英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


Chinese artwork[]



Adam Harrington in League of Legends

Adam Harrington as Shaco

  • Shaco has obvious similarities to The Joker of the Batman franchise, such as his mysterious origins, his appearance (his face is often drawn with a long, sharp nose and a big smile, and they both have white skin), his voice, and some of his quotes which references Joker-esque quotes throughout the Batman franchise.
    • His story's description of him as "Valoran's first fully functioning homicidal comic" is a direct reference to Tim Burtons's Batman where Joker describes himself as "the worlds first fully-functioning homicidal artist".
  • Shaco was voiced by Adam Harrington, the same voice actor for Karthus Karthus, Kassadin Kassadin, Mordekaiser Mordekaiser and Ryze Ryze.
  • "Shaco" is an anagram of "Chaos".
  • Shaco is one of a few champions to actually have multiple textures in one skin. When he uses Hallucinate Hallucinate, his clone is a different color than that of the real Shaco, although this can only be seen by Shaco and his allies. To the opposing team, the two Shacos look exactly the same, unless you have some sort of external buff or item effect active.
  • Shaco's dance is The Worm. A side-by-side comparison can be seen here .
  • Shaco was designed by Guinsoo.[1]
  • Shaco was one of the champions chosen for the Noxian pool available during the Ionia vs. Noxus match. However, he was not one of the selected champions.
  • Shaco once stabbed JoJ Ram1 Ram Steed almost to death after Ram Steed interviewed him.[2]
  • His name probably comes from "shako", which is the cilindric hat the light infantry used to wear in the 18th century and later; Shaco wears a cilindric hat in some of his skins as well. Assuming it is, the letter C may have been subbed to create an anagram of the word "Chaos" for creative effect.
    • It is also a possible reference to the Harlequin Crest, a Diablo 2 Unique item. The unique's base item is the "Shako".
  • Two-Shiv Poison Two-Shiv Poison icon is reference to opening scene in An Andalusian Dog.


  • His joke could be a reference to The Dark Knight, during a scene where the Joker performs a "magic trick" by making a pencil "disappear" after slamming one of the mob's henchmen's face into it.
    • Also his joke is similar to LeBlanc's LeBlanc's joke "For my next trick I'll make their life bar disappear."
    • It is also similar to a line by Kefka Palazzo (another character that resembles the Joker) in Final Fantasy VI, "And now for my next trick, I'll make you all... disappear!"
  • His taunt "Why so serious?" is an obvious reference to The Dark Knight, being the famous catchphrase uttered by The Joker throughout the movie.


  • ShacoSquare Mad Hatter Shaco is a reference to the Mad Hatter of Alice in Wonderland; Annie Annie has a counterpart skin called AnnieSquare Annie in Wonderland.
  • Shaco's Champion Spotlight was released on the same day as ShacoSquare Asylum Shaco
  • ShacoSquare Workshop Shaco is a reference to Karl Ruprecht Kroenen from the Hellboy franchise, and is depicted as a clockwork killing machine.
    • This reference is further supported by the League of Legends post announcing the skins release, which states 'Go ahead and wind him up, if you dare.' as the first mechanical toys ran on clockwork mechanisms instead of batteries.
  • In his Classic skin's artwork, the spike on Shaco's right shoulder pad is visible, but on his in-game model it is not.

