By consuming all five charges you can restore a total of 300 health and 175 mana.
In comparison, 3 charges of Corrupting Potion can restore a total of 375 health and 225 mana.
Hunter's Potion can be consider the 80% version of Corrupting Potion, if you don't consider the Touch of Corruption on Corrupting Potion and the potion refill on a monster kill on Hunter's Potion.
Hunter's Potion costs 400 which is 80% of 500.
Hunter's Potion, with 5 charges, restore 300 health which is 80% of 375 health.
Hunter's Potion, with 5 charges, restore 175 mana which is 77.7% of 225 mana.
Consume: Regenerates 60 health and 35 mana over 8 seconds.
Holds up to 5 charges that refill upon visiting the store. Killing large monsters grants one charge. Killing a large monster at maximum charges will trigger the restoration at no cost to the charges.