关于S8季前赛移除的游戏元素,见符文 (旧版)
Runes 2018







  • Precision icon 精密(强化攻击和持续伤害)
  • Domination icon 主宰(爆发伤害并前往目标)
  • Sorcery icon 巫术(强化技能和资源控制)
  • Resolve icon 坚决(耐久和控制)
  • Inspiration icon 启迪(创造性的工具并扭转常规)
    Rune icon
In-Game Runes


每张符文页都包含两个系的符文:主系和副系。主系包括一个基石符文和3个高级符文。副系有2个高级符文。 此外还有独立于主副系的3栏属性碎片,每栏可选择1个属性碎片。

符文系 基石符文 Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Precision icon
Precision Edit
强攻 强攻

致命节奏 致命节奏 迅捷步伐 迅捷步伐 征服者 征服者

过量治疗 过量治疗

凯旋 凯旋 气定神闲 气定神闲

传说:欢欣 传说:欢欣

传说:韧性 传说:韧性 传说:血统 传说:血统

致命一击 致命一击

砍刀 砍刀 坚毅不倒 坚毅不倒

Domination icon
Domination Edit
Hunt and Eliminate Prey
Electrocute Electrocute

Predator Predator Dark Harvest Dark Harvest Hail of Blades Hail of Blades

Cheap Shot Cheap Shot

Taste of Blood Taste of Blood Sudden Impact Sudden Impact

Zombie Ward Zombie Ward

Ghost Poro Ghost Poro Eyeball Collection Eyeball Collection

Ravenous Hunter Ravenous Hunter

Ingenious Hunter Ingenious Hunter Relentless Hunter Relentless Hunter Ultimate Hunter Ultimate Hunter

Sorcery icon
Sorcery Edit
Unleash Destruction
Summon Aery Summon Aery

Arcane Comet Arcane Comet Phase Rush Phase Rush

Nullifying Orb Nullifying Orb

Manaflow Band Manaflow Band Nimbus Cloak Nimbus Cloak

Transcendence Transcendence

Celerity Celerity Absolute Focus Absolute Focus

Scorch Scorch

Waterwalking Waterwalking Gathering Storm Gathering Storm

Resolve icon
Resolve Edit
Live Forever
Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying

Aftershock Aftershock Guardian Guardian

Demolish Demolish

Font of Life Font of Life Shield Bash Shield Bash

Conditioning Conditioning

Second Wind Second Wind Bone Plating Bone Plating

Overgrowth Overgrowth

Revitalize Revitalize Unflinching Unflinching

Inspiration icon
Inspiration Edit
Outwit Mere Mortals
Glacial Augment Glacial Augment

Unsealed Spellbook Unsealed Spellbook Prototype: Omnistone Prototype: Omnistone

Hextech Flashtraption Hextech Flashtraption

Magical Footwear Magical Footwear Perfect Timing Perfect Timing

Future's Market Future's Market

Minion Dematerializer Minion Dematerializer Biscuit Delivery Biscuit Delivery

Cosmic Insight Cosmic Insight

Approach Velocity Approach Velocity Time Warp Tonic Time Warp Tonic


Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Slot 1
Rune shard Adaptive Force
5.4 bonus Attack Damage or 9 Ability Power (Adaptive)
Rune shard Attack Speed
10% bonus attack speed
Rune shard Cooldown Reduction
1% − 10% (based on level) cooldown reduction
Slot 2
Rune shard Adaptive Force
5.4 bonus Attack Damage or 9 Ability Power (Adaptive)
Rune shard Armor
6 bonus armor
Rune shard Magic Resistance
8 bonus magic resistance
Slot 3
Rune shard Health
15 − 90 (based on level) bonus health
Rune shard Armor
6 bonus armor
Rune shard Magic Resistance
8 bonus magic resistance



When the game starts the chat informs of these substitutions.


Rune pages inventory

Rune page inventory


  • 1-9级的玩家无法新建或编辑符文页。
  • 10级开始可以新建和编辑符文页。
  • 每个新账号有2个空白符文页。可以在商城花费590 RP 5906300 BE 6300购买额外的符文页。
  • S8季前赛阶段符文系统重铸,玩家在重铸前拥有的符文页会转为新的符文页,并会收到额外的补偿。
  • 每个账号最多有25个符文页(不包括预设符文页)。
  • 你可以选择隐藏预设符文页。



Sorcery Path Animation
  • During development, Precision and Sorcery were originally going to be Primary path only.[4]
  • Runes and their surrounding areas have distinct visual appearances which bear similarities to certain Runeterran factions. This may be intentional in order to reflect the location of the World Runes:
  • The following statements generalize the changes made to compensate the loss of AD from Marks and Health/Armor from Seals, which were almost unanimously used due to the lack of options (and thus the game has been balanced, for example, around most champions having +9 Armor from Seals). The exact values may vary for specific cases, as Riot also took this opportunity to better distinguish classes (e.g. tanks from non-tanks; ranged from melee), as well as buff/nerf specific champions.
    • AD champions had the base damage on their abilities increased by 5.
      • Ranged AD champions also had their Attack damage icon base attack damage increased by 8.
    • Most champions had their Attack speed icon base armor increased by 9.
      • Most mages had their Attack speed icon base health increased by 12 (+12), instead. Primarily excepting junglers.
      • Melee supports had their Attack speed icon base armor increased by 20, instead.
  • Every rune that gives bonus Adaptive AD or AP, will always grant about 60% of the amount of AP as AD, or about 166.6% of the amount of AD as AP.
  • More runes and paths may be added in the game.
  • In Year in Review 2017 a joke phrase was added to each champion. A list with all phrases can be found over here.
  • The number of all rune combinations can be seen below.
Calculation of rune combinations
Count Paths Calculation
Primary path Secondary path Primary path Secondary path Total Combinations
1 Precision iconPrecision Domination iconDomination 4*3*3*3=108 3*3+3*4+4*3=33 108*33=3564
1 Precision iconPrecision Sorcery iconSorcery 4*3*3*3=108 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 108*27=2916
1 Precision iconPrecision Resolve iconResolve 4*3*3*3=108 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 108*27=2916
1 Precision iconPrecision Inspiration iconInspiration 4*3*3*3=108 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 108*27=2916
1 Domination iconDomination Sorcery iconSorcery 4*3*3*4=144 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 144*27=3888
1 Domination iconDomination Resolve iconResolve 4*3*3*4=144 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 144*27=3888
1 Domination iconDomination Inspiration iconInspiration 4*3*3*4=144 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 144*27=3888
1 Sorcery iconSorcery Resolve iconResolve 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 81*27=2187
1 Sorcery iconSorcery Inspiration iconInspiration 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 81*27=2187
1 Resolve iconResolve Inspiration iconInspiration 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 81*27=2187
1 Domination iconDomination Precision iconPrecision 4*3*3*4=144 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 144*27=3888
1 Sorcery iconSorcery Precision iconPrecision 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 81*27=2187
1 Resolve iconResolve Precision iconPrecision 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 81*27=2187
1 Inspiration iconInspiration Precision iconPrecision 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 81*27=2187
1 Sorcery iconSorcery Domination iconDomination 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*4+4*3=33 81*33=2673
1 Resolve iconResolve Domination iconDomination 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*4+4*3=33 81*33=2673
1 Inspiration iconInspiration Domination iconDomination 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*4+4*3=33 81*33=2673
1 Resolve iconResolve Sorcery iconSorcery 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 81*27=2187
1 Inspiration iconInspiration Sorcery iconSorcery 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 81*27=2187
1 Inspiration iconInspiration Resolve iconResolve 3*3*3*3=81 3*3+3*3+3*3=27 81*27=2187
表达式错误:无法识别的词语“undefined”。 55566
  • Prior to the introduction of Shards, players received a bonus based on the combination of their sets (e.g. Sorcery + Precision). These combinations had specific Titles, which are shared with the corresponding presets. The following is listed for archive purposes:
Secondary ► Precision Domination Sorcery Resolve Inspiration
Primary ▼
Precision The Merciless Elite The Brazen Prefect The Eternal Champion The Savant
Domination The Twisted Surgeon The Aether Blade The Immortal Butcher The Wicked Maestro
Sorcery The Incontestable Spellslinger The Calamity The Ancient One The Cryptic
Resolve The Imperious Behemoth The Leviathan The Arcane Colossus The Enlightened Titan
Inspiration The Elegant Duelist The Ruthless Visionary The Stargazer The Timeless
  • 'The Perfect' preset was originally called 'The Prefect', as with the Set Title. It is unknown why this was changed.


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Patch History[]

  • Slot 1 and 2 adaptive shard reduced to (5.4 bonus AD or 9 AP) from (6 bonus AD or 10 AP).
  • Slot 2 and 3 armor shard increased to 6 bonus armor from 5.
  • Slot 2 and 3 magic resistance shard increased to 8 bonus magic resistance from 6.
  • Offense attack speed shard increased to 10% bonus attack speed from 9%.
  • New: Shield Bash Shield Bash
  • New: Rune shards
  • Removed: Trait: Domination Trait: Domination.
  • Removed: Trait: Inspiration Trait: Inspiration.
  • Removed: Trait: Precision Trait: Precision.
  • Removed: Trait: Resolve Trait: Resolve.
  • Removed: Trait: Sorcery Trait: Sorcery.
  • Removed: Chrysalis Chrysalis.
  • New: Chrysalis Chrysalis.
  • New: Conqueror Conqueror.
  • Removed: Iron Skin Iron Skin.
  • Removed: Mirror Shell Mirror Shell.
  • Added an option to hide preset pages.
V7.22 - Added
  • Added to the live servers.
  • Individual rune changes are documented on the respective rune's page.