- 在经典召唤师峡谷和极地大乱斗模式,你最多可叠加5层灵性猎手,获得35%装备急速。
Template:Item haste table
- New Effect:
- Gain 10 (+ 5 per Bounty Hunter stack) item haste, up to 35 at 5 stacks.
- Earn a Bounty Hunter stack for champion takedowns, up to one per unique enemy champion.
- Old Effect:
- Reduce the cooldown of item actives by 15% (+ 5% per Bounty Hunter stack), up to 40% at 5 stacks.
- Earn a Bounty Hunter stack for champion takedowns, up to one per unique enemy champion.
- V8.10
- Base active item CDR increased to 15% from 10%.
- Additional active item CDR per stack reduced to 5% from 6%.
- V7.24
- Tooltip now show who you have and haven't killed.
- Map-Specific Balancing: On Twisted Treeline, each altar is counted as a potential unique bounty for Bounty Hunter.
- V7.22 Added