
Energy is a resource used to fuel abilities of certain champions in place of mana. It is represented by a yellow bar instead of blue. Unlike mana, the maximum energy and energy regeneration rate of a champion cannot be increased with items; however, the maximum energy can be enhanced with certain runes and a mastery, and energy regeneration can be increased with certain runes and the Crest of the Ancient Golem Crest of the Ancient Golem buff.

Since energy champions start with a full resource bar, it allows them to pull off quick and powerful combos with their abilities. However, due to the maximum energy amount being quite low, they have to wait quite a while to regenerate it before they can do anything again. To aid in this, they all have abilities that can refund some additional energy under particular conditions.


  • The base maximum for energy is set to 200.
    • You can increase this value by up to 42 additional energy at level 18 by using runes.
    • The Utility Mastery Expanded Mind Expanded Mind can increase maximum energy by 4/7/10 total points.
  • The base energy regen is 10 energy regenerated every second (50 per 5), effectively requiring 20 seconds to regenerate the entire energy pool.
    • You can regenerate another 3.015 energy per second (15.075 per 5) at level 18 by using runes.
    • The blue buff increases the energy regeneration by 0.5% of your maximum energy per second, plus 5 flat per second. This means that it will regenerate from 6 energy per second (with the default 200 energy) to 6.26 energy per second (with 252 energy from runes and the Expanded Mind mastery).


All Ninjas in the game use energy. Lee Sin Lee Sin is the only non-ninja champion to use energy.

Ways to restore energy[]

A champion's energy can be restored in several ways:

Energy Runes[]

Runes are the only way to increase energy regeneration besides the Crest of the Ancient Golem Crest of the Ancient Golem buff, and runes are the only way to increase maximum energy besides the Expanded Mind mastery. There are currently 4 different types of runes that affect energy:

In particular, 3 Acumen quintessences and 9 Sapience glyphs will grant the most possible max energy at level 18, giving 42.3 more energy, while 3 Meditation quintessences and 9 Lucidity seals will grant the most possible energy regeneration at level 18 (15.075 more energy regenerated in 5 seconds).

Also note that energy runes are only available as Tier 3 runes, are quite expensive, and they currently only affect a small number of champions.
