
Death's Dance is a legendary item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Death's Dance item
3100 Gold (325 Gold)
Chain Vest item
800 Gold (500 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold
Caulfield's Warhammer item
1100 Gold (400 Gold)
Long Sword item
350 Gold
Long Sword item
350 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency



  • The bleed can interrupt and delay certain effects (e.g, Perseverance Perseverance, Recall Recall).
  • Physical damage dealt to a Hybrid resistances icon shield is fully applied and does not store damage.
  • Each tick of damage received is stored and dealt individually, regardless on when other hits were received.


  • The unique passive's usage is best realized when looking at a simplified situation where an enemy inflicts instant burst damage onto you.
    • As a result, your opponent has to overkill you to actually finish you off within this time span, which slightly increases your time to react and deploy counter measures like shields or healing. At the same time it also slightly improves your time window for retaliation, and is as such most powerful in a fight between two Slayer icon assassins.
      • Regardless, it's important to not overestimate this unique passive's influence, as most Slayer icon assassins generally overkill an opponent, and as such aren't hindered by slightly increased health.


Shurima Crest icon




Death's Dance item
3600 Gold (100 Gold)
Aegis of the Legion item
1500 Gold (750 Gold)
Cloth Armor item
300 Gold
Caulfield's Warhammer item
1100 Gold (400 Gold)
Long Sword item
350 Gold
Long Sword item
350 Gold
Vampiric Scepter item
900 Gold (550 Gold)
Long Sword item
350 Gold


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency

  • Death's Dance Death's Dance is 133.28% gold efficient, without its second passive.


  • Updated icon.
  • New:
    • Recipe: Chain Vest Chain Vest + Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Pickaxe Pickaxe + 325 Gold = 3100 Gold.
    • Stats: 50 attack damage, 40 armor, 15 ability haste.
    • Unique Passive - Ignore Pain: Stores (Melee role 35% / Ranged role 15%) of all post-mitigation physical damage received, which is successively taken as damage over time true damage instead, dealing one-third of the stored damage every second.
    • Unique Passive - Defy: Champion Damage rating takedowns grant you 30% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds, remove Ignore Pain's remaining damage, and File:Heal power.png heal you for 10% of your maximum health over the duration.
    • Limited to 1 Death's Dance.
  • Old:
    • Recipe: Aegis of the Legion Aegis of the Legion + Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Vampiric Scepter Vampiric Scepter + 500 Gold = 3600 Gold.
    • Stats: 50 attack damage, 30 armor, 30 magic resistance, 10% cooldown reduction.
    • Unique Passive: Instantly File:Heal power.png heal for 15% of all damage dealt. Death Lotus Area damage and Void Swarm pet damage only heal 5% for every unit affected.
    • Unique Passive: Stores (Melee role 30% / Ranged role 10%) of all post-mitigation physical and magic damage received, which is successively taken as damage over time true damage instead, dealing one-third of the stored damage every second.
  • Damage storing for Ranged role ranged champions reduced to 10% from 20%.
  • Bug Fix: The last tick of stored damage now properly kills the target champion instead of leaving them at 1 health.
V9.23 - November 20th Hotfix
  • Bug Fix: Passive no longer infinitely triggers Infernal Dragon Soul Infernal Dragon Soul.
  • Bug Fix: Getting damaged by an Aery Aery user while having Death's Dance equipped no longer causes Aery Aery to continuously deal damage to the player.
  • Bug Fix: Omni-vamp now properly grant reduced healing from pets.
  • Healing changed to all types of damage from only physical damage.
  • Attack damage increased to 80 from 75.
  • Damage taken dealt as a bleed effect increased to 30% from 15%.
  • Undocumented: Bleed effect now doesn't cancel Recall Recall.
  • Combine cost increased to 625 Gold from 525 Gold.
    • Total cost increased to 3500 Gold from 3400 Gold.
  • Attack damage increased to 75 from 65.
  • Healing increased to 15% from 12%.
  • Damage conversion increased to 15% from 12%.
  • Now also heals for physical damage done by pets.
V5.22 Added
  • Death's Dance Death's Dance:
    • Recipe: Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Pickaxe Pickaxe + Vampiric Scepter Vampiric Scepter + 525 Gold = 3400 Gold
    • +65 attack damage.
    • +10 cooldown reduction.
    • Unique passive: Instantly heal for 12% of all physical damage dealt. Area of effect physical damage only heals 4% for every unit affected.
    • Unique passive: Stores 12% of all physical and magical damage received, and is taken as a damage over time instead, dealing one-third of the stored damage every second.


List of Items
