英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


Chinese artwork[]


  • Nautilus was designed by Xypherous.[1]
  • In Greek, the term "Nautilus" means "Sailor."
  • A Nautilus is a marine species of the cephalopod, Nautilidae family, and is related to squid species.
  • Nautilus bears a resemblance to the Big Daddy from the BioShock series, as they both wear classic diving suits.
    • Additionally, in Nautilus' Champion Spotlight, he was presenting his skills on Annie Annie, who bears a resemblance to the Little Sisters that are protected by the Big Daddies.
  • In the lore, the black water responsible for turning Nautilus into his current state is a possible reference to the cartoon, The Pirates of Dark Water.
  • Nautilus' dance reference is clearly seen as the Peeparoonie Dance. A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
  • In Nautilus' Art Spotlight, around 2:50, a tab saying Urgot Mech can be seen in the top left.
  • Nautilus has one of the longest attack animations of any champion. This can lead to odd and unexpected hits, as the enemy finds themself stunned or damaged, even though they are visually beyond his range. It is sometimes unclear at what point in the animation an attack is considered to have hit.
  • Nautilus was released without the "Tank" tag, but it was confirmed that the absence of the tag was an error which would be fixed. Nautilus is indeed primarily a tank.
  • When Nautilus stands idle long enough, he does the famous Captain Morgan pose.


Art Spotlight[]


