

  • Amumu's original icon for Bandage Toss Bandage Toss shows him in a pose that references Spider-Man's web shooting from Marvel Comics.
  • Amumu is seen on a caution sign in the game's Mac Version trailer.
  • Amumu was the third champion to attain 7 skins.
  • Amumu's dance references the Goth kids' dance in South Park.
    • A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
    • Both are in turn parodying classic 'Peanut's Dance', a bizarre shuffling dance performed by the characters from the Peanuts comic and animated films.
  • When Amumu dies, his pose is that of an Egyptian mummy with his arms crossed right over left.
    • This is a nod to him being a Shuriman boy prince in life.
  • Amumu's price range was lowered from IP 1350 to IP 450 in accordance with the release of his The Curse of the Sad Mummy music video.
  • Amumu and Blitzcrank Blitzcrank were planned to have Sewn Sewn Chaos Chaos skins, but both were cancelled for failing to meet Riot's quality standards.
    • They may return in the future.
  • The ward skin Sad Mummy Ward Sad Mummy Ward references him.
  • He has a base size of 50 which is considered medium.



  • It is purposely left ambiguous whether Amumu is an undead human boy or a Yordle one. However, Laurie 'Scathlocke' Goulding has confirmed he is not a Yordle and that the interactions were mistaken.[3]
    • In-game evidence to support Amumu being a Yordle includes lines directed at him.
      • 播放 GregorSquare "A Yordle? Gah!"
      • 播放 Illaoi OriginalSquare "Why would I need a spirit's help? I am guided by Nagakabouros." (Illaoi's line when taunting a Yordle)
      • 播放 Poppy OriginalSquare "I don't get Yordles. Too fluffy."
  • Amumu is at least 6000 years old, having myths and legends about him dating back as the early days of the Shuriman Empire.
  • Amumu is a kind of fairy tale or legend in Runeterra. Sometimes he's used as a scary story to frighten children, or a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and hubris. For some Shurimans, he's a tale of loneliness and the need for something as simple as friendship and kindness. It's kinda cool to imagine the different ways people might view him. Since Amumu has been around so long, his story has been warped and twisted over time so much that the tale has branched out into iterations of the "real" story. And as with most myths, there's truth under all those layers of stories.


Original Amumu Original Amumu
  • The artwork is used by The Tribunal to indicate an error.
  • The Amumu OriginalSkin Ch Chinese artwork used to have images of a human couple speculated to be Amumu's parents, but they have since been edited out when the splash art was incorporated for international use.
Pharaoh Amumu Pharaoh Amumu
  • This skin shares the Lost Empire theme with:
    • Pharaoh Nasus Pharaoh Nasus
    • Pharaoh Nidalee Pharaoh Nidalee
Vancouver Amumu Vancouver Amumu
  • This skin shares the Winter Sports theme with:
    • Curling Veigar Curling Veigar
    • Festival Kassadin Festival Kassadin
    • Ice Toboggan Corki Ice Toboggan Corki
    • Team Spirit Anivia Team Spirit Anivia
    • The Mighty Jax The Mighty Jax
    • Union Jack Fiddlesticks Union Jack Fiddlesticks
    • Whistler Village Twitch Whistler Village Twitch
  • He was released in celebration of the 2010 Winter Olympics along with:
    • Team Spirit Anivia Team Spirit Anivia
    • Ice Toboggan Corki Ice Toboggan Corki
    • Union Jack Fiddlesticks Union Jack Fiddlesticks
    • Festival Kassadin Festival Kassadin
    • The Mighty Jax The Mighty Jax
    • Whistler Village Twitch Whistler Village Twitch
    • Curling Veigar Curling Veigar
  • He is colored with the same colors for the Vancouver Olympics logo, depicting a person posing as if they were on a snowboard.
    • Both heads are colored green, both arms and torso are colored blue, both left legs are colored red, and both right legs colored yellow.
  • The magic circle on beneath him is the same one from Masquerade Evelynn's Masquerade Evelynn's Chinese artwork.
Emumu Emumu
Re-Gifted Amumu Re-Gifted Amumu
  • He was released in celebration of Snowdown Showdown 2010 along with:
    • Santa Gragas Santa Gragas
    • Reindeer Kog'Maw Reindeer Kog'Maw
    • Candy Cane Miss Fortune Candy Cane Miss Fortune
    • Ragdoll Poppy Ragdoll Poppy
    • Nutcracko Nutcracko
    • Silent Night Sona Silent Night Sona
Almost-Prom King Amumu Almost-Prom King Amumu
  • Prom Queen Annie Prom Queen Annie can also be seen in the background of his splash art.
Little Knight Amumu Little Knight Amumu
  • This skin shares the Medieval theme with:
    • Blacksmith Poppy Blacksmith Poppy
    • King Tryndamere King Tryndamere
    • Medieval Twitch Medieval Twitch
    • Queen Ashe Queen Ashe
    • Sir Kled Sir Kled
    • Sorceress Lux Sorceress Lux
    • White Mage Veigar White Mage Veigar
Sad Robot Amumu Sad Robot Amumu
Surprise Party Amumu Surprise Party Amumu
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Catseye, Citrine, Pearl, Rainbow, Ruby, Sapphire
  • He was released in celebration of April Fools' Day 2015 along with:
    • Urf the Nami-tee Urf the Nami-tee
    • Archduke Nasus Archduke Nasus
    • Order of the Banana Soraka Order of the Banana Soraka
    • Definitely Not Udyr Definitely Not Udyr
      • He got locked out of his own party.
        • Definitely Not Udyr Definitely Not Udyr is taking a group selfie, but his smartphone can't detect Amumu.
  • When using Curse of the Sad Mummy Curse of the Sad Mummy, the visual effect will show a smiley or sad face and a high or low pitch party horn will be heard depending on whether enemy champions were caught in range.
  • When Recall recalling, he will hang from a floating balloon resembling Teemo Teemo.
    • This balloon is different depending on his equipped Chroma.
      • His Amethyst chroma has a balloon resembling Lulu Lulu.
      • His Aquamarine chroma has a balloon resembling a Poro Poro.
      • His Catseye chroma has a balloon resembling Ziggs Ziggs.
      • His Citrine chroma has a balloon resembling Little Devil Teemo Little Devil Teemo.
      • His Pearl chroma has a balloon resembling Kled Kled.
      • His Rainbow chroma has a balloon resembling Gnar Gnar.
      • His Ruby chroma has a balloon resembling Sweetheart Annie's Sweetheart Annie's Tibbers Tibbers doll.
      • His Sapphire chroma has a balloon resembling Fizz Fizz.
Sewn Chaos Amumu Sewn Chaos Amumu
  • This skin was never released by Riot past the PBE servers due to its low quality.
  • Annie Annie can be seen in the background.
Infernal Amumu Infernal Amumu
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Catseye, Emerald, Rose Quartz, Ruby
  • This skin shares the Infernal theme with:
    • Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol
    • Charred Maokai Charred Maokai
    • Firefang Warwick Firefang Warwick
    • Foxfire Ahri Foxfire Ahri
    • Infernal Akali Infernal Akali
    • Infernal Alistar Infernal Alistar
    • Infernal Diana Infernal Diana
    • Infernal Galio Infernal Galio
    • Infernal Karthus Infernal Karthus
    • Infernal Kennen Infernal Kennen
    • Infernal Mordekaiser Infernal Mordekaiser
    • Infernal Nasus Infernal Nasus
    • Infernal Shen Infernal Shen
    • Infernal Varus Infernal Varus
    • Infernal Vel'Koz Infernal Vel'Koz
    • Molten Rammus Molten Rammus
    • Obsidian Malphite Obsidian Malphite
    • Scorched Earth Renekton Scorched Earth Renekton
    • Scorched Earth Xerath Scorched Earth Xerath
    • Shadowfire Kindred Shadowfire Kindred
    • Volcanic Wukong Volcanic Wukong
    • Wildfire Zyra Wildfire Zyra
Hextech Amumu Hextech Amumu
  • This skin shares the Hextech theme with:
    • Hextech Alistar Hextech Alistar
    • Hextech Anivia Hextech Anivia
    • Hextech Annie Hextech Annie
    • Hextech Galio Hextech Galio
    • Hextech Janna Hextech Janna
    • Hextech Jarvan IV Hextech Jarvan IV
    • Hextech Kassadin Hextech Kassadin
    • Hextech Kog'Maw Hextech Kog'Maw
    • Hextech Malzahar Hextech Malzahar
    • Hextech Nocturne Hextech Nocturne
    • Hextech Poppy Hextech Poppy
    • Hextech Rammus Hextech Rammus
    • Hextech Renekton Hextech Renekton
    • Hextech Sejuani Hextech Sejuani
    • Hextech Singed Hextech Singed
    • Hextech Sion Hextech Sion
    • Hextech Swain Hextech Swain
    • Hextech Ziggs Hextech Ziggs
  • Hextech Rammus Hextech Rammus, a Swindler's Orb Swindler's Orb, an Hextech Chest, a Gemstone, a drawing of Hextech Poppy Hextech Poppy and a toy based on Original Blitzcrank Original Blitzcrank can be seen in the background of his splash art.
Pumpkin Prince Amumu Pumpkin Prince Amumu
Chromaskins Chromas: Aquamarine, Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sandstone, Turquoise
  • This skin shares the Trick-or-Treat theme with:
    • Bewitching Elise Bewitching Elise
    • Bewitching Janna Bewitching Janna
    • Bewitching Miss Fortune Bewitching Miss Fortune
    • Bewitching Morgana Bewitching Morgana
    • Bewitching Nidalee Bewitching Nidalee
    • Bewitching Tristana Bewitching Tristana
    • Count Kassadin Count Kassadin
    • Count Kledula Count Kledula
    • FrankenTibbers Annie FrankenTibbers Annie
    • Haunted Maokai Haunted Maokai
    • Haunted Zyra Haunted Zyra
    • Haunting Nocturne Haunting Nocturne
    • Headless Hecarim Headless Hecarim
    • Kitty Cat Katarina Kitty Cat Katarina
    • Little Devil Fizz Little Devil Fizz
    • Little Devil Teemo Little Devil Teemo
    • Mundo Mundo Mundo Mundo
    • Nosferatu Vladimir Nosferatu Vladimir
    • Bewitching Miss Fortune Prestige Edition Bewitching Miss Fortune Prestige Edition
    • Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks
    • Ravenborn LeBlanc Ravenborn LeBlanc
    • Trick or Treat Ekko Trick or Treat Ekko
    • Underworld Twisted Fate Underworld Twisted Fate
    • Witch's Brew Blitzcrank Witch's Brew Blitzcrank
  • Originally he was suppose to share a splash art with Bewitching Elise Bewitching Elise.


  • Amumu was cursed in Ancient Shurima's time for reasons unknown and entombed. He has now escaped and is wandering the desert in search of a friend.


