
Turbo Chemtank is a mythic item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Turbo Chemtank item
2800 Gold (950 Gold)
Bami's Cinder item
1100 Gold (300 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency

  • Turbo Chemtank Turbo Chemtank is 67.26% gold efficient without its passive and active.

Turbocharged Hexperiment is a mythic item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. Can only be forged by Ornn Ornn.


Turbo Chemtank item
2800 Gold (950 Gold)
Bami's Cinder item
1100 Gold (300 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency


Turbo Chemtank item screenshot

Aura VFX

Turbo Chemtank active item screenshot

Active VFX

Turbo Chemtank shockwave item screenshot

Shockwave VFX

Zaun Crest icon


;V10.23 - Added
  • Replaces Righteous Glory Righteous Glory.
  • Recipe: Bami's Cinder Bami's Cinder + Cloth Armor Cloth Armor + Negatron Cloak Negatron Cloak + 1000 Gold = 3200 Gold.
  • Stats: 350 health, 15 ability haste, 25 armor, 50 magic resistance.
  • Unique Active - Supercharged: For 4 seconds, grants 75% bonus movement speed and Ghost ghosting when moving towards a Turret icon turret or visible enemy Champion icon champion (2000 radius). After the duration or when an enemy champion is within 225 range, you emit a shockwave, Slow icon slowing enemy champions within Range center 450 range by 40% for 2 seconds (90 second cooldown).
  • Unique Passive - Immolate: Taking or dealing damage activates this passive for 3 seconds. Deal 20 − 40(基于等级) (+ 1% bonus health) magic damage per second to nearby enemies, increased by 50% against minions and 200% against monsters.
  • Mythic Passive: Empowers your other Legendary items with 5% tenacity and slow resistance.
  • Limited to 1 Mythic item.
  • ornn's ornn's Masterwork Masterwork item: Turbocharged Hexperiment Turbocharged Hexperiment.
    • Stats: 500 health, 20 ability haste, 35 armor, 65 magic resistance.


List of Items
