
流水法杖是游戏《英雄联盟》中的一件传说装备。曾在V5.14版本佣兵大作战模式中短暂登场,于V10.23版本重做后回归[註 1]


Staff of Flowing Water item
2300 Gold (630 Gold)
Forbidden Idol item
800 Gold (550 Gold)


Gold Value

Ally Buff Value at level 1

Ally Buff Value at level 18

Gold Efficiency

  • Staff of Flowing Water Staff of Flowing Water is 93.66% gold efficient without its passive.
  • At level 1, Staff of Flowing Water Staff of Flowing Water becomes 183.01% - 220.83% gold efficient if a single ally (and the caster) is buffed by its passive.
  • At level 18, Staff of Flowing Water Staff of Flowing Water becomes 317.03% - 411.59% gold efficient if four allies (and the caster) are buffed by its passive.

Staff of Flowing Water item screenshot

Item VFX




Ionia Crest icon


  • Updated icon.
  • New:
    • Now available on all maps.
    • Recipe: Forbidden Idol Forbidden Idol + Blasting Wand Blasting Wand + 650 Gold = 2300 Gold.
    • Stats: 60 ability power, 10% heal and shield power, 100% base mana regeneration.
    • Unique Passive - Rapids: File:Heal power.png Healing or Hybrid resistances icon shielding an ally grants you and them 15% bonus movement speed and 20 − 40(基于target's level) ability power for 3 seconds.
    • Limited to 1 Staff of Flowing Water.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Chalice of Harmony Chalice of Harmony + Amplifying Tome Amplifying Tome + 300 Gold = 1635 Gold.
    • Stats: 40 ability power, 50% base mana regeneration, 25 magic resistance.
    • Unique Passive - Mana Font: Every 5 seconds, restores 2% of your missing mana.
    • Unique Passive: While in the river, grants +30% movement speed and +10 flat mana regeneration.
    • Caption: "News travels fast along the Ionian riverside."
    • Availability: Black Market Brawlers.
V5.15 - Removed (2015-08-10)
  • Removed from the game due to Black Market Brawlers end.
V5.14 - Added (2015-07-30)
  • Added due to Black Market Brawlers release.
    • Recipe: Chalice of Harmony Chalice of Harmony + Amplifying Tome Amplifying Tome + 300 Gold = 1635 Gold.
    • Stats: 40 ability power, 25 magic resist and 50% base mana regeneration.
    • Unique Passive - Mana Font: Restores 2% of your missing mana every 5 seconds.
    • Unique Passive: Gain 30% movement speed and 10 mp5 while in the river.
    • Caption: "News travels fast along the Ionian riverside."


  1. 陆服在佣兵大作战模式中此装备译名为流水之杖,V10.23版本重做后,改为流水法杖。装备的英文名(Staff of Flowing Water)和台服译名(流水之杖)则保持不变

List of Items
