英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


  • Xerath Xerath has strong lane control in the hands of a skilled player, using well-aimed Arcanopulses Arcanopulses to harass and farm at the same time.
    • If the target is running (without any speed buff) perpendicularly to the line of Arcanopulse Arcanopulse, lay the spell about 100 to 150 distance before the target.
    • Use Mage Chains Mage Chains in conjunction with your team's gankers to help in the kill effort.
    • Xerath's Xerath's burst damage at level 6 is one of the highest in the game, at potentially the greatest range as well.
  • An essential combo for Xerath Xerath is to use Mage Chains Mage Chains on a target, then immediately follow it up with an Arcanopulse Arcanopulse directed right on top of the foe, making the stun nearly guaranteed. Combined with Locus of Power Locus of Power's range bonus, Xerath Xerath can easily punish an enemy in a bad position.
    • Arcane Barrage Arcane Barrage can also be used to trigger Mage Chains Mage Chains, the upside being its very short cast time and thus making it even more difficult for foes to react in time.
  • Make use of the 12 second period Arcane Barrage Arcane Barrage remains active; it can be prudent to save your remaining shots to pick off fleeing targets.
  • The vision granted by an Arcane Barrage Arcane Barrage can help against a juking opponent, or to open a fight on brush you suspect/know has enemies within.
  • Unless Xerath Xerath has built up sufficient cooldown reduction and you anticipate needing the movement speed soon, deactivate Locus of Power Locus of Power immediately after done casting the first row of active abilities, not waiting for cooldowns. Otherwise it would buy the target some time to run and you cannot even hit them with Xerath's auto attack.
  • Do not use Locus of Power Locus of Power for the movement speed boost when attempting to escape because of the channel time to activate and deactivate.
    • However the speedboost can be used to juke. Enter a brush and then activate Locus of Power Locus of Power, then juke the opposing champion by running out the way you came.
  • Xerath Xerath has relatively low cooldowns on his main sources of damage, Arcanopulse Arcanopulse and Mage Chains Mage Chains, so use them whenever possible in a 2v2, or 2v1 situation. When you expect a teamfight, keep all of your abilities off of cooldown.
  • Xerath Xerath is a good farmer with his long range ability to hit all the minions in a wave at once when Locus of Power Locus of Power is activated and Arcanopulse Arcanopulse is used while locked. After injuring the wave and waiting for a few seconds he can clear the whole wave with Arcanopulse Arcanopulse once again.
  • When activating Locus of Power Locus of Power, there is a delay until you can cast spells. However, you can still acquire a target during that delay, and the range increase will apply. So if you activate Locus of Power Locus of Power and immediately target an enemy with Mage Chains Mage Chains, Mage Chains Mage Chains will cast as soon as the delay for Locus of Power Locus of Power is over even if they have left the normal range. This may or may not be a bug. In Xerath's champion tips, it says to use the delay in Locus of Power Locus of Power to line up enemies.
    • What this means is you can "queue" up your damaging spells during the delay in Locus of Power Locus of Power. After the delay, all spells "queued" will be cast.
  • A smart damaging combo would be to start off with Mage Chains Mage Chains and proc the stun with Arcane Barrage Arcane Barrage with only one cast, then activate Locus of Power Locus of Power for the extra range in case they manage to slip out of range. Hit them with the the last two casts of your ultimate and Arcanopulse Arcanopulse + the extra magic penetration to finish them off.
  • Another smart combo is to get them in range and pop Locus of Power Locus of Power, while it is activating queue up Mage Chains Mage Chains and Arcanopulse Arcanopulse, hit them with two shots from Arcane Barrage Arcane Barrage (they will be stunned hopefully and not moving) and another Arcanopulse Arcanopulse (it should be off cooldown at least at higher levels and with any CDR) and your last Arcane Barrage Arcane Barrage. It's important to note that while there is a cast time for both Arcanopulse Arcanopulse and Arcane Barrage Arcane Barrage the cast times can overlap, meaning you can cast them in sequence without having to wait for the previous spell to finish.
  • If your target has a quick escape ability, it may be hard to land all of your Arcane Barrages Arcane Barrages before they run away. Instead, stun them with Mage Chains Mage Chains and one Arcane Barrage Arcane Barrage then Arcanopulse Arcanopulse, and use your last two casts of Arcane Barrage Arcane Barrage after they've blinked away. Feel free to use Locus of Power Locus of Power any time during this combo.

Build usage[]


Doran's Ring Doran's Ring Prospector's Ring Prospector's Ring


Champion spotlight[]
