英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


  • It's recommended to get one of your spells to rank 5 as quickly as possible to benefit from its Transcendent Transcendent bonus.
  • To get out 4 bonus spheres, it requires more than 30% cooldown reduction and the following combo: Q, Q, W (targeting the first sphere), Q, Q, followed immediately by Unleashed Power Unleashed Power. However, the delay on her ultimate and the increased micro management requires a higher level of skill on an already difficult champion. For most players, it may be more efficient to try using Q and E, Q again and W on the first dark sphere, and then use Unleashed Power Unleashed Power - this sacrifices one or two dark spheres on her ultimate for a quicker, more reliable combo.
  • Dark Sphere Dark Sphere has no channel upon cast, which means you can cast it without interrupting your movement. Take this into consideration when playing Syndra, since it allows you to kite and chase enemy champions easily.
  • To maximize your chances of hitting the enemy champion with Dark Spheres Dark Spheres, use it right when they last-hit.
  • After you hit an enemy champion with Force of Will Force of Will, follow up with Dark Sphere Dark Sphere; they'll be slowed and have a hard time avoiding it. If you are confident enough in your own aiming, casting Dark Sphere Dark Sphere right after Force of Will Force of Will will cause them to hit at the same time; this can save a few seconds if you are considering a combo for Unleashed Power Unleashed Power.
  • When being chased in the jungle, use Force of Will Force of Will on a nearby neutral monster to slow the enemy champion.
  • Force of Will Force of Will can be used to throw enemy player pets such as Annie's Annie's Tibbers Tibbers to get them away from allies or yourself.
  • Even though it is possible to teleport while carrying a minion or buff with Force of Will Force of Will the link will break and it will be released from where you teleported from.
  • Placing a Dark Sphere Dark Sphere directly in front of yourself and then follow it up with a quick and well aimed Scatter the Weak Scatter the Weak gives you a long range stun.
  • Try using Scatter the Weak Scatter the Weak right after using Unleashed Power Unleashed Power for an increased chance on stunning enemies for a quick follow up of Force of Will Force of Will and Dark Sphere Dark Sphere.
  • To maximize Unleashed Power's Unleashed Power's damage, use it when there are many Dark Spheres Dark Spheres on the battlefield.
  • Placing a Sight Ward Sight Ward next to the enemy blue buff camp makes it easy for Syndra to steal it using Force of Will Force of Will.

Build Usage[]

  • Syndra's damage output is reliant on a high CDR build - it will provide stronger harrass with Q and W combos, and being able to maintain more dark spheres on the battlefield will potentially increase the damage on Unleashed Power Unleashed Power.
  • Athene's Unholy Grail Athene's Unholy Grail is a very effective item for Syndra, providing much needed mana regeneration, CDR and raw ability power.
  • The passive on Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rylai's Crystal Scepter synergizes with all of her spells to varying degrees; however the bonus mana on Rod of Ages Rod of Ages will help with Syndra's high mana costs and may be a preferable option depending on your runes and masteries.
  • Building a Deathfire Grasp Deathfire Grasp will help provide Syndra with more AP, as well as its active effect will help with her damage out put and improve her burst.
  • Due to Syndra Syndra's low cooldowns on Dark Sphere Dark Sphere, an early Tear of the Goddess Tear of the Goddess, and then an Archangel's Staff Archangel's Staff, can be charged quickly and therefore a viable item to have.

Recommended items[]

Doran's Ring Doran's Ring Prospector's Ring Prospector's Ring Doran's Ring Doran's Ring


  • Get boots early when playing against Syndra Syndra, they'll help you avoid many of her spells.
  • Attack Syndra Syndra after she's used Scatter the Weak Scatter the Weak, it has a long cooldown so she will be vulnerable.
  • If Syndra keeps creating Dark Spheres in a situation were she would be better off doing something else (like re-positioning or knocking back enemies), then she is likely preparing to use her ultimate.

Champion Spotlight[]
