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Glory in Death

在被击杀后,赛恩会回光返照一段时间,但在回光返照时,他的生命值会急速衰减。 在此期间,他可以移动并攻击。他获得100%生命偷取,攻击得超快,并且每次攻击会额外减少目标10%的最大生命值(对野怪的最大伤害为75)。


冷却: 100 (Resets on Death)
Death Surge

Active: Sion gains Movement speed icon 50% bonus movement speed that decays over 1.5 seconds.

Once at least one ability has been learned, Death Surge can be cast using any ability key, even for the abilities that haven't been learned yet.

  • Glory in Death is currently the only targetable Omen of Death zombie state.
  • Glory in Death cannot last more than 60 seconds. Reaching the time will cause Sion to instantly die, regardless of his remaining health.
  • Upon Death, Sion will drop non-permanent status effects (buffs and debuffs) that do not inherently persist through death before transitioning into Glory in Death:
    • These effects include undisplayed statuses, for example the 'already stunned by this'-flag of Veigar's Veigar's Event Horizon Event Horizon or Viktor's Viktor's Gravity Field Gravity Field.
    • Some item passives do not persist through death and will be lost for the initial few seconds of Glory in Death.
    • An example for a debuff that does persist through death is Brand's Brand's Blaze Blaze.
  • Glory in Death will still trigger if Sion is killed by the Nexus Obelisk Nexus Obelisk.
  • Upon death, the current cooldowns of Sion's summoner spells summoner spells are increased to 4 seconds. Afterwards, he is still unable to use them until he respawns or after a lock-out effect (excluding Stun icon crowd control except Stasis icon stasis) unlocks them.
  • Revival icon Resurrection buffs always take priority over Glory in Death.
  • Sion's death timer starts ticking when he first Death dies and not when Glory in Death's duration ends.
    • If Sion lives longer than his death timer lasts for, he will not revive until Glory in Death has ended. When it has ended, he will revive instantly, which can result in some odd interactions and bugs at times.
  • Glory in Death does not trigger on clones of Sion, such as with Test of Spirit Test of Spirit.
  • Glory in Death's Playful untargetability from the Stasis icon stasis does not Bullet strikethrough destroy in-flight Projectile projectiles.
    • Projectiles created while while Sion is in the zombie form will still travel to him even after he dies.
  • At the start of Glory in Death, Sion's Mana resource mana drops to 0, but will still be affected by Mana regeneration icon mana regeneration.
  • During Glory in Death Sion:
  • Trying to cast item actives during the initial stasis will buffer their casts instead, unless Sion issues another command before being able to act again.
    • Exception: Quicksilver Sash item Quicksilver can be used during the Stasis icon stasis after death, but has no effect.
  • Sion's attack speed during Glory in Death is fixed at 1.75 and it's unaffected by attack speed bonuses and Cripple icon cripples for the duration.
    • Buffs that allow for the normal 2.5 attack speed cap to be surpassed, such as Lethal Tempo Lethal Tempo and Hail of Blades Hail of Blades, will also break the upper limit of the 1.75 cap, but not the lower one. This means that while these buffs are active, Sion can exceed 1.75 attack speed, but cannot fall below it.
    • After the effect ends, the attack speed cap will not revert to 1.75 but to 2.5. However Sion will still not be able to go below 1.75 attack speed.
  • Buffs from jungle monsters Sion gains during Glory in Death (Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders, Crest of Insight Crest of Insight) will not be lost once the duration ends.
  • By surviving for the full duration of 60 seconds, Sion will have suffered 36.4k − 345.5k(基于等级) in health costs.
  • After Glory in Death ends, the corpse of Sion will retain unit collision despite being dead on the ground.
  • Even though its visuals are present, Dark Harvest Dark Harvest can never be gained from Sion under the effect of Glory in Death.
  • The effect that heals Sion back to full health at the start of Glory in Death cannot be modified by Grievous Wounds icon healing reductions and does not count towards the 'Damage Healed' statistic at the end of game lobby.
  • Glory in Death's on-hit effect also applies against structures other than Turret icon turrets. *

  • Death Surge's will always be ready to use when Glory in Death triggers.
  • Death Surge's cooldown is affected by Cooldown reduction icon cooldown reduction and thus the spell is technically able to be used up to twice during Glory in Death, but not in practice.
    • Despite showing a shorter cooldown when hovering the ability in the ultimate-slot in the HUD, Death Surge is not actually affected by Ultimate Hunter Ultimate Hunter.

消耗: 45 Mana
冷却: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6
目标范围: Range center 500 − 850(基于channel time)
施放时间: none
Decimating Smash




Sion hitbox area

For the target to be hit, their center needs to be inside the red or blue areas (based on charge time), and their edge must hit the yellow part of the cone. If their edge also hits the white part of the cone they will be excluded from being hit. Cone is at 16 degrees and starts 800 range behind Sion's center. White cone has a radius of 720, while yellow cone has a radius of 1550.

  • Sion himself remains Lockout icon locked out of all actions for 0.25 seconds when releasing Decimating Smash.
  • Unstoppable icon Displacement immunity will prevent both the knock up and the stun.
  • Since the Stun icon stun duration is longer than the Airborne icon airborne duration, and both start at the same time, Tenacity icon Tenacity is still fully effective against Decimating Smash up to a cap.
    • This virtual cap is 60%-55.5% Tenacity icon Tenacity based on channel time beyond 1 second. Every value below this cap will lower the CC duration with no diminished returns.
  • A flash of the axe and change in brightness of the indicator on the ground indicates when the 1 second time frame is reached.
  • The damage of Decimating Smash is calculated when it is released. Gaining AD or upgrading the ability during its channel will update the damage of the coming hit.
    • Even though the cooldown starts when the ability is released, it will not be changed by gaining or losing CDR, or upgrading the ability, during the cast time.
  • The indicator is visible to the enemy only if they Sight icon see Sion himself.
    • If the channel is released before 1 second, enemies may see a particle at the far end of the hitbox, if it itself isn't outside of their Sight icon vision.
    • If the channel is released after 1 second, the only remaining indication is the visual effects and audio that plays on any units the spell strikes (these play on-target), provided the enemy does have Sight icon vision on those.
  • Forced movement without a Stun icon stun component (or the stun being Remove Scurvy cleansed previously) will not stop Sion from starting or continuing to channel. Its direction will not change with Sion's travel, however the location will update with him.
    • The location of the indicator updates at the beginning of the ability, at 1 second and at release.
  • The indicator of the ability is slightly shorter at its front than the hitbox of the ability is for Original Sion Original Sion, Mecha Zero Sion Mecha Zero Sion and related skins and chromas, while on Worldbreaker Sion Worldbreaker Sion, the indicator is slightly thinner at the front than the hitbox is, instead.
  • The following table refers for interactions while Sion is Channeling icon channeling:
Type Charge channel
Attacking Disabled
Abilities Soul Furnace Soul Furnace and its recast recast are usable. Roar of the Slayer Roar of the Slayer and Unstoppable Onslaught Unstoppable Onslaught are disabled. This ability recasts to end channel.
Movement Disabled
Items Usable N/A
Disabled All items are disabled
Interrupted by N/A
Consumables Disabled
Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
Disabled Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall
Interrupted by Hexflash Hexflash (Recasts)
Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Silence icon Silencing effects
  • [编辑]
    消耗: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 法力
    冷却: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11
    效果半径: Range center 550
    施放时间: none

    被动: 赛恩在击杀一个单位的同时,会获得4最大生命值加成(击杀大型野怪、击杀或协助击杀英雄的最大生命值加成:15)

    Soul Furnace

    主动: 赛恩为自己套上护盾,能够吸收50/75/100/125/150(+0.4AP)(+最大生命值的8/9/10/11/12%)伤害,持续6秒。

    Soul Furnace 2


    • A buff icon in the HUD will show the current shield strength, so that the player can better calculate the timing of the second cast.
    • The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Spellblade and stacking Force Pulse Force Pulse.
      • Detonating the ability manually does not.
    • Gaining or losing AP or health, or ranking up the skill while the shield is active will not change its shield value but it will change the damage of the shield's detonation.
    • The cooldown of Soul Furnace begins once the shield is removed.
      • Gaining or losing Cooldown reduction icon CDR between the first cast and breaking of the shield will affect the resuming cooldown accordingly.
    • Soul Furnace also automatically detonates if Sion is killed without the shield being destroyed, e.g. by dying to the Nexus Obelisk Nexus Obelisk, even if Sion could not have detonated it manually yet.
    • Soul Furnace's bonus health can be obtained by any of Sion's damage sources (basic attacks, abilities, summoner spells, item actives).
      • This does not include last hits transferred to Sion artificially, through effects such as Spoils of War Spoils of War.
      • If the gold efficiency of a Ruby Crystal Ruby Crystal is considered 100%, each last hit or Damage rating takedown after Soul Furnace has been learned can be considered worth an extra 10.6 Gold or 40g Gold.
    • Sion must learn Soul Furnace before he can stack up its passive.
    • Sion does not gain bonus health from units that enter Revival icon resurrection on-death.
    • Killing the following unit types grants Sion 15 bonus health:
    • Killing the following unit types grants Sion 4 bonus health:
    • Killing the following unit types grants Sion no bonus health:

    Map-Specific Differences
    Nexus Blitz icon Nexus Blitz differences
    • On-unit-kill bonus health doubled.
      • (On-Damage rating takedown bonus health unchanged).

    消耗: 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 Mana
    冷却: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8
    目标范围: Range model 780 / 1400
    效果半径: Range center 80
    宽度: Range model 160
    速度: 1800
    施放时间: 0.25
    Roar of the Slayer



    • Unlike the intial single-target projectile, a thrown minion or monster is not blocked by Wind Wall Wind Wall or Unbreakable Unbreakable.
    • The initial projectile cannot hit targets whose [[File:Template:Tip data/Center range|20px|link=Template:Tip data/Center range]][[File:Template:Tip data/Center range|20px|link=Template:Tip data/Center range]][[File:Template:Tip data/Center range|20px|link=Template:Tip data/Center range]] [[:Template:Tip data/Center range|center]] is behind Sion, but can hit targets whose center is beyond the maximum travel distance, as long as their Range model hitbox overlaps.
    • Gaining or losing AP, or upgrading the ability while its projectile is traveling will change its damage for every future hit. This applies to both the intial single-target projectile, as well as the minion-projectile.
    • Roar of the Slayer will cast from wherever Sion is at the end of the cast time.
      Non-champions will also take damage from Roar of the Slayer after being overridden by another Airborne icon displacement.

    消耗: 100 Mana
    冷却: 140 / 100 / 60
    施放时间: none
    Unstoppable Onslaught



    Unstoppable Onslaught 2


    播放 "Chaaaaaaaarge!"

    • When Sion casts Unstoppable Onslaught a global warning can be heard.
    • Unstoppable Onslaught can be activated twice or held down and released on both normal cast and quick cast. There is no other difference between normal cast and quick cast for this ability, either.
    • The initial cast counts as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Spellblade and stacking Force Pulse Force Pulse.
      • The recast does not.
    • After reaching maximum damage and stun duration (at 3 seconds) Sion will transition from using his haste animation to his unique charging one.
      • Reaching the threshold on Mecha Zero Sion Mecha Zero Sion changes his particle effects instead, most notably the 'Boosters' behind the vehicle.
      • The turning angle is not based on time and can easily be seen in practice when a Sion charges in-place due to bugs.
    • Nami's Nami's Surging Tides Surging Tides is the only known effect that can affect Sion's movement speed during the charge and that can place him above the normal MS value. However, without further multipliers, surpassing the 950 movement speed cap will require Nami Nami to have over 2150 ability power.
    • Sion does not always crash with terrain immediately upon touching it, enabling the player to turn beyond his maximum turning angle.
      • Casting the ability at point blank of a terrain will most often automatically change the charge's direction.
      • This is not usually possible with player-generated terrain.
    • Unstoppable Onslaught cannot charge through but can leap over player-created terrain (i.e Crystallize Crystallize).
    • Sion loses the Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity after finishing the Bear Stance leap.
    • Sion is not immune to Stun icon crowd control applied by his allies during Unstoppable Onslaught. For example, a Blast Cone Blast Cone triggered by an ally will cause the Channeling icon channel to be Silence icon interrupted.
      • An allied Bard's Bard's Tempered Fate Tempered Fate will be resisted however.
        • If it hits Sion during the 0.05-second delay before he starts the channel, he will not resist the effect and will initiate the slam immediately while in Stasis icon stasis.
    • Sion is immune to the Realm of Death Realm of Death for 2 seconds after completing the slam after the channel ends.*
    • Unstoppable Onslaught cannot strike the same non-champion twice in less than 1 second.
    • The distance between Sion's center and the center of the ground slam scales slightly with movement speed. This is suspected because running into a wall within half a second of charge time after starting at multiple thousands of movement speed shows a considerable difference, however this could also be due to a bug.
    • The leap appears to always have the same speed regardless of Sion's, at roughly 750.
    • Moving the cursor onto HUD elements (e.g mini map / champion portraits) does not jeopardize the cast and steering of Unstoppable Onslaught. The targeting will act as if the ground was targeted below the display element.
    • Even though the cooldown of Unstoppable Onslaught starts at the end of the effect, gaining or losing cooldown reduction, or upgrading the ability during the effect, will not change the resuming cooldown.
    • Remove Scurvy Removing the Airborne icon airborne before 0.5 seconds will not prevent the Stun icon stun from being applied.
    • The following table refers for interactions while Sion is Channeling icon channeling:
    Type Channel
    Attacking Disabled
    Abilities Soul Furnace Soul Furnace and its recast recast are usable. Decimating Smash Decimating Smash and Roar of the Slayer Roar of the Slayer are disabled. This ability recasts to end channel.
    Movement Allowed, but cannot input movement commands.
    Items Usable N/A
    Disabled All items are disabled
    Interrupted by N/A
    Consumables Disabled
    Spells Usable N/A
    Disabled Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash Mark Mark Dash Dash
    Interrupted by N/A
    Interrupted by
  • Death
    • If Unstoppable Onslaught's channel is interrupted despite the immunity to crowd control or Decimating Smash Decimating Smash is cast within 0.25 seconds after starting the charge, it will also initiate the leap. If the channel ends due to collision or death, there is no Bear Stance leap and the effect occurs immediately.

