For the removed item, see 激发之匣 激发之匣

Locket of the Iron Solari is a mythic item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Locket of the Iron Solari item
2500 Gold (200 Gold)
Kindlegem item
800 Gold (400 Gold)
Aegis of the Legion item
1500 Gold (750 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency

Reliquary of the Golden Dawn is a mythic item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. Can only be forged by Ornn Ornn.


Locket of the Iron Solari item
2500 Gold (200 Gold)
Kindlegem item
800 Gold (400 Gold)
Aegis of the Legion item
1500 Gold (750 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency



Locket of the Iron Solari item screenshot

Active VFX

Locket of the Iron Solari shield item screenshot

Active Shield VFX

  • This item's active will not stack. More than one ally using this item will only refresh the shield on nearby allies.




Locket of the Iron Solari screenshot

Old Active VFX

  • This item was inspired by the Iron Solari Conclave, a fan-made forum group that was named after Leona Leona and is supported by Michael 'IronStylus' Maurino. Numerous other groups, led by various Riot staff members, were also formed and "warred" with the Iron Solari, but the Iron Solari were arguably the most successful.
  • A reworked version of this item once existed on the PBE for testing to be potentially shipped to V8.6. The active was changed to deploy a small field on the target area that granted damage reduction to all allied champions within[1]. This was later scrapped and reverted[2].
Mount Targon Crest icon



Locket of the Iron Solari/V9.20 is a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Aegis of the Legion item
1500 Gold (750 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency

  • Locket of the Iron Solari Locket of the Iron Solari is 67.2% gold efficient without the active effect.
  • Locket of the Iron Solari Locket of the Iron Solari becomes gold efficient whenever the active provides a minimum of 195 health as a shield. (Not factoring in the percent bonus health bonus for the shield, this can be achieved with 2 nearby allies at level 3 or by the user alone at level 9).

Circlet of the Iron Solari is a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. Can only be forged by Ornn Ornn. Limited to one Master Craftsman Master Craftsman item.


Locket of the Iron Solari item
2500 Gold (200 Gold)
Kindlegem item
800 Gold (400 Gold)
Aegis of the Legion item
1500 Gold (750 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency


  • Updated icon.
  • New:
    • Recipe: Kindlegem Kindlegem + Aegis of the Legion Aegis of the Legion + 400 Gold = 2700 Gold.
    • Stats: 30 armor, 30 magic resistance, 200 health, 20 ability haste.
    • New Unique Active - Devotion: Grant nearby allies a 250 − 420(基于target's level) Hybrid resistances icon shield that decays over 2.5 seconds (90 second cooldown). This effect is reduced by 75% if the target has been affected by another Locket of the Iron Solari in the last 20 seconds.
    • Unique Passive - Consecrate: Grant nearby allied champions 5 bonus armor and 5 bonus magic resistance.
    • Mythic Passive: Empowers your other Legendary items to increase Consecrate's bonus resistances by 2.
    • Limited to 1 Mythic item.
    • ornn's ornn's Masterwork Masterwork item: Reliquary of the Golden Dawn Reliquary of the Golden Dawn.
      • Stats: 40 armor, 40 magic resistance, 400 health, 25 ability haste.
  • Base shield strength increased to 130 − 300 (based on level) from 45 − 300 (based on level).
  • Circlet of the Iron Solari Circlet of the Iron Solari
    • Total cost reduced to 2200 Gold from 2700 Gold.
      • Combine cost reduced to Gold from 500 Gold.
    • Can now only be obtained if Ornn Ornn forges the item (for himself or for another ally).
  • Cooldown increased to 120 seconds from 90.
  • Base shield strength reduced to 45 − 300 (based on highest level between target and caster) from 60 − 434 (based on highest level between target and caster).
  • Bonus health ratio changed to 20% of caster's bonus health at all level from 2% − 36% (based on level).
  • Lockout time after being affected by another Locket of the Iron Solari increased to 20 seconds from 8.
  • Lockout shield strength after being affected by another Locket of the Iron Solari reduced to 25% from 50%.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Circlet of the Iron Solari would not grant shields to units affected by a recent cast of Locket or Circlet of the Iron Solari.
  • Shield strength reduced to 60 − 434 (based on target's level) from 70 − 665 (based on target's level).
  • New Effect: Active shield strength now scales with 2% − 36% (based on level) of caster's bonus health.
  • New Recipe: Aegis of the Legion Aegis of the Legion + Null-Magic Mantle Null-Magic Mantle + 650 Gold = 2200 Gold
  • New Stats: +30 armor, +60 magic resistance.
    • Old Stats: +400 health, +100% base health regeneration, +20 magic resistance, +10% cooldown reduction. Unique Aura – Legion: Nearby allied units gain 15 magic resistance (1100 range).
  • Unique Active:
    • Shield strength changed to 70 − 665 (based on level) from 90 − 345 (based on level).
    • Shield duration increased to 2.5 seconds from 2.
    • New Effect: Shield now decays over the duration.
  • Total cost reduced to 2500 Gold from 2750 Gold.
  • Total cost reduced to 2750 Gold from 2800 Gold.
  • Now grants 100% health regeneration.
  • Aura magic resist reduced to 15 from 20.
  • Aura health regeneration removed.
  • Shield strength increased to 75 − 345 (based on level) from 50 − 230 (based on level).
  • Shield duration reduced to 2 seconds from 5.
  • Aura bonus changed to +75% base health regeneration from +10 health regeneration per 5 seconds.
  • Active now calculates the shield's strength based on the recipient's level if it is greater than the wielder's level.
  • Total cost increased to 2550 Gold from 2500 Gold.
    • Combine cost unchanged.
  • Total cost reduced to 1850 Gold from 2000 Gold.
    • Combine cost reduced to 520 Gold from 670 Gold.
  • Health reduced to 300 from 400.

670 Gold = 2000 Gold

  • Health increased to 400 from 300.
  • Now grants 10% cooldown reduction.
  • Now grants 10 health regen per 5 seconds to the wearer.
  • No longer grants a health regen aura.
V1.0.0.133 Added
  • Recipe: Emblem of Valor Emblem of Valor + Heart of Gold Heart of Gold + 500 Gold = 2225 Gold
  • Stats: +300 health, +35 armor
  • Unique aura: Nearby allied champions gain 15 health regen per 5 seconds
  • Unique active: Shield yourself and nearby allies for 5 seconds, absorbing up to 50 − 230 (based on level) damage (60 second cooldown)


List of Items
