expensive ( 530 g (might depend on the boots, check the price!)), but still quite useful bonus.
    • To put this further, with the Teleport spell, it is possible to proc both the Distortion bonus And the Homeguard speed - changing the enchantment while channeling the teleport. (Pending for test!)
    • Of course, this will work with the Ghost spell too - giving you the option to go Way far from base in no time, though effective only for tracks from the fountain.
  • This enchantment ridiculously speeds up your walking animation, leading to some hilarious moments on champions such as Nautilus Nautilus, Pantheon Pantheon, Vayne Vayne, and Zac Zac.
    • Some champions such as Lucian Lucian or Zed Zed on the other hand, have unique animations during high speeds.



  • Removed.


  • No longer instantly restores your health and mana when you return to the fountain.
  • Now restores 35% of your missing health and mana per second while on the fountain.


  • Homeguard now works immediately after purchasing the enchant.

V1.0.0.152: Added

  • Cost 475 Gold
  • Being at fountain instantly restores your health and mana. Additionally, you gain 200% movement speed boost that decays over 8 seconds. This passive is disabled if you are in combat.

