强攻 ▪ 致命节奏 ▪ 迅捷步伐 迅捷步伐 ▪ 征服者 过量治疗 过量治疗 ▪ 凯旋 凯旋 ▪ 气定神闲 气定神闲 传说:欢欣 传说:欢欣 ▪ 传说:韧性 传说:韧性 ▪ 传说:血统 传说:血统 致命一击 致命一击 ▪ 砍刀 砍刀 ▪ 坚毅不倒 坚毅不倒
Electrocute ▪ Predator ▪ Dark Harvest ▪ Hail of Blades Cheap Shot ▪ Taste of Blood ▪ Sudden Impact Zombie Ward ▪ Ghost Poro ▪ Eyeball Collection Ravenous Hunter ▪ Ingenious Hunter ▪ Relentless Hunter ▪ Ultimate Hunter
Summon Aery ▪ Arcane Comet ▪ Phase Rush Nullifying Orb ▪ Manaflow Band ▪ Nimbus Cloak Transcendence ▪ Celerity ▪ Absolute Focus Scorch ▪ Waterwalking ▪ Gathering Storm
Grasp of the Undying ▪ Aftershock ▪ Guardian Demolish ▪ Font of Life ▪ Shield Bash Conditioning ▪ Second Wind ▪ Bone Plating Overgrowth ▪ Revitalize ▪ Unflinching
Glacial Augment ▪ Unsealed Spellbook ▪ Prototype: Omnistone Hextech Flashtraption ▪ Magical Footwear ▪ Perfect Timing Future's Market ▪ Minion Dematerializer ▪ Biscuit Delivery Cosmic Insight ▪ Approach Velocity ▪ Time Warp Tonic
行窃预兆 行窃预兆