Samira OriginalCentered
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目标固定冷却: 10
目标范围: 800 / 850 / 900 / 950 / 1000(基于等级)
Samira Style


莎弥拉在近战距离的攻击会造成额外的(2-19 + 3.5%-10.5%AD(基于等级))魔法伤害,伤害值基于目标的已损失生命值至多提升100%。

Daredevil Impulse



  • The empowered attack can trigger on Stun icon immobilizes for both ally and enemy sources.
    • Self-applied or allied-applied Stun icon immobilizes from the enemy will count for the empowered attack to trigger.*
    • Those applied by the neutral team (e.g. Dragon's Dragon's initial knock back) can be targeted.
    • Samira cannot use the empowered attack if the target is Unstoppable icon displacement immune but she may still attack normally. She can use it even if the target is Cc-immune icon immune to crowd control.
    • It cannot trigger against enemies knocked Airborne icon airborne by a Blast Cone Blast Cone triggered by anyone.*
  • The application of the Airborne icon knock up can occur on any of the missiles of the empowered attack if it had not already occurred on the first missile.
  • The on-target cooldown will apply even if the empowered attack is parried.
  • The empowered attack rolls Critical strike icon critical strike for each shot of the flurry.
  • The bonus magic damage dealt with the blade is Umbra Blades default damage. The empowered attack is first 1 instance of Basic Attack basic damage and then 5 instances of Umbra Blades default damage.
    • The bonus damage does not apply to structures.
  • The empowered attack triggers Muramana's Muramana's Shock once.
  • The empowered attack is unaffected by Attack speed icon attack speed modifiers.
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade's Guinsoo's Rageblade's Phantom Hit and Runaan's Hurricane's Runaan's Hurricane's bolts will not apply the bonus magic damage, since it is on-hit of specifically the melee attack casts.
  • Attacks with the gun and blade do not count as different attacks for stacking Style.
  • Basic attacks using the blade are still classified as Ranged role ranged.
  • The melee attack's range condition is unaffected by Range icon attack range modifiers (e.g. Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon).
    • Blade range is calculated edge-to-edge just like basic attack ranges are, hence both Samira gaining bonus size or her target increases the total distance at which Samira can attack them with the blade.
  • Since the Airborne icon knock up requires an exterior source to Stun icon immobilize the enemy, Aftershock Aftershock will be swapped with Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying for Samira at the start of the game.
  • Abilities blocked by Spell Shield spell shields will still grant Samira Style stacks.

消耗: 30 Mana
冷却: 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2
目标范围: 950 / Range center X
宽度: 120 / 130
角度: Range center
速度: 2600
施放时间: 0.25

莎弥拉进行一次射击,对命中的第一个敌人造成(0/5/10/15/20 + 80/90/100/110/120%AD物理伤害。如果朝着近战距离内的一名敌人施放这个技能,那么莎弥拉会转而用她的剑进行斩击,造成(0/5/10/15/20 + 80/90/100/110/120%AD物理伤害



  • Applies Disintegrate spell damage on the shot and Death Lotus area damage on the slash and explosives.
  • The slash and explosives roll their Critical strike icon critical strike against each target individually.
  • The shot and the slash do not count as different abilities for stacking Style Style.
  • The explosives do not benefit from Life steal icon life steal.
  • Samira's next attack after using Flair will occasionally come out faster.*
  • Samira can use Wild Rush Wild Rush during Flair's cast time.
  • Flair will fire or slash from wherever Samira is at the end of the cast time.
    • Samira will always slash in her facing direction, and she will turn to face the target direction only once at the start of the cast time.
  • Flair can be buffered 0.5 seconds before it comes off cooldown.
  • Flair deals 0 / 6.25 / 12.5 / 18.75 / 25 (+ 125% AD) physical damage when it Critical strike icon critically strikes, increased to 0 / 7.5 / 15 / 22.5 / 30 (+ 150% AD) with Infinity Edge Infinity Edge.
  • Only the shot will be destroyed by Projectile projectile-intercepting effects.
  • The explosive placement is illustrated in Wild Rush Wild Rush regardless of whether Flair is available.
    • The VFX always covers the the full dash's distance even if Wild Rush Wild Rush is interrupted mid-dash.

消耗: 60 Mana
冷却: 30 / 28 / 26 / 24 / 22
效果半径: Range model 325
施放时间: none
Blade Whirl

莎弥拉斩击她的周围0.75秒,对敌人造成2段伤害,每段为( 20/35/50/65/80 + 80%额外AD物理伤害并摧毁任何进入该区域的敌方飞行道具。

"Don't think so."

  • Blade Whirl's area of effect is fixed around Samira.
  • Blade Whirl can be buffered 0.5 seconds before it comes off cooldown.
  • Both slashes count as the same ability for stacking Style Style.
  • Spell Shield Spell shield will block the damage from one slash.
  • Entering Stasis icon stasis (e.g. using Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass) will also end Blade Whirl early without performing the second slash.
    • Other item actives and channeling Teleport Teleport or Recall Recall will not end the effect early.
  • Samira can ignore the lockout for Flair Flair and basic attacks if she uses Wild Rush Wild Rush and queues up Flair Flair and/or a basic attack at the start of it.*

消耗: 40 Mana
冷却: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11
目标范围: Range center 600 / 650 / Range model 650
宽度: Range model 100
速度: 1600
施放时间: none
Wild Rush

莎弥拉冲刺并越过一名敌人或敌方防御塔,斩击沿途的敌人来造成(50/60/70/80/90 + 20%额外AD魔法伤害,并获得20/25/30/35/40%攻击速度,持续3秒。



  • Wild Rush can be buffered 0.5 seconds before it comes off cooldown.
  • Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger will be buffered to cast at the end of the dash if Flair Flair was cast during the dash.
  • Casting Flash Flash during Wild Rush will interrupt the dash but deal damage to nearby enemies at the location.
    • If Flair Flair was cast during this time, an explosive will also be placed at that location.

消耗: 100 / 50 / 0 Mana + Samira Rank S 6 Style
固定冷却: 8
效果半径: Range center 600
施放时间: none
Samira Rank S

莎弥拉的武器倾泻出大量的子弹,狂野地在2秒里持续对她周围的所有敌人进行10次射击,每次射击造成(0/10/20 + 50%AD物理伤害并施加生命偷取。这些射击也可以产生暴击,暴击时的生命偷取效能:66.6%。

Inferno Trigger 2



  • Samira's facing direction does not change during Inferno Trigger.
  • Inferno Trigger's area of effect is fixed around Samira.
  • Spell Shield Spell shield will block the damage of one shot.
  • Inferno Trigger will not end if there are no enemies that remain in range.
  • Inferno Trigger can be buffered 0.5 seconds before it becomes unsealed or off cooldown.
  • The shots roll Critical strike icon critical strike against each target individually.
  • A shot that Critical strike icon critically strikes will deal 0 / 20 / 40 (+ 100% AD) physical damage to non-minions, increased to 0 / 22.5 / 45 (+ 112.5% AD) with Infinity Edge Infinity Edge.
    • With 100% Critical strike chance icon critical strike chance, Inferno Trigger will deal 0 / 200 / 400 (+ 1000% AD) total physical damage per non-minion, increased to 0 / 225 / 450 (+ 1125% AD) with Infinity Edge Infinity Edge.
  • The bottom of the player's screen will have a fiery visual effect while Samira is at S rank and Inferno Trigger has at least one rank.

目标范围: Range center 950
宽度: Range model 120
速度: 1400
Samira splash coin

嘲讽 按下Ctrl+2,会朝最近的敌方英雄(或英雄尸体)投掷1枚金币,如果命中,则对其造成1点真实伤害,被命中的敌人会获得该金币。此技能可以用来提高评价等级



"Buy something nice. On me."

  • The spell does not deal damage nor grant the enemy champion hit Gold if Samira currently has Gold.
  • This spell does not count as an ability activation for the purposes of on-cast effects such as Sheen item Spellblade, charging Spellbinder Spellbinder, and stacking Force Pulse Force Pulse.
  • The damage dealt will appear as a cosmetic critical strike.
  • Samira cannot cast Flair Flair, Blade Whirl Blade Whirl, Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger or basic attack during the Taunt, unless she interrupts the emote first.
  • If Samira's facing direction changed before the coin is fired (e.g. by casting Wild Rush Wild Rush, see above), she will still turn back towards the direction she was initially facing towards and fire the coin thataway.
  • If cast at a champion corpse, the damage will not be applied (since the target is already dead) and therefore also not grant a stack of Style Style, but they will still recieve the Gold.
