英雄信息 | 背景故事 | 游戏技巧 | 皮肤与轶事 |
- minions. Gathering stacks on it by attacking minions, then attacking the enemy on the seventh strike is an effective harassment method. is similar to . It is very useful when farming
- minions near an enemy champion to harass them. multiple-target component has a deceptively long range. You can target
- AoE nukes such as if timed properly. can also be used defensively. Since it includes a dash function, you can dodge skillshots. Also, is untargetable during the teleport, so can be used to dodge
- If you're in a lane against ranged players, leveling up can allow you to stay in the lane longer and gain levels faster than the opponents.
- Use armor and magic resistance greatly reduces your damage taken. if you are being focused on, as the bonus
- When you are being chased, hiding in a brush and channeling can give you the upper hand against the enemies. However, do not do this if they can still defeat you after the .
- Be aware that Blinds can effectively cut almost all of ability power build. damage if not using an
- When playing ability power , remember that refreshes all your cooldowns on a kill. Try to cast so it will result in a kill. This may seem like kill stealing but it will greatly increase the damage the other team will take.
Ghost used at the same time. it is also incredibly great at chasing enemies because you cannot be slowed and gain a movement speed boost.
can be used as an effective escape tool, especially with - Triggering towers. and when combined with various melee increases makes a high damage dealer, if for short periods. It's especially effective in destroying
- minions. combined with are very strong for last hitting
- backdoorers, Activating and then attacking a turret can take it down very fast. is one of the best
- can build several ways. With the proper items and runes, he can be built as a burst mage, or he can build and to be a tanky DPS.
- armor, health, and health regeneration. , as with most champions, helps in laning because of the
- Because critical strike and items can help him deal a lot of burst damage in and life steal helps him stay alive as long as he's doing damage.
- critical strike items. is more effective for early, it should be obtained before . and are great
is very fragile, - Attack speed items like , , and can greatly increase his DPS with
Double Strike. It is important to keep in mind attack speed bonus; it's not hard to accidentally cap out his attack speed.
- Combining attack damage and attack speed items are effective in increasing DPS.
- attack speed boost of
Highlander, he can easily achieve the maximum three armor reduction stacks and make quick work of any squishy target. Furthermore, on the kill,
Highlander will refresh all of his cooldowns.
is a great item for . With the
- attack speed boost of
- Cooldown reduction items are great to increase his overall use of abilities, which in general have fairly long cooldowns.
- Using attack speed and movement speed bonus. Rushing at level 1 by starting with a and leveling allows for effective last hitting and a high damage output. That gives you 15 bonus damage, or with , 30 bonus damage early game. and the active effect of at the same time is very effective in many situations since both of these have great
- Generally, items that provide bonuses on attacking or subsequent attacking are more useful on attack speed. than on other heroes due to and his high
- Since damage and attack speed runes. Life steal can also be useful with increased damage and attack speed, but is not necessary. is an effective DPS/Pusher, it is useful to build him with
- crowd control abilities, especially blind and snare, so players are recommended
Cleanse as a summoner spell to counteract these effects.
- crowd control. The magic resistance also helps against return damage from , a primary counter to . can provide good results in surviving; the active "Cleanse" effect is very useful for countering
- crowd control). similarly helps to fizzle initiation abilities (which are often
is extremely vulnerable to - A full ability power-based can work well. becomes a fairly strong AoE nuke, and is refreshed instantly if a kill is scored while is active. also heals far more, often making unkillable while meditating, and allows him to tank turrets for his team (of course, any hard crowd control effect will break it).
- A hybrid ability power-based can yield good results with items such as or , especially if your enemies have high armor.
- The unique combination of stats from Mana regeneration and cooldown reduction specifically target his biggest weaknesses and ability power and attack speed target his biggest strengths. can make it very useful for .
- works exceptionally well with , as after level 6, and even before he is able to rip through most casters with ease, creating a powerful snowball effect.
- Due to monsters for extra damage, can jungle very well even though he doesn't have natural sustain besides in the jungle. His ganks can be very powerful if your team mate lands CC on the enemy. chance to hit
- Starting items: , × 5 OR
- Skill progression: → → → → →
- Jungling order:
Smite) → → → (
Smite) → → Gank
( - Alternate order:
Smite) → → (
Smite) → Gank
→ (
- strength is his biggest weakness. His main damage output is his auto-attacks. Therefore, buying a or will help you defend yourself.
- When Yi uses crowd control (especially silence or knockup, as these interrupt him) than attempting to deal damage. , it is better to use a form of
- Using
Exhaust on can cripple his damage output, even during .
- Slow is ineffective when uses .
- backdooring. Keep this in mind and be particularly aware of your mini-map. excels at
- You can use
Ignite on during to reduce his healing by half but it will not stop him from channeling the spell.
- When
- This also makes building viable for countering, giving both AP and the active effect of Grievous Wounds.
is laning AP mid, he relies on , thus making champions that can apply Grievous Wounds / healing reduction strong counterpicks (such as ).
- Remember that only gives him the bonus when the spell is not on cooldown, making weaker when is on cooldown.
"Transmogulate!" 本文是英文页面 Master Yi/Strategy 的翻译,最后翻译时间:2012-11-30 ,点击这里可以查看翻译后英文页面的改动。 |