英雄信息 背景故事 游戏技巧 皮肤与轶事


  • Master Yi's Master Yi's Double Strike Double Strike is similar to Caitlyn's Caitlyn's Headshot Headshot. It is very useful when farming minions. Gathering stacks on it by attacking minions, then attacking the enemy on the seventh strike is an effective harassment method.
  • Alpha Strike's Alpha Strike's multiple-target component has a deceptively long range. You can target minions near an enemy champion to harass them.
  • Alpha Strike Alpha Strike can also be used defensively. Since it includes a dash function, you can dodge skillshots. Also, Master Yi Master Yi is untargetable during the teleport, so Alpha Strike Alpha Strike can be used to dodge AoE nukes such as Nunu's Nunu's Absolute Zero Absolute Zero if timed properly.
  • If you're in a lane against ranged players, leveling up Meditate Meditate can allow you to stay in the lane longer and gain levels faster than the opponents.
  • Use Meditate Meditate if you are being focused on, as the bonus armor and magic resistance greatly reduces your damage taken.
    • Meditate Meditate is especially useful when an opponent is trying to turret dive against Master Yi Master Yi. He can stand next to the turret and use Meditate Meditate to hold off damage from the opponent while they are repeatedly being hit by the turret.
  • When you are being chased, hiding in a brush and channeling Meditate Meditate can give you the upper hand against the enemies. However, do not do this if they can still defeat you after the Meditate Meditate.
  • Be aware that Blinds can effectively cut almost all of Master Yi's Master Yi's damage if not using an ability power build.
  • When playing ability power Master Yi Master Yi, remember that Highlander Highlander refreshes all your cooldowns on a kill. Try to cast Alpha Strike Alpha Strike so it will result in a kill. This may seem like kill stealing but it will greatly increase the damage the other team will take.
  • Highlander Highlander can be used as an effective escape tool, especially with Ghost Ghost used at the same time. it is also incredibly great at chasing enemies because you cannot be slowed and gain a movement speed boost.
  • Triggering Wuju Style Wuju Style and Highlander Highlander when combined with various melee increases makes Master Yi Master Yi a high damage dealer, if for short periods. It's especially effective in destroying towers.
  • Wuju Style Wuju Style combined with Alpha Strike Alpha Strike are very strong for last hitting minions.
  • Master Yi Master Yi is one of the best backdoorers, Activating Highlander Highlander and Wuju Style Wuju Style then attacking a turret can take it down very fast.



  • Due to Master Yi's Master Yi's Alpha Strike Alpha Strike chance to hit monsters for extra damage, Master Yi Master Yi can jungle very well even though he doesn't have natural sustain besides Meditate Meditate in the jungle. His ganks can be very powerful if your team mate lands CC on the enemy.


Doran's Shield Doran's Shield Vampiric Scepter Vampiric Scepter Chalice of Harmony Chalice of Harmony

