Patch History[]
- Bonus movement speed effectiveness reduced to 7% from 10%.
- New Effect: Now additionally grants 1% bonus movement speed.
- V9.5
- Bug Fix: Now properly increases bonus movement speed from .
- V9.1
- Bonus movement speed effectiveness increased to 10% from 8%.
- V8.23
- New Effect: Movement speed bonuses are 8% more effective on you. For example, a 50% bonus is increased to 54%.
- Old Effect: Gain 1.5% bonus movement speed. Additionally, you gain bonus Attack Damage or Ability Power (Adaptive) based on your bonus movement speed. Grants (6% bonus MS) Attack Damage or (10% bonus MS) Ability Power.
- V8.16
- Bonus movement speed convertion into AP reduced to 10% from 16%.
- Bonus movement speed convertion into AD reduced to 6% from 9.6%.
- V8.12
- Bonus movement speed reduced to 1.5% from 3%.
- Bonus movement speed convertion into AP increased to 16% from 8%.
- Bonus movement speed convertion into AD increased to 9.6% from 4.8%.
- V7.24
- Bonus movement speed reduced to 3% from 4%.
- V7.22 Added
Sorcery Slot 2 rune.
- Passive: Gain 4% bonus movement speed.
- Additionally, you gain bonus Ability Power or Attack Damage (Adaptive) equal to your bonus movement speed (8% in Ability Power or 4.8% in Attack Damage).
- Adaptive: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for. Defaults to the first listed.