There are LoL terms that are used in and outside the game, with some terms being used to simplify and facilitate rapid communication. This is a list of these terms and their definitions.
Please contribute to the page by adding more terms and definitions alphabetically.
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- 3's
- Twisted Treeline (referring to the fact that teams consist of 3 champions each)
- 5's
- Summoner's Rift (referring to the fact that teams consist of 5 champions each)
- AA
- Auto attack
- All Blind All Mid: a custom game type where players randomly pick a champion to only fight in the middle lane. Also known as ARAM (All Random All Mid).
- Ace
- When all champions on a team are dead at the same time.
- To kill the last living champion on the opposing team.
- Active
- Abilities possesed by champions and certain items that require activation (via clicking and/or hitting a key) to work, as opposed to "passive".
- AD
- Attack Damage
- All Draft All Mid: a custom game type where players pick a champion to only fight in the middle lane.
- Attack Damage Carry: a champion that deals high amounts of attack damage as the match progresses.
- Away From Keyboard
- Aggro
- The targeting priority (or enmity) of the A.I. controlled minion, turret, monster, etc.
- Ali
- Ani
- Aniv
- AoE
- Area of Effect
- AP
- Ability Power
- All Random All Bottom: a custom game type like ARAM, but played on the bottom lane on the Crystal Scar instead.
- All Random All Mid: a custom game type where players randomly pick a champion to only fight in the middle lane.
- All Random All Proving Grounds: a custom game type like ARAM, but played on the proving grounds map instead.
- ArP
- ArPen
- Armor Penetration
- Action Real-Time Strategy
- AS
- Attack Speed
- Assassin
- A champion type whose forte is ambushing enemy champions. They have abilities that may include stealthing themselves or having a strong dash skill.
- Assist
- To help an allied champion in killing an enemy champion, gaining a part of the bounty.
- The alternative term for Support Champions.
- Atmallet
- A build that utilizes Fratma's. and . Can also be referred to as
- Atmog's
- A build that utilizes Warma's. and . Can also be referred to as
- Aura
- A passive ability that usually applies to the champion and those around the champion.
- Aura platform
- A champion who is equipped with multiple aura-producing items to assist teammates.
- Auto attack
- Auto-attack
- Autoattack
- The basic attack move performed by a champion when right-clicking an enemy unit.
- B
- Back: to retreat in the general direction of your base or away from the enemy.
- To recall to the base by pressing the "B" key by default.
- Babysit
- For one champion to stay and protect another champion in order to assist them in getting more powerful.
- Bait
- To feign weakness in order to lure the enemy into a trap.
- Ball
- The untargetable mobile object under command.
- Banana
- autoattack
- Baron
- Base
- The area where the shop, nexus and inhibitors are situated.
- BC
- BD
- Backdoor
- To attack the enemies' towers and base without the support of a minion wave.
- To capture a capture point, typically the middle one, which is close to the enemy fountain and surrounded by two other enemy capture points.
- BF
- BG
- Bad Game
- Blind
- A Crowd control effect that causes the recipient's autoattack to miss completely.
- Blind pick
- A type of match where all participants select their champion simultaneously. Both teams are unaware which champions the opposing side has picked until the loading screen appears. Any champion can be summoned by one ally and one enemy at the same time.
- Blink
- A type of movement ability, similar to the summoner spell
- Blitz
- Bloodrazor
- Blue
- Blue Buff:
- Blue Team: the group of players that start out at the lower left side of Summoner's Rift, or on the left side of Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar. This team will always be the first during the pick/ban phase of Ranked and Normal Draft modes.
- Bot
- Bottom lane
- The Quarry/Boneyard capture points in Dominion.
- A.I. controlled champion
- Bounty
- The amount of gold a target is worth should they be slain.
- BP
- Blue Pill (obsolete), which was replaced by Recall. Sometimes used in place of "B".
- Be right back
- Broken
- When something within the game is viewed as imbalanced or malfunction (a champion, an item, a spell, etc.).
- Bruiser
- Obsolete – a champion with high effective health and damage per second. See fighter.
- Brush
- Bush
- The tall grass in which champions can hide.
- BT
- Buff
- A positive effect applied to a champion.
- An official modification to the game mechanics which makes something more powerful, as opposed to a "nerf".
- Bug
- A defect in the mechanics of the game that is not intended.
- Burst
- A large amount of damage being dealt in a short time, pertaining particularly to the damage dealt by a single champion. Nuke is also a commonly used term.
- BV
- Cait
- Cap
- To capture a point in Dominion.
- Care
- To be careful, implying a possible gank incoming or any other kind of danger.
- Carry
- A champion that generally starts off weaker than other champions, but becomes more powerful as the game progresses.
- Cass
- Cassi
- Caster
- A champion that can do high amounts of damage with their spells in a short time. The damage can be either AP (ability power) or AD (attack damage).
- CC
- Crowd control: a category of status effects which limit movement or actions.
- CD
- Cooldown
- Waiting for an ability's cooldown to finish before commencing an action.
- Cooldown reduction
- Chain CC
- To consecutively use multiple crowd control spells on an enemy champion.
- Champ
- A particular character that the summoner calls on and controls.
- Char
- Another word for champion, short for "character".
- Channeling
- The casting time required to perform certain spells. These types of spells can be interrupted by "hard" crowd control.
- Chase
- To pursue an enemy champion as they're running away.
- Cho
- Classic
- The standard MOBA game mode in which players focus on laning, pushing minion waves, and destroying the enemy structures.
- Clutch move
- To perform a well-timed action while under pressure.
- Co-op
- Co-op vs. AI: the player versus A.I. controlled champion match mode. Only in this mode player can choose to fight the intermediate A.I., which is otherwise not available to custom game.
- Collapsing
- When allied players coordinate with each other in order converge and strike the enemy team.
- Commit
- To not retreat. To stay in a fight until the battle is over, or until your champion is slain.
- Counter gank
- Setting up an ambush in immediate response to an enemy ambush, negating or thwarting the advantage gained by the enemy's attack.
- Counter jungle
- To slay the neutral creeps in the enemy's side of the jungle, depriving the enemy team of buffs, gold and experience.
- Counter pick
- To choose a particular champion, during the selection phase, in order to oppose a particular enemy champion.
- Cover
- A player request for another teammate to hold the player's lane while they're not there.
- Cow
- Creeps
- Monsters and minions
- CS
- Creeps Slain or Creep Score, a DotA term
- The Crystal Scar, the map in which Dominion takes place.
- Custom
- Custom game: the match mode created by player with the freedom to determine the team size, A.I. controlled champion participation and the password for limited access.
- CV
- Dar
- D
- Def
- Defend: to protect the tower or base without attacking aggressively.
- DC
- Disconnected
- DD
- Direct damage
- Double damage
- Debuff
- A negative effect applied to a champion; the opposite of a buff.
- Deny
- To kill allied minions or pets, preventing the opponent from earning the gold and experience from killing them in other MOBA games. This feature is intentionally absent from League of Legends and replaced with zoning tactics.
- Disable
- A form of crowd control that prevents the enemy from taking particular actions.
- Dive
- To pursue a specific target into a high danger area, particularly beneath an enemy turret.
- Dodge
- Queue dodge
- A deprecated champion stat, which determined the possibility to avoid an autoattack.
- Following the removal of the dodge global stat, it is the status effect granted by .
- Dog
- Dominion
- A game mode that differs from the classic MOBA-style gameplay, and focuses on seizing capture points.
- DoT
- Damage over Time
- DotA
- Defense of the Ancients: a successful mod created from Warcraft 3. It has inspired similar games such as League of Legends. "Dota" is also used to categorize games of this particular sub-genre within the real-time strategy genre.
- Double kill
- Slaying two enemy champions within a certain length of time.
- Damage per second (i.e. attack speed)
- A champion who specializes in dealing damage consecutively.
- Draft
- Draft Pick: a type of champion selection where all participants must first go through a champion banning phase and where no champion can be picked by more than one player.
- Drag
- Drake
- or
- Duelist
- A champion who exceeds at fighting enemy champions one on one (e.g. , )
- Dunking
- A flashy or rewarding kill on a champion, described in terms of a slam dunk.
- To use an aerial leap ability to severely damage or slay an enemy champion. Examples of dunking abilities include , , , etc.
- E
- The third champion ability which is bound to the "E" key by default.
- EC
- Effective health
- Health multiplied by the various damage reduction affecting it (normally armor and magic resistance), i.e. the damage that the champion needs to receive in order to be killed.
- Egg
- Elo
- A mathematical rating system for a player's relative skill level.
- Elo hell
- A perceived Elo level where it is very difficult or frustrating for a player to get out of. This is possibly due to feeders, AFKers and leavers.
- Eve
- Executed
- Being slain by a tower or a creep with no enemy champion receiving credit for the kill.
- Ez
- Easy
- Face check
- A champion going into a brush to see if an enemy champion is hidden in there. This can be a very risky action.
- Fail flash
- When the player uses their Flash spell in an unintended way.
- Farm
- To seek out and kill minions to obtain experience and gold.
- FB
- First Blood: the first kill of the game.
- Fear
- A debuff which makes target champion walk around randomly and uncontrollably.
- Fed
- A champion becoming very powerful after killing multiple enemy champions OR by having a large creep score.
- Feed
- To repeatedly die to the enemy team (through lack of skill or intentionally) giving them gold and experience. A player who does this is a feeder.
- Field of Justice
- A location where the champions battle against each other. Also referred to as a Map.
- Fighter
- A hybrid champion between tanking and DPS that combines the survivability of a tank and the damage of a DPS or a caster. They were formerly called Bruisers.
- Fish
- Flash
- A blink-type summoner spell that activates instantly upon being cast, teleporting the player's champion a short distance in the direction of their cursor.
- FM
- Fratma's
- A build that utilizes Atmallet. and . Can also be referred to as
- Focus
- To assault a specific target, normally one of strategic value (usually not the tank).
- Fog
- Fog of War
- The darkened area in the map which is out of the vision range of allied champions, minions and structures.
- FoN
- Forced teamfight
- When one team attempts to take a map objective in order to compel the enemy team to try and stop them, resulting in a battle.
- FotM
- Flavor of the Month: a champion that suddenly becomes very popular among players.
- Fountain
- The spawn/respawn position of the map, where champions regenerate health and mana, and can purchase items.
- FS
- Fiddle
- Fid
- GA
- Game throw
- When a team makes a mistake or a series of mistakes that causes them to lose the match.
- Gank
- To ambush one or more unsuspecting enemies with one or more champions.
- Gap closer
- An ability or spell that shortens the distance between the champion and the enemy.
- Gary
- GG
- Good Game
- Ghoster
- Ghosting
- A player who watches an enemy player's online stream in order to gain an advantage during the match.
- GJ
- Good Job
- GL
- Good Luck
- Good Luck; Have Fun: a portmanteau of GL and HF.
- Glass cannon
- A champion/build that is high in damage but low in defense. This primarily refers to building a champion purely for offense, sacrificing survivability.
- Global
- An ability that can strike anywhere on the map (e.g. ).
- Glyph
- A type of rune which primarily boosts various magical stats.
- Golem
- , which grants the (aka blue buff) after being slain.
- Gold
- The in-game currency used to buy items.
- GP
- GP10
- Items/masteries/runes that generate extra gold over time. Gold generating items are often incorrectly referred to as GP5.
- Grag
- Harass
- To put pressure on an enemy champion by causing damage with little risk of retaliation.
- Hard CC
- A crowd control effect that disrupts the channeling of abilities.
- Hard leash
- To draw the aggro of a monster and reduce its HP greatly before allowing an ally to deal the last hit.
- Hat
- Heal bot
- Hec
- Heim
- Heimer
- Hero
- The equivalent term for "champion" in other MOBA games.
- HF
- Have Fun
- HoG
- Hold lane
- To stay in a lane and protect a tower from being destroyed by the enemy.
- Hourglass
- HP
- Health Points
- HP5
- Health Regeneration per 5 seconds
- Hybrid
- A champion that uses two or more build types, such as going both AP and AD.
- IE
- Ignite
- A summoner spell which deals true damage over time on one enemy target. Can also refer to casting the spell on a certain enemy champion.
- Imba
- Imbalanced: describing something as unfairly powerful.
- Inc
- Incoming
- Used to warn a player that one or more champs are heading their way in an attempt to gank. This is unlike MIA, which does not give a definite indication of the missing enemy champion's direction.
- Inhib
- Inhibitor: a structure that prevents the enemy's super minions from being spawned.
- Inhibitor turret
- The tower protecting the inhibitor.
- Initiate
- A champion performing an action which signals allied champions to begin the battle. The Initiator may act as bait and take heavy damage from the enemy in order to protect their allies from taking major damage.
- Inner turrets
- The three towers at the outer perimeters of the base.
- Instagib
- Instakill
- Instant giblets or Instant kill: when a full health or nearly full health champion/monster takes lethal damage within such a short time that they essentially died instantly, with no chance to react.
- Instalock
- Instalocking
- Instant lock: To quickly select and lock-in a particular champion (or a random one) to prevent someone else from getting them, usually without previous warning to the rest of the team. This is often perceived as "poor sportsmanship".
- Invade
- To go into the enemy's territory, particularly their jungle.
- IP
- Influence Points
- Ire
- Item
- An object carried or used by a champion to enhance their performance in the match.
- J4
- Jar
- Jarv
- Jack
- JitB
- JoJ
- The Journal of Justice
- Juke
- The act of tricking the enemy pursuer(s) into chasing the wrong way, which is most often accomplished by utilizing the brush and/or the fog of war to break the enemy's line of sight.
- Jungle
- The spaces populated by neutral monsters between the lanes.
- Jungler
- A champion who forgoes fighting in a lane in order to obtain experience and gold from killing creeps in the jungle.
- Jungling
- To kill monsters in the jungle.
- Kamikaze
- A suicidal attempt to eliminate a target under an extremely unfavorable situation. See Kamikaze on Wikipedia for more information.
- Kar
- Karth
- Kass
- Kat
- Kay
- Ken
- Kill lane
- A combination of two champions that have the specific purpose of slaying the opposing two champions during the laning phase. A kill lane is usually attempted in the bottom lane.
- Killing spree
- A champion who slays at least three champions consecutively without being slain them self.
- Kit
- A champion's set of abilities.
- Kiter
- A champion that is particularly good at kiting (e.g. ).
- Kite
- Kiting
- Continuously backing away and attacking a pursuing enemy champion in such a way that the enemy is damaged while unable to deal damage back.
- Knockback
- Pushing the target's position in the opposite direction of the skill user. Target cannot move or act during the knocking motion.
- Knockup
- Disabling the target by sending them into the air. The airbound target's horizontal position does not change.
- Kog
- KS
- Kill Steal: blaming an ally for landing the finishing hit on an enemy champion who they intended to score the kill on.
- Kill Secured: preventing a severely weakened target from surviving by doing an excessive amount of damage to the target.
- Kill Streak: when a champion slays multiple enemy champions consecutively. The "Kill Streak" will reset when the champion is slain.
- Lag
- Slow response during the match due to high network connection latency. Severe lag may result in disconnection and will count as a leave if the player does not reconnect before the end of the match.
- Lane
- The paths that allied and enemy minions follow.
- Laning
- Staying in the minion paths in order to push or farm.
- Laning phase
- The first part of the match on Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. This phase usually ends as one or two turrets are destroyed.
- Last hit
- Getting the killing blow on a minion, creep, or enemy champion.
- LB
- Leash
- A tactic used to draw monster aggro, benefiting the jungler.
- Leave
- Leaver
- Exiting the champion selection or the match before each game is finished, whether voluntarily or not. This is regulated by the Leaver Buster system.
- Lee
- LS
- Lifesteal
- Leech
- Staying within range of enemy units to gain experience points without assisting your team mates with the kills.
- League of Legends, the title of the game itself.
- The League of Legends, a peacekeeping institution within the game's lore.
- Laughing out loud
- Low On Mana – See also Out of Mana
- LW
- Main
- A player's best or favorite champion to use.
- Mana
- Resource used by most champions to cast abilities.
- Manaless
- Champions who do not have the mana stat.
- Malp
- Malph
- Malz
- Mao
- Map
- A location where champions battle against each other.
- A diagrammatic representation of the arena, displayed at the lower right corner of the player's screen.
- Map awareness
- To be conscious of the events occurring around the map. To increase Map awareness, there are abilities and items (e.g.
Clairvoyance or wards) which reveal the fog of war at strategic areas.
- Map control
- To have vision and influence over areas around the map. Ways to increase Map control include placing wards and destroying enemy towers.
- Map objective
- A task that is sought after which goes towards winning the match. These tasks include getting Blue and Red Buff, slaying the Dragon and Baron, destroying towers and inhibitors, etc.
- Mark
- A type of rune which primarily boosts various physical stats.
- Martyr
- A champion that dies defending a capture point with an extra score reward, depending on how many enemy champions are involved in the kill.
- Meta
- Metagame
- The game's current play style, consisting of aspects such as lane setup, jungling, and team composition.
- Metagolem
- A tanky-dps build that (ideally) consists of Atmog's, , , and . The term is a portmanteau of the words "metagame" and "golem".
- MF
- Missing In Action: an enemy champion who was laning does not show up in the original lane which may result in recalled to base, preparing to gank the other lane and/or hiding in the brush. "MIA" is more common on the NA server than on EUW and EUNE. ss is used as the equivalent on the EUW and EUNE servers.
- Mid
- Middle lane
- The Refinery/Drill capture points in Dominion.
- Mid top
- At the beginning of Dominion, a player declares to capture the nearest middle capture point then rushes up to top.
- Mid turrets
- The three towers just outside the base.
- Minion
- The computer-controlled unit spawned from the allied structure (nexus or capture point) to march to the opposing structure along the designated lane.
- Minion wave
- A group of minions spawned together once at a time. Multiple groups of minion waves may accumulate to form a bigger group that is harder to be dealt with.
- Miss
- Enemy champion missing in action. "Miss" (along with "ss") is more common than "MIA" on the European servers.
- MK
- Minion Kills
- Multiplayer Online Battle Arena: a genre of games which brings many of the RPG (Role Playing Game) and RTS (Real-Time Strategy) elements together.
- Morde
- Morg
- MP5
- Mana regeneration per 5 seconds
- MPen
- Magic Penetration
- MR
- MRes
- Magic Resistance
- MS
- Movement Speed
- Mummy
- Mumu
- Murder bridge
- The custom game version of the Proving Grounds map.
- N1
- Nice One
- Naut
- Nerf
- An official modification to the game mechanics which makes something less powerful, as opposed to a "buff".
- Nexus
- The primary structure of the match where minions are spawned from. Victory is achieved when the opposing nexus is destroyed.
- Nexus turrets
- The two towers protecting the nexus.
- NJ
- Nice Job
- Noc
- Nid
- Noob
- Unskillful player/unexperienced beginner. Similar forms include "nub" and "n00b". Derived from the word newbie.
- Normal
- Normal game
- Non-Player Character
- Nuke
- A large amount of damage being dealt in a short time, pertaining particularly to the damage dealt by a single champion. Burst is also a commonly used term.
- Off tank
- A champion that has some attributes of a Tank (ability to soak damage, initiation ability, CC, etc.), but lacks in one or more areas.
- On My Way
- Out Of Mana
- OP
- Overpowered
- Oracle
- Oracle's Elixir and Oracle's Extract, used to detect invisibility.
- Orange
- Ori
- On The Way
- Outer turrets
- The three towers furthest from the base.
- Overextending
- A champion moving too far in lane/enemy territory, which can open them up to ganks.
- Pant
- Panth
- Party
- A player can invite other players from their friend list to form a team before joining a match. If the amount of participants does not reach the maximum size of the selected match mode (3 or 5), they will be placed with solo players to fill the vacancy/vacancies.
- Path
- Pathing
- The route that will be taken towards a destination.
- Public Beta Environment, a testing realm for upcoming content.
- PD
- Peeling
- To use CC abilities to stop enemy champions from attacking an allied champion.
- Penta
- Pentakill - Slaying five enemy champions within a certain length of time.
- Pet
- A non-champion, non-minion ally that may or may not be controllable, is generated by a champion's ability and fights for them on its own.
Pulsefire Ezreal
- Philo
- Ping
- To alt/G+left-click on the mini map causing a "ping" noise and a mark on the map that your entire team can see.
- The latency of player's internet connection to the game server, measured in "ms" (millisecond, 1 ms=0.001 second).
- Poke
- A form of harass which uses long ranged attacks to cause small to moderate damage in order to weaken an enemy, while keeping a safe position.
- Position
- Positioning
- A champion's location during a fight. Good positioning is determined by the player knowing the optimal location their champion should be at.
- Pot
- Potion(s), usually .
- Premade
- Multiple players, who know each other, forming a team together before entering the champion selection phase.
- Pro
- An act of calling someone that is very talented when playing, short for professional.
- Proc
- The activation of an effect.
- Pub
- Public player: a person that the player is placed on a team with through the automated matchmaking system.
- Pubstomp
- When an organized team of good players thoroughly defeat random public players in a match.
- Purple
- Purple team: The group of players that start out at the upper-right side of Summoner's Rift, or right side of Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar.
- Push
- To continue advancing forward in a lane, clearing it of minions and towers.
- PvP
- Player versus Player: game modes that do not include bot-controlled champions.
- Q
- The first champion ability which is bound to the "Q" key by default.
- Depicts a pair of crying eyes, implying that the other player is complaining.
- Quadrakill
- Slaying four enemy champions within a certain length of time.
- Que
- Queue: the champion selection phase before commencing the match. Currently there are Blind Pick and Draft Pick available.
- Queue dodge
- To shut down the game client or disconnect from the internet during the champion selection process to avoid playing the match.
- Quint
- Quintessence, the most expensive/powerful type of rune.
- R
- The fourth champion ability (usually the ultimate ability) which is bound to the "R" key by default.
- Rage
- To display in-game frustration.
- Ragequit
- An incident where a player quits (leaves) the game due to in-game frustrations.
- Raka
- Rambo
- Diving into a fight alone, usually a suicidal tactic.
- Random
- Blindly summoning a champion during the champion selection phase by clicking the "?" or "Lock In" buttons before selecting a champion. (Champions not yet bought or not free to play will not be chosen.)
- Rank
- Ranked
- Ranked game
- Rat
- Razors
- or
- Rdy
- Ready
- Re
- Short for reappear, meaning an enemy champion is no longer MIA.
- Recall
- A universal ability to teleport back to base after an 8 second channel.
- Recommended
- A category of champions whose controlling difficulty is relatively low and suitable to new player of League of Legends.
- The recommended items listed in the shop for shortcut purchase. Player can edit their recommended items manually.
- Red
- Red buff
- Ren
- Rene
- Report
- An action after each match to report a player to official for inappropriate behavior such as verbal abuse or intentionally feeding the opponent.
- Req
- Request
- Require
- Revolver
- Riot
- The development company that created League of Legends.
- River
- The water crossing between lanes on the Summoner's Rift.
- Range
- Random number regeneration, game mechanics that utilize randomness. See RNG in WoW.
- RoA
- Roamer
- A champion that is suited to moving around the map in order to support, jungle or gank.
- Rolling on the floor laughing.
- Root
- A debuff which prevents any movement by an enemy champion. Can also be refered to as "snare" and "immobilize".
- RP
- Riot Points
- Scaling
- How well a champion's efficiency increases as the game continues and as they gain levels and items. Champions that scale well are normally called carries.
- Scrim
- Scrimmage: two teams competing against each other for fun in a non-tournament game.
- Scrub
- An insult indicating that the player has a low skill level for the game.
- Seal
- A type of rune which primarily boosts defensive or utility stats.
- Sej
- Shop
- The location where items are bought.
- To return to the base and buy items. Interchangeable with "b" or "brb".
- Shroom
- Shutdown
- To slay a champion that is on a killing spree.
- To harass or slay a champion continuously to prevent them from getting more powerful.
- Shyv
- Silence
- A debuff which prevents any activated abilities from being used by the target champion.
- Siv
- Skill shot
- An ability that requires aiming a projectile that could miss its target.
- Skin
- A different appearance for a champion that can only be obtained by spending RP.
- Slow
- A debuff which reduces the target's movement speed.
- Smart cast
- An entry scheme of action command that allows 1-click on the keyboard (or combined with the
key) to perform the action without clicking the mouse button on the target. - Snare
- A debuff which prevents target champions movement. Can also be referred to as a "root" or an "immobilize".
- Snipe
- To shoot out an ability at long range to strike a target.
- Snowball
- Situation that occurs when a champion or team gains an advantage, and continues to use the advantage to win the game.
- Snowball item
- An item that grows in power as you gain kills/assists, e.g. .
- Soft CC
- A crowd control effect that does not disrupt the channeling of abilities.
- Soft leash
- To draw the aggro of a monster briefly before moving away.
- Solo
- A champion (usually the top and mid laners) that guards an entire lane on their own.
- Solo queue
- As opposed to a party, a player allows the automatic matching system to assign a team for them. The player may end up joining a team completely composed of solo players, or an incomplete party. For the latter case, solo players may need to wait longer until the rest of the party has finished selecting their champions.
- SotO
- Spell
- Summoner spell: The battle abilities which are not provided by the champion, but rather designated by the summoner to their champion before entering the match.
- Split push
- To continuously advance in one lane while the other members of the team are advancing in another lane.
- Squishy
- A champion that can be killed easily due to low base health/defenses.
- SR
- Summoner's Rift
- SS
- Enemy champion missing, shortened form of "miss". "SS" (along with "miss") is more common than "MIA" on the European servers.
- Steal
- To kill the neutral creeps that's on the enemy's side of the map, particularly their Lizard Elder (for Red Buff) and their Ancient Golem (for Blue Buff).
- To land the killing blow on a neutral creep that the enemy was actively fighting, particularly Dragon and Baron.
- Stealth
- An ability to conceal the user from being seen or detected by the enemies.
- Steroid
- An ability that increases one or more of a champion's base stats.
- Store
- Riot Store: the "shop" accessible in the interface where player can purchase RP, Champions, Skins, Runes, IP Boosts, etc. The term "shop" is dominantly refers to the Shop in the Field of Justice where the actual match is played.
- Streaming
- To watch a video in "real time", instead of downloading a file to the computer and watching it later.
- Stronk
- A typo of the word "strong," mostly used sarcastically due to being a misspelling.
- Stun
- A debuff which prevents the target champions from moving, attacking or casting abilities.
- Summoner
- The role given to the player as they call a champion to the field and directs them in battle.
- Super
- Super Minion: a stronger minion that is spawned by destroying an enemy inhibitor in classic game mode. In Dominion mode, each minion wave already contains one super minion.
- Support
- A category of champions whose forte is to support his/her allies' performance.
- Suppress
- Suppression
- A stronger version of the debuff stun which cannot be alleviated or actively broken out of by most methods except .
- Surrender
- Surrendering
- To start a vote between teammates to end the game earlier before the Nexus is destroyed by the opponent team and admit defeat.
- Sustain
- Sustainability
- A champion's capacity for staying in a lane or jungle without having to go back to the base.
- SV
- Synergy
- How well two or more champions/players work together.
- An item that benefits a particular champion without wasted stat boosts or inefficient abilities. ("Synergy" sections were removed from the item pages due to the definition being fairly subjective and cumbersome.)
- Tank
- A champion designed to take high amounts of damage, usually with high CC abilities and low damage.
- Tanking
- To be capable of taking high amounts of damage.
- Tanky DPS
- An alternative term for a "Fighter" type champion. Though the term can be used to describe any champion that has obtained high survivability and damage through levels and items.
- Taunt
- A disable which forces the target to attack the taunter.
- A champion quote which can be activated by entering
or pressing shift+2. - Team comp
- Team composition: A specific champion set-up for a team in which they work together to achieve an overall strategy. Examples include Poke comp, Heal comp, Push comp, AoE comp, CC comp, etc.
- Teamfight
- When multiple champions, from each opposing side, gather in one area to battle.
- Tenacity
- A champion stat which determines the reduction of effect duration of most crowd control debuffs.
- TF
- Teamfight, when multiple champions, from each opposing side, gather in one area to battle.
- Toon
- Another word for character.
- Top
- Top/upper lane
- The capture point of windmill in Dominion mode.
- Tower
- A stationary defense structure that guards the lanes and the base. It is also commonly referred to as the Turret.
- Tower diving
- To pursue an enemy champion while in range of the enemy's tower.
- Tower hugging
- To stay near the tower to deter enemy champions from attacking them.
- TP
- Trade
- Trading
- Trade champions: to switch champions with another player during the champion selection for Draft or Ranked games after all players of both teams have finished selecting champions.
- Trade damage: when players from each side deal equivalent injury to each other during a confrontation.
- Trade kills: when players from each side suffer an equivalent number of deaths after a confrontation.
- Tree
- Tri-brush
- A particular "Y" shaped brush that covers three directions, such as those located near the top exit of the jungle of the purple team's side of the map and near the bottom exit of jungle of the blue team's side.
- Triple kill
- Slaying three enemy champions within a certain length of time.
- Tris
- Trist
- Troll
- A person who causes acts of disruption to other players and to the community. These acts may include writing offensive messages or intentionally feeding the enemy. Trolls are also referred to as griefers. See Troll on Wikipedia for more information.
- Mythical beings originating from the Norse mythology. In League of Legends, belongs to this race.
- TT
- Twisted Treeline
- Tryn
- Trynd
- Trynda
- Turret
- A commonly used alternative term for the tower.
- Ult
- Ulti
- Ultimate ability
- To tell a player to use their champion's ultimate ability.
- Unique
- An aura or ability that does not stack, common to item effects.
- UP
- Underpowered
- Utility
- Spells or abilities that have a quality of being beneficial for the team. Support champions are known to have a lot of utility.
- Var
- Vision hack
- An ability which allows a player to see through the fog of war, such as .
- Veig
- Vent
- Ventrillo: a third party voice chat software.
- Vlad
- Voli
- W
- The second champion ability which is bound to the "W" key by default.
- Ward
- Items that reveal the Fog of War once placed.
- Ward bait
- To place down a ward in order to set up a gank. When an enemy champion attempts to destroy the ward, usually due to having an Oracle, the player initiates their surprise attack.
- Ward coverage
- The amount of wards placed down to give more vision around the map.
- Ward placement
- The location in which a ward is laid down. Good places to lay down wards are usually in brushes, entrances, the river, etc.
- Warma's
- A build that utilizes Atmogs. and . Can also be referred to as
- Wombo combo
- When teammates effectively and consecutively chain together their abilities on enemy champions. The term first originated from a Smash Brothers Melee match.
- WotA
- WotD
- Win of the day: rewards player a flat bonus of 150 to the IP earned from winning the first match. The bonus refreshes every 22 hours after the first win.
- WP
- Well Played
- WW
- Xin
- XZ
- Yi
- Yor
- Zil
- Zone
- Zoning
- Tactics used to prevent enemy champion(s) from gaining gold/experience.
"Transmogulate!" 本文是英文页面 League of Legends terminology 的翻译,最后翻译时间:2012-11-23 ,点击这里可以查看翻译后英文页面的改动。 |