"You belong in a museum!"
Sightstone was an advanced item in League of Legends. It was exclusive to Summoner's Rift.
Gold Value
- 150 health = 400
Gold Efficiency
- 50% gold efficient. Its gold efficiency increases by 9.38% for every Stealth Ward deployed, becoming gold efficient after deploying 6 wards and increasing indefinitely with each ward deployed afterwards. is
- If you're only buying for the wards, it pays for itself in 11 wards:
- This item was removed because it was a mandatory purchase on supports. This would limit their itemization, not only due to the gold spent, but also due to the need to dedicate a slot for this item. Despite being mandatory due to the wards, this item was actually inneficient in terms of stats, especially for non-tank supports. This item was replaced by a quest in the gold generation starting items for supports that, once completed, automatically transforms them into warding items, allowing supports to spend their gold into items that are otherwise more useful overall.
- By extension, was also removed. This decreased the amount of active item cooldown reduction that is possible to obtain.
;V8.2 - Removed
- Removed from the game.
- V7.24
- Bug Fix: Undoing purchases made while dead will no longer cause it to fail to refill their wards on respawn.
- V5.22
- Removed Unique Passive – Ward Refresh: Starts with 4 charges and refills each time you visit your shop.
- Removed Unique Active – Ghost Ward: Consumes a charge to place an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 3 minutes. You may have a maximum of 2 wards placed from this item at once.
- New Unique Active - Warding: Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 3 charges that refill upon visiting the shop.
- Charges reduced to 3 from 4.
- Ward duration reduced to 150 seconds from 180.
- Added to recipe for , , and .
- V4.3
- Total cost reduced to 800 from 950 .
- Health reduced to 150 from 180.
- Removed: Limit of 2 placed wards with this items. Players still limit to a total of 3.
- V3.01
- New Recipe: + 475 = 950
- Health increased to 180 from 100.
- Gold reward for Sightstone wards increased to 25 from 10 .
- V1.0.0.152 Added
- Cost: 700
- +100 health.
- Unique Passive – Ward Refresh: Starts with 4 charges and refills each time you visit your shop.
- Unique Active – Ghost Ward: Consumes a charge to place an invisible ward that reveals the surrounding area for 3 minutes. You may have a maximum of 2 wards placed from this item at once.
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Mythic items
- Ornn's Mythic item upgrades
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Removed items
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