
Gargoyle Stoneplate is a legendary item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Gargoyle Stoneplate item
3300 Gold (1050 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold
Aegis of the Legion item
1500 Gold (750 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency


Gargoyle Stoneplate item screenshot

Active VFX


  • The item is best activated under similar circumstances to Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass as a means to mitigate the enemy's burst - and achieves little if activated when on the verge of death.



Gargoyle Stoneplate screenshot

Old Active VFX (without Stone Skin)

Gargoyle Stoneplate 2 screenshot

Old Active VFX (with Stone Skin)

Demacia Crest icon




Gargoyle Stoneplate item
2500 Gold (150 Gold)
Chain Vest item
800 Gold (500 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold
Stopwatch item
650 Gold
Negatron Cloak item
900 Gold (450 Gold)


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency


  • Updated icon.
  • New:
    • Recipe: Cloth Armor Cloth Armor + Aegis of the Legion Aegis of the Legion + Null-Magic Mantle Null-Magic Mantle + 1050 Gold = 3300 Gold.
    • Stats: 60 armor, 60 magic resistance, 15 ability haste.
    • Unique Active - Monolith: Gain a 100 (+ 100% bonus health) Hybrid resistances icon shield that decays over 2.5 seconds (90 second cooldown).
    • Unique Passive - Fortify: Increase your bonus armor and bonus magic resistance by 3% for 6 seconds when a champion deals damage to you, stacks up to 5 times for a maximum of 15%. This stacks once per champion.
    • Limited to 1 Gargoyle Stoneplate.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Chain Vest Chain Vest + Stopwatch Stopwatch + Negatron Cloak Negatron Cloak + 330 Gold = 2500 Gold.
    • Stats: 40 armor, 40 magic resistance.
    • Unique Passive - Stone Skin: If 3 or more enemy champions are within 850 radius, grants 40 bonus armor and 40 bonus magic resistance.
    • Unique Active - Metallicize: Increases current and maximum health by 40%, as well as champion size by 7%, but reduces the damage you deal by 60% for 4 seconds. If Stone Skin is active, instead increases health by 100% and size by 25% (90 second cooldown). Current health percentage is conserved when the effect ends, as well.
  • Combined cost reduced to 330 Gold from 380 Gold.
  • Active cooldown reduced to 90 seconds from 92.
  • Metallicize now increases base health and bonus health proportionally, rather than all increases being considered bonus health. For example, if you have 1500 base health and 1000 bonus health, the empowered cast will grant 1500 base health and 1000 bonus health instead of 2500 bonus health.
  • Active no longer scales with Stoneborn Pact mastery 2017 Stoneborn Pact or Nunu's Nunu's Consume Consume Well Fed buff.
  • Cinderhulk's Cinderhulk's +20% bonus health is now only applied once after Metallicize, rather than Metallicize first increasing the champion's health already factoring Gargoyle Stoneplate active and then Cinderhulk Cinderhulk triggering again to increase the new amounts of bonus health.
V7.17 August 25th Hotfix
  • Previous V7.17 changes reverted.
  • Cinderhulk's Cinderhulk's +20% bonus health is now only applied once after Metallicize, rather than Metallicize first increasing the champion's health already factoring Gargoyle Stoneplate active and then Cinderhulk Cinderhulk triggering again to increase the new amounts of bonus health.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Metallicize self-damage reduction was applying twice to Corki's Corki's basic attacks.
V7.9 May 5th Hotfix
  • Bug Fix: Active cooldown is no longer incorrectly reduced by cooldown reduction.
V7.9 Added
  • Recipe: Chain Vest Chain Vest + Negatron Cloak Negatron Cloak + 980 Gold = 2500 Gold
  • +40 armor.
  • +40 magic resistance.
  • Unique Passive - Stone Skin: If 3 or more enemy champions are nearby, grants 40 bonus armor and 40 bonus magic resistance.
  • Unique Active - Metallicize: Increases maximum health by 40% and increases champion size, but reduces the damage you deal by 60% for 4 seconds (90 second cooldown). If Stone Skin is active, instead increases maximum health by 100%.


List of Items
