英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


  • If Dredge Line Dredge Line deals the killing blow, it will drag Nautilus Nautilus to where the target was upon death, as if the skill had hit terrain.
  • Titan's Wrath Titan's Wrath and Riptide Riptide are excellent farming tools when used together, as they each deal a good amount of area of effect damage.
  • Titan's Wrath Titan's Wrath resets your autoattack timer, so timing it right after a basic attack can allow for a quick second hit.
  • If you are farming minions, Staggering Blow Staggering Blow can be a great tool to increase your last-hitting capabilities due to its free bonus-damage.
  • Be careful when chasing an enemy under the turret with Dredge Line Dredge Line. If you miss and hit the turret, you'll end up horribly off position.
  • Be sure about your position while using Riptide Riptide. You must be close enough to catch the opponent because this spell is pretty slow in animation.
  • The range onDredge Line Dredge Line is a bit further than the indicator shows. Experiment on terrain to see how far you can be to proc the skill shot.
  • Dredge Line Dredge Line is a fantastic method of travel, especially at higher levels. When running around between lanes, use it on terrain to pull yourself along faster. The same goes for fleeing; if a fight goes bad, run for the nearest turret or open terrain, and pull yourself to it for a quick escape.
  • Mark squishy/high priority targets with Depth Charge Depth Charge in order to give your team a good chance to kill them. It's also useful for stopping channels, such as Katarina's Katarina's Death Lotus Death Lotus. Also, the squishy targets tend to be at the back their team so you'll be able to hit their entire team with the pass through damage instead of only one target with the explosion damage
  • Remember that Staggering Blow Staggering Blow is an immobilization, which means it does nothing to stop channeled ultimates.
  • Dredge Line Dredge Line can stop channeled abilities like Warwick's Warwick's Infinite Duress Infinite Duress.
  • Attack speed can speed up jungling by increasing the amount of damage your Titan's Wrath Titan's Wrath does over time, since each attack immediately applies the first tick of the damage over time.

Build usage[]

  • Building resistances will generally give your shield more effective health than building health, despite the health ratio on it.
  • Abyssal Scepter Abyssal Scepter helps both in tanking and increasing your damage especially since Nautilus is such a good initator and often in the middle of the enemy team's zone in fights.
  • While Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor does increase the damage amount absorbed by Titan's Wrath Titan's Wrath, it doesn't increase your overall damage output, making the enemy less likely to focus you during fights.
  • Nautilus depends greatly on his abilities to deal damage so building CDR to counter his large cooldowns will allow you to do great amounts of damage to the enemy team.
    • Glacial Shroud Glacial Shroud and its future item, Frozen Heart Frozen Heart, are great item choices, allowing for better tanking with armor, mana to help with mana constraints, and CDR.
    • Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex and its upgrades greatly benefit a more damage-oriented style of gameplay.
Doran's Ring Doran's Ring Prospector's Ring Prospector's Ring


  • Titan's Wrath Titan's Wrath has a very long CD time, especially early before Nautilus gets it to high levels and has more CDR. Try running out the clock on the ability, then hit him during that cooldown window.
  • Titan's Wrath Titan's Wrath can add up to significant damage over the course of a team fight. Consider diverting a couple of attacks to break the shield when you see him use it.
  • Dredge Line Dredge Line draws Nautilus to terrain, so when running from him, try and stay away from terrain, or a miss may still bring him closer.
  • Stand still when he uses his Riptide Riptide to prevent the extra magic damage the spell deals when it moves.

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