
Ability power (or AP) is a stat that increases the effectiveness of most champions' abilities. Abilities in League of Legends that are affected by ability power have an ability power ratio. This ratio determines how much a particular ability will benefit from a champion's total ability power, whether through increased damage, healing, and other numerical values. Ability power stacks additively.

Calculations To calculate the bonus to a numerical value in an ability, the formula is

Bonus = AP × AP ratio.

For example, if a damage spell has an ability power ratio of 0.25, every 4 points of ability power will increase the damage of this ability by 1. Abilities that are affected by ability power are identifiable by a bracketed plus sign with a green font, along with a number that corresponds to the applicable bonus. For example a champion with 50 ability power who has an ability with an ability power ratio of 0.7, it will display "+35" (50 × 0.7) next to the corresponding value in the UI.

Increasing ability power[]



  • Abyssal Scepter Abyssal Scepter: +70 ability power, +57 magic resistance. Unique Aura: Nearby enemy champions suffer −20 magic resistance. 2650 gold
  • Amplifying Tome Amplifying Tome: +20 ability power. 435 gold
  • Archangel's Staff Archangel's Staff: +45 ability power. Passive: You gain ability power equal to 3% of your maximum mana. +400 mana, +25 mana regeneration. Unique Passive: On cast, you gain +4 maximum mana (maximum +1000 maximum mana). 3 second cooldown. 2855 gold
  • Athene's Unholy Grail Athene's Unholy Grail: +90 ability power, +15 mana regeneration, +40 magic resist, UNIQUE: +15% cooldown reduction, UNIQUE: Restores 12% of your max mana on kill or assist, UNIQUE: Increases your mana regeneration by 1% per 1% mana you are missing. 2950 gold
  • Blasting Wand Blasting Wand: +40 ability power. 860 gold
  • Deathfire Grasp Deathfire Grasp: +80 ability power. Unique Active: Target champion suffers magic damage equal to 15% (+5% per 100 ability power) of their current health (200 damage minimum, range 750, 60 second cooldown). 2600 gold
  • Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex: +30 ability power, +7 mana regeneration. Unique Passive: +10% cooldown reduction. 1125 gold
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade Guinsoo's Rageblade: +45 ability power. Passive: On cast or hit, you gain +6 ability power and +4% attack speed for 5 seconds (maximum 8 stacks). +35 attack damage. 2235 gold
  • Haunting Guise Haunting Guise: +25 ability power, +200 health. Unique Passive: +20 magic penetration. 1485 gold
  • Hextech Gunblade Hextech Gunblade: +70 ability power, +40 attack damage, +15% life steal. Unique passive: +20% spell vamp. Unique Active: Target champion suffers 300 magic damage and is slowed by 50% for 3 seconds. 60 second cooldown and 700 range. 3625 gold
  • Hextech Revolver Hextech Revolver: +40 ability power. Unique Passive: +12% spell vamp. 1200 gold
  • Kage's Lucky Pick Kage's Lucky Pick: +25 ability power. Unique Passive: Gain +5 gold per 10 seconds. 765 gold
  • Moonflair Spellblade Moonflair Spellblade: +50 ability power, +35 tenacity. 1200 gold
  • Malady Malady: +25 ability power, +50% attack speed. Unique Passive: On hit, target suffers 20 magic damage and minus 6 magic resistance for 8 seconds (maximum 4 stacks). 1825 gold
  • Lich Bane Lich Bane: +80 ability power, +30 magic resistance, +350 mana, +7% movement speed. Unique Passive: On cast, for 10 seconds, your next standard attack deals extra damage equal to 100% of your ability power. Cooldown 2 seconds. 3470 gold
  • Morello's Evil Tome Morello's Evil Tome: +75 ability power, +12 mana regeneration. Unique Passive: +20% cooldown reduction. Unique Active: Inflicts target enemy champion with Grievous Wound, causing 50% reduced healing and regeneration for 8 seconds (20 second cooldown). 2330 gold
  • Nashor's Tooth Nashor's Tooth: +65 ability power, +50% attack speed, +10 mana regeneration. Unique Passive: +25% cooldown reduction. 2735 gold
  • Needlessly Large Rod Needlessly Large Rod: +80 ability power. 1600 gold
  • Rabadon's Deathcap Rabadon's Deathcap: +140 ability power. Unique Passive: +30% ability power. 3600 gold
  • Rod of Ages Rod of Ages: +60 ability power. Passive: You gain +2 ability power, +18 health, and +20 mana every 60 seconds (maximum +20 ability power, +180 health, and +200 mana). +450 health, +525 mana. 3035 gold
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rylai's Crystal Scepter: +80 ability power, +500 health. Passive: On hit with ability, target is slowed by 35% for 2 seconds (15% for multi-target abilities). 3105 gold
  • Sheen Sheen: +25 ability power, +250 mana. Unique Passive: On cast, for 10 seconds, your next standard attack deals extra damage equal to 100% of your base attack damage. Cooldown 2 seconds. 1260 gold
  • Trinity Force Trinity Force: +30 ability power, +30 attack damage, +30% attack speed, +15% critical strike chance, +250 health, +250 mana, +12% movement speed. Unique Passive: On hit, 25% chance for target to be slowed by 35% (25% for ranged attacks) for 2.5 seconds. Unique Passive: On cast, for 10 seconds, your next standard attack deals extra damage equal to 150% of your base attack damage. Cooldown 2 seconds. 4070 gold
  • Void Staff Void Staff: +70 ability power. Unique Passive: +40% magic penetration. 2295 gold
  • Will of the Ancients Will of the Ancients: +50 ability power. Unique Aura: Nearby allied champions gain +30 ability power and +20% spell vamp. 2500 gold
  • Zhonya's Hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass: +100 ability power, +50 armor. Unique Active: For 2 seconds, you are invulnerable and untargetable but cannot take any actions. 90 second cooldown. 3100 gold


  • Doran's Ring Doran's Ring: +15 ability power, +80 health, +5 mana regeneration. 475 gold
  • Elixir of Brilliance Elixir of Brilliance: On use, grants +20-40 ability power (based on champion level) and +10% cooldown reduction for 4 minutes. 250 Gold
  • Mejai's Soulstealer Mejai's Soulstealer: +20 ability power. Unique Passive: You gain +8 ability power per stack, receiving 2 stacks for a kill or 1 stack for an assist. This effect can stack 20 times; you lose a third of your stacks if you die. At 20 stacks, you gain +15% cooldown reduction. 1235 gold


  • Hextech Sweeper Hextech Sweeper: +25 ability power, +300 health. Unique Passive: +10% cooldown reduction. Unique Passive: On dealing magic damage, gain vision of your target for 4 seconds. Unique Active: Detect stealthed units in target area for 10 seconds. 60 second cooldown. 1435 gold
  • Prospector's Ring Prospector's Ring: +30 ability power, +7 mana regeneration. Unique Passive: +200 health (does not stack with other Prospector items). 950 gold

Twisted Treeline[]

  • Blackfire Torch Blackfire Torch: +50 ability power, +300 health, +350 mana. Unique Passive: Your spells burn for an additional 5% of the target's maximum Health in magic damage over 3 seconds (effect halved for AoE and and damage over time). 2890 gold
  • Ichor of Illumination Ichor of Illumination: Grants 30-64 Ability Power based on champion level, 15% Cooldown Reduction, and a huge boost to mana and energy regeneration for 4 minutes. 500 gold
  • Wooglet's Witchcap Wooglet's Witchcap: +100 ability power. Unique Passive: +10% Movement Speed. Unique Passive: Increases Ability Power by 25%. 2700 gold

Champion abilities[]

Note: Only the ability power buff effect of these abilities is shown here, to read more information on each of these abilities, follow the link on each of them.


  • Archmage Archmage increases your champion's ability power by 1.25% / 2.5% / 3.75% / 5% per rank.
  • Blast Blast increases your champion's ability power by 0.25 / 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 per champion level (4.5 / 9 / 13.5 / 18 at level 18).
  • Mental Force Mental Force increases your champion's ability power by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 per rank.
  • Summoner's Wrath Summoner's Wrath grants +5 ability power while your Ignite Ignite spell is on cooldown.
  • Summoner's Wrath Summoner's Wrath upgrades your Surge Surge spell to increase ability power gained by 10%.


Name Type Tier 1 (Lesser) Tier 2 (Normal) Tier 3 (Greater)

(Ability Power per level)


Marks (4)

0.06 per level (1.08)

30 IP

0.08 per level (1.44)

165 IP

0.10 per level (1.80)

410 IP


Seals (2)

0.06 per level (1.08)

30 IP

0.08 per level (1.44)

165 IP

0.10 per level (1.80)

410 IP


GGlyphs (4)

0.10 per level (1.80)

30 IP

0.13 per level (2.34)

165 IP

0.17 per level (3.06)

410 IP


Quintessences (4)

0.24 per level (4.32)

80 IP

0.34 per level (6.12)

410 IP

0.43 per level (7.74)

1025 IP


(Ability Power)


Marks (2)


30 IP


165 IP


410 IP


Seals (3)


30 IP


165 IP


410 IP


GGlyphs (3)


30 IP


165 IP

410 IP[]

Quintessences (3)


80 IP


410 IP


1025 IP

Neutral buffs[]


Aside from Veigar Veigar, who may obtain any amount of ability power due to the passive effect of his Q, Veigar's Veigar's Baleful Strike Baleful Strike, the maximum ability power obtainable by any champion at level 18 is approximately 2,212 AP, obtained by Karma Karma. To reach this amount, she must:

This combination should result in Karma Karma having 2212 AP.

Relevant mathematics:

(0.03 × 5)
(1320 + 216 + 834.3 + 1000 + (400 × 5))
(45 × 5)
) × (1 +
) = 2212AP

If Mordekaiser Mordekaiser, with 5 Rabadon's Deathcaps Rabadon's Deathcaps, a fully-farmed Mejai's Soulstealer Mejai's Soulstealer, and the same forementioned auras, spells and buffs, kills Karma Karma with Children of the Grave Children of the Grave, her ghost will have 3971 AP and Mordekaiser himself will have 2170.
