
Farsight Alteration is a trinket item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. It is exclusive to Summoner's Rift.

Exchangeable with[]


Farsight Ward screenshot
  • Farsight Ward Farsight Ward cannot be targeted by allies, so it cannot be used for ally-targeted spells such as Teleport Teleport.
  • Farsight Ward Farsight Ward has a much smaller (500) vision radius than other wards (900) and only has 1 health.
  • Farsight Ward Farsight Ward grants 15 Gold and 15 experience when destroyed.
  • Using the Farsight Alteration Farsight Alteration has a brief visual effect which is visible to the other team through the fog of war but not on their minimap.
  • Farsight Ward Farsight Ward does not count towards the maximum ward limit and lasts forever, meaning an infinite amount of either could be placed at any given time.
    • In Practice Tool only, the player may only place up to 20 Farsight Wards Farsight Wards. When placing another, the oldest one will be destroyed. This is to prevent the game from crashing by extensively flooding it with units.
Farsight Alteration Fog of War screenshot

Enemy using Farsight Alteration in the Fog of War


  • Cooldown when swapping trinkets is now based on time since you last used any trinket.
  • Cooldown now scales with the average level of all champions instead of the owner's level.
  • New Effect: Swapping between trinkets now sets your new trinket to the same percentage remaining cooldown as your old one rather than flat 120 second cooldown on swap.
  • New Effect: Tooltip now displays Vision Score.
  • Cooldown increased to 148 − 99 (based on level) seconds from 92 − 60 (based on level) seconds.
  • Is now smaller and more lightly tinted than a regular ward icon.
  • Farsight Alteration Farsight Alteration now shares similar behavior with other warding actives. Your targeting cursor will now turn green when over brush and red when in terrain.
  • Cooldown increased to 92 − 60 (based on level) seconds from 76 − 60 (based on level) seconds.
  • Cooldown reduction versus Warding Totem Warding Totem changed to 60 flat from 60%.
    • Cooldown increased to 92 − 60 (based on level) seconds from 61 − 48 (based on level) seconds.
  • Area vision reduced to 500 from 900.
V5.22 Added
  • Recipe: Warding Totem Warding Totem + level 9
  • Grants the following compared to Warding Totem Warding Totem:
    • + Cast range is increased by 650%.
    • + Farsight Wards lasts until killed and do not count toward ward limit. Not specified if Farsight Wards have a limit.
    • + Recharge time reduced by 60%.
    • Ward is visible, has only 1 health and cannot be targeted by allies. No teleporting!
    • Charge limit reduced to 1.


List of Items
