英雄信息 背景故事 遊戲技巧 皮膚與軼事

傳說[ | ]

這個世界並沒有人們想象中那麼文明,還是有一些人願意追隨橫行符文之地的暗黑魔法,並因此墮落腐敗,肖娜汎對此了如指掌。作為德瑪西亞精英家族的掌上明珠,汎的父親一直讓她相信她處於警衛隊的保衛下。年輕單純的汎確信她所在的世界非常安全。直到那一夜,一個變態女巫盯上了她的父親。這個惡毒的女人成功繞過他父親的侍衛,先是折磨她們一家子,最後把她們全部殺死。汎躲了起來,趁着老巫婆一離開就逃跑。她邊跑,耳邊一直縈繞着親人們的尖叫聲。從那天起,她心中燃起了永遠不能泯滅的怨恨之火。     她靠着父親留下的錢存活,很快就有一個引導者願意收她為徒。當她長大成人時,她已搖身變成一個冷酷的鬥士,然而,戰場並不是她的歸宿。德瑪西亞需要一個能夠拯救誤入黑暗的保護者。汎藉助家族的背景,成為了第一個暗夜獵手。她的勇猛表現已成為了一個傳說。據說,那些修煉黑魔法的人聽到暗夜獵手的踱步聲,就會嚇得直哆嗦。雖然汎倡導了改革運動,但她還是用驚恐的眼光審視着英雄聯盟,對英雄聯盟望而卻步。在她眼中,聯盟中的許多英雄已迷失在黑暗魔法,為了確保安全,他們本應受到鎮壓。是時候讓暗夜獵手來執行她的秘密任務了——淨化英雄聯盟。                    並非所有的影子都是可怕的,至少汎有自己的風格,當汎降臨時,不是所有的陰影都象徵着黑暗。

台詞[ | ]

Upon selection
"Let us hunt those who have fallen to darkness."
"I bring swift death."
"I release them from their pain."
"I pass judgement."
"They will be purified."
"Cleansing blood with silver."
"On wings of night."
"I hear the innocent cry out."
"I smell black magics."
"The shadows are to be feared."
"In the dark all is laid bare."
"Evil lurks around every corner."
"The dark should fear me."
"Hitting me is like boxing with shadows."
"I have no time for nonsense."
"Joke? What do you mean?"
Upon learning Silver Bolts Silver Bolts
"Silver of the moon."
"The purifying element."
"Purged with silver."
Upon activating Final Hour Final Hour
"Time for reckoning."
"The die is cast..."
"Impure fools."


Development[ | ]

  • Vayne was designed by Volty.

Champion Sneak Peek[ | ]

Announcement made by Average Gatsby on May 3rd, 2011 [1].

If there’s anything that League of Legends has taught us, it’s that not all champions fight with swords and shields on epic battlefields alongside vast armies. There are those who are capricious elemental forces, others who are powerful and scheming mages, a few who are full-fledged monsters, and still some who dart and weave through dark city streets, silent vigilantes on a quest to rid the world of vile villains. And while we’re on the subject of the shadowy, silent types, if you find yourself drawn to dark, dexterous figures who walk the fine line between good and evil, you’ll love Vayne, the Night Hunter. Just don’t sneak up on her in a hurry to make an introduction! I hear that these types can be jumpy!

Vayne Tumbles into Valentine’s Day[ | ]

Valentine Vayne

Heartseeker Vayne Promo


Valentine’s Day is here, and Cupid’s not the only bow-wielding cutie bound to be tugging at your heart strings this February! This holiday we’re rolling out a brand new skin for your favorite Night Hunter that’s sure to be love at first sight. Feast your eyes on Heartseeker Vayne!

Patch history[ | ]

  • Base movement speed increased to 305 from 300.


  • Updated tooltips.


  • Movement speed reduced to 300 from 305.
  • Night Hunter Night Hunter: movement speed reduced to 30 from 40.
  • Tumble Tumble: bonus damage reduced to 30/35/40/45/50% from 40/45/50/55/60%.
  • Final Hour Final Hour: Tumble Tumble's stealth duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5.


  • Fixed a couple small bugs introduced to Condemn Condemn with Fizz Fizz patch.

November 17, 2011 Hotfix:


  • Fixed a bug where Silver Bolts Silver Bolts would go through Blind effects.


  • Silver Bolts Silver Bolts true damage will no longer be blocked by spell shields.[2]
  • Tumble Tumble: bonus damage reduced to 40/45/50/55/60% from 55/60/65/70/75%.
  • Condemn Condemn: base damage reduced to 45/80/115/150/185 from 50/90/130/170/210.
  • Final Hour Final Hour:
    • Movement speed bonus is now tripled instead of quadrupled.
    • Attack damage bonus reduced to 25/40/55 from 35/55/75.



  • Stats:
    • Range decreased to 550 from 555.
    • Movement speed reduced to 305 from 310.
  • Tumble Tumble: mana cost increased to 40 from 35.
  • Silver Bolts Silver Bolts: base damage reduced to 20/30/40/50/60 from 30/40/50/60/70.
  • Condemn Condemn: base damage reduced to 50/90/130/170/210 from 60/100/140/180/220.

May 10, 2011 Hotfix:

V1.0.0.118: Added. (Original Stats)

  • Tumble Tumble: Vayne tumbles, maneuvering to carefully place her next shot. She rolls toward the cursor and her next attack deals bonus damage.
  • Silver Bolts Silver Bolts: Vayne tips her bolts with a rare metal, toxic to evil things. The third consecutive attack or ability against the same target deals a percentage of the target's maximum Health as bonus true damage. (Max damage vs. Monsters is capped)
  • Condemn Condemn: Vayne draws a heavy crossbow from her back, and fires a huge bolt at her target, dealing damage and knocking them back. If they collide with terrain, they are impaled, dealing bonus damage and stunning them.
  • Final Hour Final Hour (Ultimate): Readying herself for an epic confrontation, Vayne gains increased Attack Damage, stealth during Tumble, and quadruple the bonus Movement Speed from Night Hunter.
  • Night Hunter Night Hunter (Innate): Vayne ruthlessly hunts evil-doers. She gains bonus Movement Speed when moving toward nearby enemy champions.

參考資料[ | ]
