
Influence Points


, or IP, are earned at the end of each game a player finishes. The amount of IP gained depends on the outcome of the game, the game type and the length of the match. Influence points can be used to permanently unlock champions, runes or additional runebook pages in the Riot Store.

Determining Factors[]

Since patch V1.0.0.111, the amount of Influence Points awarded for a given match depends on these rules:

  • It increases linearly with the duration of the game.[1]
  • For each Field of Justice there is a minimum base and a maximum cap for IP gained per match.
    • Games longer than the maximum cap or shorter than the minimum base grant the same IP as a game with length corresponding to the length of the cap.
    • The minimum cap does not apply to Co-op vs. AI games, the maximum cap is not tested.
    • On Summoner's Rift these base/caps are at 25 minutes (76 IP for a win) and 55 minutes (145 IP for a win).[1]
    • On Twisted Treeline the minimum base is at 20 minutes (64 IP for a win) the maximum cap is at 55 minutes (145 IP for a win).
    • The precise caps for the Crystal Scar are not known, the minimum base seems to be around 10 minutes, additional testing is needed. It was previously believed to be 20 minutes as surrender is available at 15 minutes similar to the Twisted Treeline.
    • The cap is different on ranked games. IP boost grants 168 IP on ranked games on Summoner's Rift, so it appears the cap is 65 minutes for ranked games on Summoner's Rift.
  • For a win, the reward is approximately: 18 IP + 2.312 per minute IP.[1]
  • For a loss, the reward is approximately: 16 IP + 1.405 per minute IP.[1]
  • An active Wins IP Boost gives you a flat amount of IP equivalent to the most base IP you could get from an extremely long game (for whichever game mode you are playing).
  • A custom game has a penalty of 25%.
    • Custom games only grant IP when teams are balanced. (example: 2vs2, NOT 2vs3)
  • Co-op vs. AI and Custom games share a limit timer. They both yield reduced IP after 180 minutes of gameplay in a 22 hours period. (For a summoner level 15 or above)
  • A win, in any game type except custom, will award the "first win of the day" bonus if available. This bonus is a fixed 150 IP which is not affected by boosts or penalties. When awarded, this bonus becomes unavailable for 22 hours.

Co-op vs. AI matches have penalties depending on the summoner level and difficulty.

  • The rule for minimum IP reward does not apply (a match shorter than 25 minutes will give less IP than a match of 25 minutes).
  • The rule for maximum IP reward does apply.
Summoner Level Beginner Mode IP/min Intermediate Mode IP/min
1 to 9 No penalty ~2.312 No penalty ~2.312
10 to 19 15% penalty ~1.965 No penalty ~2.312
20 to 29 30% penalty ~1.618 10% penalty ~2.081
30 45% penalty ~1.272 20% penalty ~1.850

Before the Patch V1.0.0.133 (Rise of the Bots), the Influence Points rewards for Co-op vs. AI matches were decreased. The following are the previous values for IP penalty for AI matches.

Summoner Level Beginner Mode IP/min Intermediate Mode IP/min
1 to 9 No penalty ~2.312 No penalty ~2.312
10 to 14 25% penalty ~1.734 No penalty ~2.312
15 to 19 25% penalty ~1.734 25% penalty ~1.734
20 to 29 50% penalty ~1.156 25% penalty ~1.734
30 90% penalty ~0.231 50% penalty ~1.156




Formula: { [base IP] + ([IP / min] * [game time in minutes]) * [gamemode modifier] } + [Dominion Bonus]

计算方式:{ [基本权力点] + ([权力点 / 分钟] * [游戏时间几分钟]) * [奖励系数gamemode modifier] } + [水晶之痕额外加成]

Field of Justice 召唤峡谷 扭曲丛林 水晶之痕
[权力点 / 分钟] (胜利) 2.312 2.312 2
[权力点 / 分钟] (战败) 1.405 1.405 1

The game time is always rounded down, meaning a game of 35:59 grants the same amount as a 35:00 minute game.

游戏时间取无条件舍去,例如:游戏时间 35:59 -> 以 35:00 计算奖励。

Dominion has a special bonus that is given depending on how well your team did. The more hp your nexus has if you win the larger the bonus, the less hp their nexus has if you lose the larger your bonus.[2]


The custom game modifier is 0.75.

自订游戏的奖励系数为 0.75 。


跟一般玩家随机配对对战,奖励系数为 1。

You will earn 0 XP/IP when playing a custom game that does not have the same number of champions on both teams.



基本权力点 Base IP Earnings[]

Win Lose
水晶之痕 Dominion 19 17
一般对战 Classic 18 16
中阶电脑 Co-op Intermediate 7 6
初阶电脑 Co-op Beginner 4 ?

打电脑的奖励系数 Co-op vs AI Gamemode Modifiers[]

中阶 Intermediate[]

 等级 <10 10-19 20-29 30
 系数 Modifier 1 1 .9 .8

初阶 Beginner[]

等级 <10 10-19 20-29 30
系数 Modifier 1 .85 .7 .55

例如:30等打中阶电脑,原本可以获得100权力点,但是因为系数是 0.8,100x0.8 = 80,最后只能获得80权力点。


For a table listing the IP prices of all the champions, please see here.

For a table listing the IP prices of all runes, please see here.


  • Runes can only be bought with IP.
  • Skins and bundles can be bought only with RP, not with IP.
  • The maximum amount of IP won from a match is:
    • Win: (first win of the day bonus, 55+ mins ranked match, IP boost (timed and per win)) 150 + 168 + 168 + 168 = 654 IP (822 on a double-IP weekend)
    • Loss (55+ mins match): 95 IP


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Information extracted from this graph from Riot.
  2. Information from this forums post by Riot.

See also[]
