
Template:Spell data 淨化

Cleanse Cleanse is a 'non-targeted' summoner spell. Its primary function is to remove active crowd control effects, allowing the summoner to continue pursuit or escape.


  • Cleanse will remove any and all of the following effects: Blinds, Charm, Fear (including Flee Flee), Movement Slows, Polymorph, Silences, Snares (including Entangle Entangle, Roots and Immobilizes), Stuns and Taunts.
    • Cleanse will not remove non-CC effects, such as: damage over time, attack speed reductions, defence shredding and grievous wound. Quicksilver Sash Quicksilver Sash is an alternative to Cleanse that will remove all of these effects.
  • Cleanse has no effect on Suppression, knock-ups, knock-backs, grabs and flings. This is true for both the removal and reduction effects.
  • Cleanse will remove all effects contained within the crowd control debuff.
    • For example, it will remove the following attack speed slows: Glacial Storm Glacial Storm, Crippling Strike Crippling Strike, Cripple Cripple, Wither Wither, Ice Blast Ice Blast, Absolute Zero Absolute Zero, Warden's Mail Warden's Mail and Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen.
    • Tryndamere's Tryndamere's Mocking Shout Mocking Shout is an example of an ability where the two parts are separate debuffs. This is also true for Anivia's "Chill" debuff, applied by Flash Frost Flash Frost and Glacial Storm Glacial Storm.
    • Interestingly, Ground Slam Ground Slam and Barrel Roll Barrel Roll are the only attack speed slows in the game not connected to a movement speed slow and so are the only attack speed slows that Cleanse will not remove.


  • Previously the tool tip stated that Cleanse was able to remove the Sleep debuff, although no such effect existed in the game.
  • Cleanse was named Boost up until V0.9.22.15.

Patch History[]


  • Fixed a bug where it could interrupt Teleport Teleport.


  • Now cleanses summoner spell debuffs such as Exhaust Exhaust's movement speed and damage reduction and Ignite Ignite's damage over time
  • Cooldown increased to 210 seconds from 150 seconds
  • Improved Cleanse no longer reduces cooldown, but now extends the secondary disable reduction buff by 1 second


  • Removed the word "sleeps" from Cleanse Cleanse's tooltip.


  • Exhaust Exhaust is now properly flagged as a slow + blind and can now be removed by Cleanse Cleanse


  • Cleanse Cleanse now removes silence and blind effects.


  • Cleanse Cleanse can be used without breaking stealth.


  • Cleanse Cleanse now only removes crowd controlling effects, silences and blinds. It no longer removes effects such as damaging debuffs or armor/stat debuffs


  • Cleanse Cleanse cooldown increased to 150 seconds from 120 seconds.


V1.0.0.63: Remake

  • No longer provides debuff immunity (but still removes debuffs when cast). Provides a 50% duration reduction to stuns, slows, taunts, fears, snares, sleeps and immobilizers for the next 3 seconds.
  • Cooldown increased to 120 from 100.
  • Willpower (mastery): Cooldown reduction reduced to 20 seconds from 30.


  • Cleanse Cleanse provides 2 seconds of debuff immunity after cast.


  • Cooldown reduced to 100 from 120.


  • Added the summoner spell particle.
  • No longer stops Requiem Requiem.

V0.9.22.15: Remake

  • Cleanse Boost renamed to Cleanse Cleanse:
    • Removes all debuffs from your champion, can be cast while disabled.
    • Cooldown reduced to 120 from 150.


  • Cooldown increased to 150 from 120.
  • Duration reduced to 12 from 15.

July 10, 2009 Patch:

  • Cleanse Boost duration reduced to 15 seconds from 30.

June 26, 2009 Patch:

  • Will Power (mastery): Increases the duration of Cleanse Boost by 2 seconds, and reduces the cooldown by 30 seconds.
  • Cleanse Boost no longer gets consumed by autoattack abilities like Frost Shot Frost Shot or Toxic Shot Toxic Shot.

June 6, 2009 Patch:

  • Gave it the correct buff icon/tooltip.
  • Can now be cast while disabled.

May 29, 2009 Patch:

  • Tooltip fixes.

May 23, 2009 Patch:

  • Now activates a 30 second duration spell shield (90 sec cooldown), also removes any slows/silences/snares currently on the caster.

May 1, 2009 Patch:

  • Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds from 180.
  • Known issue: it doesn't break stuns, fears, or silences.

Alpha Week 5:

  • Cleanse Boost initial cooldown reduced to 0, and cooldown reduced to 3 minutes from 8.

Alpha Week 4:

  • Cleanse Boost cooldown decreased to 6 minutes from 8.