Senna OriginalCentered
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攻击范围: 600
速度: N/A
Basic Attack



  • At level 18, only with the per level bonus attack speed, Senna will have 0.829 attack speed, and will take 0.33 seconds to perform an attack compared to 0.528 seconds at level 1.

目标固定冷却: 6 / 5 / 4(基于等级)






  • 非赛娜击杀的小兵:28%;
  • 赛娜击杀的小兵:4.166%。
  • 赛娜用【战利品】效果(【圣物之盾】和【钢铁护肩】的唯一被动)击杀的小兵仍会算作是赛娜所杀,灵魂掉率为8.33%。

Absolution 2


  • Despite Senna dealing 1 damage to Mist Wraiths, attacking them will calculate the attack's damage (including Critical strike icon critical strike modifiers) and any on-hit effects for the purposes of Life steal icon life steal and Ravenous Hunter rune drain effects.
    • Since Senna is not dealing more than 1 damage, effects such as Wit's End's Wit's End's passive will not trigger.
  • Relic Cannon is only applied if the attack deals more than 0 damage.
    • Hence, it is not applied if the target is Cosmic Radiance invulnerable or Senna's basic attack's Attack damage icon attack damage is reduced to 0 or below.
  • Dealing 0 damage is valid for marking and collecting Mist from champions, but dealing no damage at all is not.
    • Hence, Senna can mark and collect from Cosmic Radiance invulnerable enemies.
    • Counter Strike Dodge prevents marking and collecting a Mist via Senna's basic attacks and Piercing Darkness Piercing Darkness.
      Mist interaction with Spirit's Refuge block and Blind icon blind.
  • Nunu & Willump Nunu & Willump spawn a wraith each.
  • Enemies will not see newly spawned wraiths while Senna is not visible.
  • Minion icon Minions executed by allies with Spoils of War have a 4.166% chance to spawn wraiths.
  • A wraith can be hit by Cosmic Binding Cosmic Binding and it will interact with it the same way minions or monsters interact with Cosmic Binding but it will not take damage.
  • Mist Wraith has a spawn animation, but is targetable immediately.
  • Mist Wraith grants a small amount of Sight icon sight around itself.
  • Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane secondary bolts will ignore Mist Wraiths.
  • Excluding the range increase, one stack of Mist values approx. 48.7 Gold (+3 Gold from Mist Wraith pickup, and 40.5 Gold with life steal). The bonuses have a gross value of 46.25 Gold (35.25 Gold with life steal).
    • Attack damage icon 0.75 AD is worth 26.25‬ Gold. Absolution effectively boosts basic attacks with 0.9 AD, making the value 31.5 Gold.
    • Critical strike chance icon 0.5% critical strike chance is worth 20 Gold. Absolution reduces its efficiency by 14%, making the value 17.2 Gold.


消耗: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 Mana
冷却: 15
目标范围: Range model 600 − 1100(基于Absolution Mist)
效果半径: Range model 1300
宽度: Range model 100 / 280
施放时间: 0.4-0.25
Piercing Darkness

赛娜发射一束洞灭之影来洞穿一名友军或一名敌人。被命中的敌人会受到(40/70/100/130/160 + 50%额外AD)物理伤害。被命中的友方英雄会恢复(40/60/80/100/120 + 40%额外AD + 40%AP)生命值。




  • Piercing Darkness' cast time is always 80% of the caster's attack windup time.
    • Because Senna's windup percent scales down with levels but her windup time also only scales with 60% attack speed, the precise numbers get complicated quickly.
    • At base attack speed and level 1, Senna's attack windup is 0.5 seconds.
    • Reducing Senna's attack speed via Cripple icon attack speed reductions also increases Piercing Darkness' cast time by 60% of the fraction.
    • Piercing Darkness' cast time reduction per level via her own windup-per-level-reduction mirrors Lucian's Lucian's Piercing Light's Piercing Light's cast time values.
  • Senna can generally target anything that is not either explicitly Playful untargetable or herself.
    • Valid targets include anything that can be targeted by a basic attack from someone.
  • Piercing Darkness will attempt to lead the target if it is moving but does not adjust further during cast time (enemies can dodge the laser if they change their position by a sufficient amount during the cast time).
    • It leads by (up-to?) 80 units.
  • On-hit effects are applied in order of struck units' spawn IDs. This matters for effects that are consumed on-hit (e.g. Duskblade of Draktharr Duskblade of Draktharr, Spellblade), which are applied to the target with the lowest Spawn ID.
    • "Spawn ID" is an unofficial abbreviation to describe the spawn order for all units at the beginning of games, below are some examples.
    • If Senna targets an enemy champion but hits at least one more enemy champion simultaneously, Press the Attack's Press the Attack's first stack will be applied to that target. If no champion was targeted, it will default to the champion with the lowest Spawn ID out of the ones struck by the ability. Whether the effect stacks up on a champion or not when multiple enemy champions are stuck also depends on Spawn ID.
    • If Piercing Darkness struck an enemy champion and turret simultaneously, with Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon fully charged, the passive effect will most likely proc on the turret since towers are often spawned before champions.
  • For on-attack effects, they are also applied in order of struck units' spawn IDs. However, there are some specific on-attack effects that will apply to both the target of Piercing Darkness and the target with the lowest Spawn ID if the two unit is not identical. * Confirmed cases:
  • Spell Shield Spell shield will not prevent on-hit effects from being applied.
    Piercing Darkness interaction with Counter Strike dodging, Spirit's Refuge blocking, and Blind icon blinding effects.


消耗: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
冷却: 11
目标范围: Range center 1300
效果半径: Range center 280
宽度: Range model 140
速度: 1200
施放时间: 0.25
Last Embrace


  • Last Embrace will not Root icon root the primary target if they are Playful untargetable.
  • Last Embrace will cast from wherever Senna is at the end of the cast time.


消耗: 70
冷却: 26 / 24.5 / 23 / 21.5 / 20
效果半径: 400
施放时间: 1
Detection Radius: 400
Curse of the Black Mist


  • Senna can move while casting.
  • Allies affected by the Curse of the Blast Mist aura receive a buff called Cloak of Mist.
  • Obscured units appear as Wraiths, hence the name. The wraith model does not distinguish which champion is obscured.
    • On the mini-map, obscured champions will be displayed as wraith icons instead of champion icons to the enemy team.
  • In-game, the 'Cloak of Mist' buff grants camouflage and the 'Wraith Form' buff obscures the unit and grants movement speed. However, 'Cloak of Mist' has the unspecified effect of negating the obscuring effects of 'Wraith Form' (i.e. the unit is not a wraith while inside the mist); the unit has the bonus movement speed even when they are not a wraith (e.g. inside the mist or an enemy is nearby); and 'Wraith Form' also grants the functionality of camouflage (i.e. the unit is treated as a camouflaged unit with regards to True Sight icon True Sight, Control Wards Control Wards, and enemy Champion icon champions).
    • Given this overly complex interaction between the two buffs granted as well as the overlapping effects, it is easier to describe the effects as a single buff that is modified in specific circumstances rather than trying to establish a new game mechanic.
    • Senna likewise has her aura buff and the 'Wraith Form' buff, but her 'Wraith Form' does not share gameplay functionality with other allies benefiting from Wraith Form. For Senna, the appearance of being a wraith is a form-swap while camouflaged (similar to Evelynn's Evelynn's Demon Shade Demon Shade). Senna will remain in her wraith form when she is detected so long as the camouflage effect isn't broken, and her wraith's appearance is very distinct from other wraiths.
  • Allied champions who enter the mist and have Guerrilla Warfare stealth of their own will still gain the Wraith Form buff but they will not grant Sweeper Drone icon obscured vision of themselves to the enemy while out of the mist nor will they appear as a Wraith.
    • Allies who have their own Ambush 2 camouflage and also have Wraith Form will be revealed to enemies from their stealth's detection range, not Wraith Form's.
  • Curse of the Black Mist will not activate if Senna enters Revival icon resurrection during the cast time.
  • Wraith Form will not be granted to allies that are in a Omen of Death zombie state or are Channeling icon channeling. It will be granted to allies even if they are Playful untargetable.


消耗: 100
冷却: 160 / 150 / 140 / 130 / 120
目标范围: Global
宽度: Range model 320 / 2400
速度: 20000
施放时间: 1
Dawning Shadow


Dawning Shadow 2


播放 "No shadow without light!"

  • Senna will always fire from the original casting position.



Control type Autonomous
Target type Minion

Only Senna herself can interact with Mist Wraith.



Is considered an enemy unit.


Disappears after 8 seconds.

