- Ahri's dance references “RunDevilRun” by Girls' Generation.
- icon displays Ahri without fox ears, which harkens to the time she didn't have them.
- Some of her models, such as and , lack whiskers ingame.
- Ahri 아리 could've been shortened from '아리땁다' Arittabda, from stative verbal stem aritta(b)- "be beautiful" & verbal suffix -da.
- For "The most visually appealing champion in League", Ahri's visual appeal is statistically ranked 1st among men, and 2nd among women (second to [1] ).
- Ahri is voiced by Laura Post, who also voices and .[2]
- Laura Post also voices Ahri in Kin of the Stained Blade.[3]
- Ahri's Japanese voice actor is Sanae Kobayashi.[4]
- During development she was called Ari or Gumiho / Nine Tails, from Middle Chinese 九尾狐 kɨuX-mʉiX-ɦuo.
- Ari was decided by a poll held in Riot Games Inc.'s Korean website, featuring six options:
- 「 단비 」「 Danbi 」 ('savior', 'saving rain')
- 「 나비 」「 Nabi 」 ('butterfly')
- 「 루리 」「 Ruri 」 ('dazzle')
- 「 아리 」「 Ari 」 ('graceful', 'elegant')
- 「 초롱 」「 Chorong 」 ('glittering')
- 「 다솜 」「 Dasom 」 ('loving')
- [5] used to be called the same as , before being renamed shortly after release.
- Early explorations on her [6]
- Creating a zone where she could instantly blink to anywhere within the area (Similar to ).
- Global dash.
- Ahri is an adult Vastaya and is over a few hundred years old.[7]
- During her lifespan, myths surrounding her existence have been passed down, such as the Demon Fox. Part of the legend of the Gatekeeper may have been influenced by her.
- Ahri owns
the twin golden sunstone tokens that her family has left.
- She is currently looking for Vastayas similar to her with the leading clue being a man named Ymelo, the craftsman of her gemstones.
- The events of her stories all happened at some point within around the last 10 years, after the
Noxian invasion of
- The order of her appearances chronologically is Garden of Forgetting, A Fair Trade, Perennial and Kin of the Stained Blade.
- Ahri is 167.6 cm (5’5”) high, same as her .
"I fight for love, justice and beauty!... But mostly beauty." reminiscences Sailor Venus introduction speech.
"That was amaze-balls!" references Perez Hilton distinctive slang.
"I'm going to kill you. That's what the fox says." is a reference to the 2014 song “The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)” by Ylvis.
"(Giggle) Just a fox on the run!" could be a reference to the song Fox on the run by Sweet (1975).
- Her quotes
"I can't help it if I'm a natural leader." and
"I can't help it if I woke up like this." are references to Mean Girls too. The last one also refers to the 2013 song “Flawless” by Beyoncé.
- Her quotes
- Her quote when attacking
"Stop trying to make fetch happen." is a reference to the 2004 comedy film Mean Girls.
- The first sentence of the quote
"Love will tear us apart... if the creatures from an alternate dimension don't first." is a reference to the 1980 song “Love Will Tear Us Apart” by Joy Division.
"Byeee!" sounds much like Alaska Thunderfuck's signature goodbye.
- Her quote
"The darkest night makes for the brightest stars." is similar to
"The darker the night, the brighter the stars.".
- She was inspired by the Kumiho from Korean mythology, further the mythical Chinese nine-tailed fox[8]
- Her eyes are yellow-brown both in artwork and in-game but blue in 'A New Dawn'.
- Her orb depicts a fox in her splash art.
- This skin shares the Wonders of the World theme with:
- Her outfit references a Hanbok.
- She performs a traditional Korean dance.
- Alongside , her face was changed to unify all of her splashes.
- Alongside , her face was changed to unify all of her splashes.
- This skin shares the Infernal theme with:
- It also shares the 'Web Browser' theme with:
- She references Firefox, a web browser by the Mozilla Foundation.
- This skin shares the K/DA theme with:
- She references Girls' Generation.
- She has her own voice-over in Korean localization.
- The dance if she does so near him. will
- This skin shares the World Championship theme with:
- She used to be called 'Dauntless Ahri'.
- Her orb depicts a fox in her splash art similar to the one in .
- She was released in celebration of the start of Season 2015.
- This skin shares the Academy theme with:
- Her outfit references South Korean schoolgirluniforms.
- The group is in classroom 1337, which references Leetspeak.
- This skin shares the Arcade theme with:
- Her tails constantly cycle through different colors (even after dying).
- She has her own login screen (the music will play while she dances).
- Her login is a remix of Bit Rush.
- The splash art background references Super Mario Bros.
- Red minions are seen nearby.
- On the HUD map head is seen.
- A controller can been seen hovering behind, referencing the Atari CX40 joystick.
- When she taunts instead of an orb, it's a heart.
- This skin shares the Star Guardian theme with:
- She leads the second group of
Star Guardians consisting of , , , and .
- This is Ahri's first skin without her whiskers both ingame and on splash art.
- The new model also lacks of a traditional joke animation and fixes her tails joint.
- Concept artist Zeronis stated it was a tough decision to remove them, but they felt it would help to make the thematic and her aesthetic to be stronger and powerful.
- The concept art for this skin was leaked prior to her release.
- She references the magical girl genre of anime.
- The star effects reference Sakura Kinomoto from Cardcaptor Sakura.
- Her
recalling references the many transformation sequences from this genre, such as the Sailor Moon and Is This a Zombie? sequences.
Kiko, Ahri's new familiar spirit, floats over her hand instead of her .
- Her voice-over was inspired by the queen bee and popular girl stereotypes.
- Her laugh is a direct reference to the famous stereotypical Noblewoman laugh, generally used by people who are arrogant and show signs of superiority towards others.
- Ahri turned unfriendly and cold after losing her teammates from a former team in battle.
- She keeps three star gemstones belonging to those deceased Guardians; yellow, mint and blue. They appear surrounding Kiko, whenever she uses her and during her death animation. These correspond to Neeko, Xayah and Rakan respectively.
- Her dance references “Magical Girl” by Orange Caramel, as well as “Cheer Up” and “Signal” by Twice.
- A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
- This skin shares the K/DA theme with:
- Miyeon of (G)I-IDLE sings for her in POP/STARS.
- This is Ahri five years after her debut as a .
- Clothing for and can be seen inside a basket in the laundry room during the music video.
- This skin shares the K/DA theme with:
- This Prestige skin was released in patch 9.5 after the initial K/DA release due to rising popularity.
- This skin shares the Eclipse theme with:
- She is perched on head in her splash art.
- This is Ahri's first skin to not have her traditional fox ears, they are instead replaced by horns.
- This skin shares the Kanmei theme with:
- The skin represents the Gatekeeper, a benevolent spirit that guides souls to a peaceful afterlife in
Ionian myth.
- Her kimono is supposed to be wrapped right side over left side as in Japan it is believed that only the dead wrap right over left; however, several artworks depict her wearing it the "alive" way.[9]
- Ahri was looking for a guard in Weh'le and came across whom she is going to
Bilgewater with.
- "You want to be mortal? You are mu'takl."
- "You betray your heritage, Ahri."
would likely have a hostile attitude towards Ahri and think of her as a "traitor". This is indicated in one of quotes against her suggesting Ahri betrayed her Vastayan heritage.
- Ahri and
are listed as related champions for an unknown reason, possibly because of both being
- ↑ Riot Blaustoise Ahri data tweet
- ↑ Ahri's voice actress
- ↑ Ahri's voice actress 2
- ↑ Almost all Japanese League of Legends voice actors
- ↑ Ahri: Champion Spotlight | Gameplay - League of Legends
- ↑ Ahri Ult Early Explorations
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ 山海經 Classic of Mountains & Seas, Ch. 1
- ↑ Spirit Blossom Ahri's kimono
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