
Health regeneration icon Health regeneration (also known as HP5) is a stat similar to mana regeneration which determines the amount of health a champion regenerates over a five-second period. This happens in half-second intervals. Health regeneration is considered to be a form of healing for the purposes of healing increases or decreases, and for the sake of the "Healing Done" stat at the end of game screen.

Each champion starts with a certain base rate of health regeneration, which increases by a small amount at each level-up.

Health regeneration can be further increased by a variety of items, abilities, runes and neutral buffs. Health regeneration Additive stacking icon stacks additively, and each bonus point acquired directly affects its statistic. This is true whether the bonus is a flat value or percentage-based.

Gold Value ​​​

  • Flat health regeneration has a gold value of 36 Gold per point.
  • Percentage base health regeneration has a gold value of Gold per point.
  • Health restored by potion has a gold value of 0.233 Gold per point.

Restoring Health[]

Health can also be restored through others means than health regeneration: healing, life steal, and spell vamp.

Increasing health regeneration[]


Item Cost Amount Availability
Adaptive Helm Adaptive Helm2800 Gold100 %All maps
Bilgewater Cutlass Bilgewater CutlassRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Bloodrazor BloodrazorRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Boots of Speed Boots of SpeedRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Bulwark of the Mountain Bulwark of the Mountain400 Gold100 %Summoner's Rift
Catalyst of Aeons Catalyst of AeonsRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Cinderhulk CinderhulkRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Crystalline Bracer Crystalline Bracer650 Gold50 %All maps
冰川護甲 冰川護甲Remove from Template:Do for every item.
Haunting Guise Haunting GuiseRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Hextech Gunblade Hextech GunbladeRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Hextech Revolver Hextech RevolverRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Hunter's Machete Hunter's MacheteRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Hunter's Talisman Hunter's TalismanRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Knight's Vow Knight's Vow2300 Gold300 %All maps
Liandry's Torment Liandry's TormentRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Pauldrons of Whiterock Pauldrons of Whiterock400 Gold100 %Summoner's Rift
Prototype Hex Core Prototype Hex CoreRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Rejuvenation Bead Rejuvenation Bead150 Gold50 %All maps
Relic Shield Relic Shield400 Gold25 %Summoner's Rift
Righteous Glory Righteous Glory2650 Gold100 %All maps
Rod of Ages Rod of AgesRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Rod of Ages (Quick Charge) Rod of Ages (Quick Charge)Remove from Template:Do for every item.
Runesteel Spaulders Runesteel Spaulders400 Gold50 %Summoner's Rift
Runic Echoes Runic EchoesRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Salvation Salvation2300 Gold150 %All maps
Shurelya's Reverie Shurelya's Reverie2050 Gold100 %All maps
Skirmisher's Sabre Skirmisher's SabreRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Spirit Visage Spirit Visage2900 Gold100 %All maps
Stalker's Blade Stalker's BladeRemove from Template:Do for every item.
Steel Shoulderguards Steel Shoulderguards400 Gold25 %Summoner's Rift
Targon's Buckler Targon's Buckler400 Gold50 %Summoner's Rift
Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor3000 Gold200 %All maps
Warrior WarriorRemove from Template:Do for every item.


Champion abilities[]


Neutral buffs[]

  • Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders

Decreasing health regeneration[]


Type File:Heal power.pngHybrid resistances icon Heal and Shield Power Spirit Visage Spirit Visage Revitalize Revitalize Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds
Health regeneration icon Health regeneration Not Owned Owned Not Owned Owned
Life steal icon Life steal Not Owned Owned Owned Owned
Spell vamp icon Spell vamp Not Owned Owned Owned Owned
Ravenous Hunter rune Drain effects Owned Owned Owned Owned
Self heals Owned Owned Owned Owned
Self shields Owned Not Owned Owned Not Owned
Incoming heals Not Owned Owned Owned Owned
Incoming shields Not Owned Not Owned Owned Not Owned
Outgoing heals Owned Not Owned Owned Not Owned
Outgoing shields Owned Not Owned Owned Not Owned
Bonus health Bonus health Not Owned Not Owned Not Owned Not Owned

List of champions' health regeneration[]

Champions with the lowest or highest health regeneration before items, runes, or abilities
Champion Level Top 5 champions Bottom 5 champions
Level 1 1. Vi Vi
1. Darius Darius
10 hp5 1. Ahri Ahri
1. Lillia Lillia
1. Soraka Soraka
2.5 hp5
2. Singed Singed
2. Illaoi Illaoi
9.5 hp5 2. Aatrox Aatrox 3 hp5
3. Ekko Ekko
3. Nasus Nasus
3. Ornn Ornn
3. Cho'Gath Cho'Gath
3. Amumu Amumu
3. Sylas Sylas
3. Skarner Skarner
3. Akali Akali
3. Volibear Volibear
9 hp5 3. Sivir Sivir
3. Aphelios Aphelios
3. Samira Samira
3. Xayah Xayah
3. Zeri Zeri
3.25 hp5
4. K'Sante K'Sante
4. Nautilus Nautilus
4. Riven Riven
4. Shaco Shaco
4. Shen Shen
4. Braum Braum
4. Jax Jax
4. Camille Camille
4. Irelia Irelia
4. Fiora Fiora
4. Evelynn Evelynn
4. Leona Leona
4. Shyvana Shyvana
4. Alistar Alistar
4. Sejuani Sejuani
4. Tryndamere Tryndamere
4. Talon Talon
4. Gwen Gwen
8.5 hp5 4. Senna Senna
4. Wukong Wukong
4. Ashe Ashe
4. Varus Varus
4. Caitlyn Caitlyn
4. Vayne Vayne
4. Kai'Sa Kai'Sa
3.5 hp5
5. Graves Graves
5. Poppy Poppy
5. Garen Garen
5. Ryze Ryze
5. Kayn Kayn
5. Renekton Renekton
5. Fizz Fizz
5. Xin Zhao Xin Zhao
5. Jarvan IV Jarvan IV
5. Yorick Yorick
5. Galio Galio
5. Rammus Rammus
5. Viktor Viktor
5. Zac Zac
5. Rumble Rumble
8 hp5 5. Kalista Kalista
5. Jhin Jhin
5. Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
5. Draven Draven
5. Akshan Akshan
5. Lucian Lucian
5. Jinx Jinx
5. Twitch Twitch
5. Kog'Maw Kog'Maw
3.75 hp5
Level 18 1. Vi Vi 27 hp5 1. Nilah Nilah 7.06 hp5
2. Darius Darius 26.15 hp5 2. Soraka Soraka 11 hp5
3. Mega Gnar Mega Gnar
3. Gnar Gnar
25.75 hp5 3. Lillia Lillia 11.85 hp5
4. Sejuani Sejuani
4. Braum Braum
25.5 hp5 4. Jinx Jinx 12.25 hp5
5. Ornn Ornn
5. Ekko Ekko
5. Akali Akali
5. Sylas Sylas
5. Nasus Nasus
24.3 hp5 5. Morgana Morgana 12.3 hp5


Last updated: July 29, 2020, patch V10.15

Without using Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying, Overgrowth Overgrowth, Cho'Gath's Cho'Gath's Feast Feast, Sion's Sion's Soul Furnace Soul Furnace, Ravenous Flock Ravenous Flock or Vladimir Vladimir with Gathering Storm Gathering Storm which potentially allow for infinite amounts of health, what may be the highest health regeneration attainable is 19329 health per 5 seconds, with Dr Dr. Mundo's, thanks to his passive Adrenaline Rush Adrenaline Rush, and his ultimate Sadism Sadism, which both scale with maximum health.

Note that Revitalize Revitalize and File:Heal power.pngHybrid resistances icon Heal and Shield Power do not affect health regeneration, and that Oceanic Will Oceanic Will and Ocean Dragon Soul Ocean Dragon Soul are not considered as health regeneration effects.

  • Dr Dr. Mundo (health):
    • Items = 800 × 3 800 × 3 + 450 450 + 300 300 = 3150 health
    • Runes = Rune shard Health 90 = 90 health
    • Buffs = 1633 1633.956 + 300 300 = 1933.956 health
    • Maximum Health Multiplier = 1 + 1 1 = 2
    • Bonus Health Multiplier = 1 + 0 0.15 = 1.15
      • Dr Dr. Mundo's health = (2095.52 + (3150 + 90 + 1933.956) × 1.15) × 2 = 16091.1388 health
  • In the same situation, Dr Dr. Mundo is at 0.01% maximum health so he has currently about 1.6 health.
    • It would take him 4.16 seconds to recover all his missing health.
