英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


  • Poison Trail Poison Trail is very effective for farming and harassing, allowing Singed Singed to dominate his lane. Poisoning the opposing minions as they advance is an effective strategy for farming lanes. An easy strategy for farming is to push your minions to the turret then run past it to poison the next wave as it comes.
  • When facing melee champions, you are capable of zoning them by poisoning the area near your own minions so their farming capabilities are hindered severely.
  • Turn off Poison Trail Poison Trail when unnecessary as it drains mana quickly.
  • Poison Trail Poison Trail goes invisible to opponents when you enter brush. It is also possible to create a very faint poison cloud by quickly double tapping your Poison Trail Poison Trail.
  • When poisoning the area while being chased, consider how close the enemies are to you, taking gap closers into account, as well as your health. If you can afford to run in a zig zag pattern, do so to make sure your opponents will be poisoned at least once.
  • Mega Adhesive Mega Adhesive is one of the best slows in the game, and it should have at least one rank before level 5. The upper ranks simply increase the slows percentage. A well-played Singed Singed can lead a target with the glue, catch up to the target, then Fling Fling him back in to the glue for maximum effect. This may take some practice, as all ranks have only a 5 second duration.
  • Fling Fling is your most versatile ability and can be used to toss enemies into your turret, isolate them from their teammates to set up an allied ambush, and save lives by tossing enemies away from weak or fleeing allies. Be sure to use it at the extent of its range, the further you are from a target when you Fling Fling it, the futher they will get tossed behind you. It can also interrupt channeled ultimates such as Absolute Zero Absolute Zero, Infinite Duress Infinite Duress, Nether Grasp Nether Grasp, or knock away champions with strong non-channeled point-blank AoE like Crowstorm Crowstorm, Slicing Maelstrom Slicing Maelstrom and Soul Shackles Soul Shackles.
  • Insanity Potion Insanity Potion is useful for chasing enemies and is a useful asset in any major team battle for its all-round bonuses. It has an incredibly short cooldown considering its bonuses, so don't worry about wasting it to run away from a gank gone wrong. Its short cooldown also means it can be used in lane to simply regenerate mana and hp.
  • Using Fling Fling to throw an enemy into your Poison Trail Poison Trail is a very simple but an effective harassment combo.
  • Although not a caster in the true sense, Singed Singed benefits greatly from magic penetration runes to make sure your opponents get full damage from Poison Trail Poison Trail. A full caster setup will allow him to deal quite heavy damage with the capability of tanking.
  • Consider leveling Mega Adhesive Mega Adhesive before Fling Fling, as this spell grants you better zone control and CC, granting you high value of 75% slow, instead of Fling Fling, which grants you only 50 bonus damage per level and increases its mana cost.
  • Fling Fling must be used wisely when diving a turret, if you are low level and the enemy is on the side of the turret facing your base you can E + W easily to attack, however take into consideration that if you toss the enemy when he moves on the other side of the turret you could possibly land him near to the turret and take lots of damage or land him further into the enemy lane and force your ally/partner to have to walk through the jungle or make his escape easier.


  • Building mana as Singed Singed is a great idea because of Empowered Bulwark Empowered Bulwark.
  • If you are finding yourself running out of mana quickly during laning, buying a Chalice of Harmony Chalice of Harmony is a possible item choice.
  • Because Singed's Singed's gameplay is very dependent on positioning, Boots of Speed Boots of Speed should be one of your first major item purchases. However, the next stage of boots is best determined by the enemy team composition.
  • One of the best advanced items for early/mid-game is Catalyst the Protector Catalyst the Protector. Grabbing the Sapphire Crystal Sapphire Crystal first also gives Singed an early 50 health due to Empowered Bulwark Empowered Bulwark, and alleviates early mana problems while still leaving room for 2 health potions. This can then build offensively into an early Rod of Ages Rod of Ages or a more defensive Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil.
    • Rod of Ages Rod of Ages is useful to buy as early as possible for any general build. It provides significant mana, HP and AP. By itself it grants Singed a total of 812 extra HP when maxed.
  • When playing utility Singed, cooldown reduction is possibly the most effective stat to build, as it allows you to Fling Fling, apply Mega Adhesive Mega Adhesive, and pop Insanity Potion Insanity Potion more often, an Elixir of Brilliance Elixir of Brilliance can help substantially with cooldowns and a nice ability power boost. A utility Singed's focus is on surviving and disrupting as often and effectively as possible. For this, items like Frozen Heart Frozen Heart are a great choice.
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rylai's Crystal Scepter procs on Poison Trail Poison Trail with 15% slow, useful for hindering enemies while fleeing. The full effect (35%) is applied to Fling Fling, but the animation time consumes most of the duration.
  • A harassment/tank Singed should pick up a Force of Nature Force of Nature for the MR and movement speed. The percentage health regen also works well with Singed, as he will get a lot of health just from building Rod of Ages Rod of Ages.
  • Getting Tear of the Goddess Tear of the Goddess is not recommended, as only his W, E and R will proc it (toggling Poison Trail Poison Trail does not), and none of them are spammable or cheap.
  • An early Philosopher's Stone Philosopher's Stone can help overcome the mana cost of Singed's abilities. Late game, this can be built into a Shurelya's Reverie Shurelya's Reverie for additional stats/the movespeed boost. Remember to use it defensively as well as offensively, as nearby teammates will benefit from it as well.
  • A Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass is a beneficial item for its armor and ability power.
  • Consider a Will of the Ancients Will of the Ancients on Singed later on, as the AP/Spellvamp aura also affects nearby allies. During team fights, the massive amount of poison can heal a deceptively large amount on Singed Singed, and a late-game Fling Fling can also restore a portion of your health. And you can also restore a lot of health when escaping with Poison Trail Poison Trail.


Doran's Shield Doran's Shield Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal


  • Singed Singed can be zoned early game to prevent him from becoming farmed. His Poison Trail Poison Trail is fairly weak against players early game, but doesn't stop him from being excellent at lane-control.
  • It is often not best to chase Singed Singed. He has great mobility with Insanity Potion Insanity Potion and a great escape ability with Mega Adhesive Mega Adhesive.
    • Keep in mind that while chasing Singed Singed, Poison Trail Poison Trail will slowly drain your health away while Insanity Potion Insanity Potion will regenerate his health back and due to its long duration, Singed can run back and deal the finishing blow on you with Fling Fling.
  • Singed's Singed's threatening abilities are location-based, so harassment is doubly effective if it involves a slow, such as Wither Wither or Lucent Singularity Lucent Singularity.
  • Singed Singed has to be very close to your team to do damage, so ranged champions are effective at taking him out. However, be wary of his Fling Fling as it will easily pull you into danger.
    • Buying a Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil will make Singed Singed think twice before using his Fling Fling on you as it is his only single-targeted spell that breaks the spell shield.

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