Syndra OriginalCentered
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播放 "My potential is limitless!"

  • The earliest possible champion level required for Transcendent to take effect is level 9, as this is the lowest level at which a basic ability can reach rank 5.
  • Syndra's abilities gain additional visual effects when they reach rank 5. Her spells will also gain a red colored tint outlining the VFX.

消耗: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
冷却: 4
目标范围: 800
效果半径: Range center 180
施放时间: none
Dark Sphere


  • Dark Sphere can be conjured inside terrain, but cannot be thrown there with Force of Will Force of Will.
  • There is no limit as to how many Dark Spheres can be active at a time.

Force of Will
消耗: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100
冷却: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8
目标范围: Range center 925 / 950
效果半径: Range center 225
施放时间: none
Force of Will

首次施放: 抓取暗黑法球或敌方小兵。如果没有目标被选取,则会抓取最近的暗黑法球。

Force of Will 2

再次施放: 辛德拉投掷暗黑法球或敌方小兵。被击中的敌人会受到70/110/150/190/230(+0.7AP)魔法伤害,并被减速25/30/35/40/45%,减速效果持续1.5秒。


  • The initial cast does not count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Spellblade and stacking Force Pulse Force Pulse.
    • Detonating the ability manually does.
  • Force of Will does not destroy in-flight Projectile projectiles for the Minion icon minion or Monster icon monster grabbed.
  • Syndra can grab Summon Tibbers pets, such as Shaco's Shaco's Jack in the Box Jack in the Box.
  • Casting Teleport Teleport or Recall Recall will cause Syndra to cancel Force of Will autonomously and drop anything she is holding.
  • Grabbing prioritizes Dark Spheres.
  • Once upgraded to maximum rank Force of Will gains a total damage increase of (20 + enemy's MR / 5)%.
  • Enemy Summon Tibbers pets that passively have an effect on their surroundings will continue to affect the area around them while they are being held. For example, Annie's Annie's Tibbers Tibbers will continue to inflict burn damage on surrounding units while being held.
  • Grabbing a Dark Sphere Dark Sphere will cause the duration on it to refresh, but only on the first cast, not when it is thrown.
  • Devour Devour will cancel Force of Will if they affect the same target. Force of Will will go on full cooldown.
  • Force of Will has additional effects when targeting the Blue Sentinel Blue Sentinel and Red Brambleback Red Brambleback. Throwing the former will refund 10 Mana resource mana to Syndra upon cast and will reduce the Cooldown reduction icon cooldown of Force of Will by 1 second, while throwing the latter will apply the Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders burn to any affected units in the area of effect.

消耗: 50 Mana
冷却: 18 / 17 / 16 / 15 / 14
目标范围: Range model 700 / 800
角度: Range model 40° / 60°
速度: 2500
施放时间: 0.25
Scatter the Weak



  • Scatter the Weak is blocked by the portion of Wind Wall Wind Wall it collides with. Spheres thrown will stop upon colliding with the wall.
  • Enemies and spheres will be knocked into the direction directly away from Syndra, and the knock back has no dispersion.
  • Conjuring a Dark Sphere Dark Sphere at max range or close to or inside the edge of Scatter the Weak's conic-area of effect will knock back the sphere immediately once it has formed. This considers the sphere's center.*
  • Scatter the Weak will knock back Spheres even farther if they are inside terrain, up until they reach open space. If the terrain they're inside in cannot be surpassed, the Spheres will be knocked in the opposite direction.
  • Scatter the Weak will cast from wherever Syndra is at the end of the cast time.
  • Once Scatter the Weak has been learned, an arrow directly in front of every Dark Sphere Dark Sphere will appear to signify the direction the sphere will be knocked towards, each one corresponding to Syndra's position. This is only visible to Syndra.
Dark Sphere directional arrows

消耗: 100 Mana
冷却: 120 / 110 / 100 / 90 / 80
目标范围: Range center 675 / 750
施放时间: 0.25
Unleashed Power




  • Unleashed Power has a brief cast time before it activates, but Syndra does not have to remain in place while the spheres apply their damage. She can walk away as soon as the casting has completed, as the spheres only begin dealing their damage after the casting time.
  • Casting Unleashed Power on a target that becomes Playful untargetable while the spheres are in flight will cause them to deal no damage.
  • Spheres already in flight will still travel if Syndra's target dies, but any remaining sphere will not. However, their duration will still get reset.
  • A Dark Sphere summoned very shortly before Unleashed Power will be used as one of the spheres that get thrown.
    • Depending on how many spheres are on the map and how far away the enemy is upon casting Unleashed Power it is possible that Syndra would conjure the sphere behind her as if she was going to throw it, but she won't.
  • Spell Shield Spell shield will only block the damage of a single sphere.

