
Spellbinder is a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Spellbinder item
2900 Gold (800 Gold)
Aether Wisp item
850 Gold (415 Gold)


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency

  • Spellbinder Spellbinder is 103.62% gold efficient, without its passive and active.
  • When activated at 100 stacks, Spellbinder Spellbinder becomes 231.72% gold efficient.



Spellbinder screenshot

Item VFX

  • The bonus movement speed starts decaying 0.5 seconds after activation.


  • Spellbinder Spellbinder is strong in the early game, especially on AP assassins such as Evelynn Evelynn. This is because it offers an active that greatly increases their output damage, which is most effective in early game as the AP boost is flat.


Piltover Crest icon


  • Total cost increased to 2900 Gold from 2800 Gold.
    • Combine cost increased to 800 Gold from 700 Gold.
  • Ability power increased to 120 from 100.
  • Active ability power reduced to 0 − 80 (based on charges) from 0 − 100 (based on charges).
  • Active bonus movement speed increased to 0% − 50% (based on charges) from 0% − 30% (based on charges).
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a tooltip bug where selling it then undoing the sell would restore the stacks you had before selling, but cause the counter on the buff bar to visually restart.
V8.4 - Added
  • Recipe: Aether Wisp Aether Wisp + Needlessly Large Rod Needlessly Large Rod + 700 Gold = 2800 Gold.
  • Stats: +100 ability power, +10% movement speed.
  • Unique Passive - Spellsteal: Gains a Spellbinder charge each time a nearby enemy or allied champion, including yourself, uses an ability, up to a maximum of 100 charges.
  • Unique Active - Spellburst: Grants 0 − 100 (based on charges) ability power for 4 seconds, and 0% − 30% (based on charges) bonus movement speed decaying over 4 seconds (60 second cooldown).


List of Items
