
Infinity Edge is a legendary item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Infinity Edge item
3400 Gold (625 Gold)


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency



Only the boldest of men and women dare take the risky trip to the hottest spot in Valoran, in the very center of the Shurima Desert. Those who successfully make the journey may bathe their swords in a magical pool of the purest water known to this world. Any edge dipped into this pool will stay sharper and strike truer than any other sword.



  • Infinity Edge shares its name with a set of Infinity Weapons from the game Lineage II, which are the strongest weapons available. Infinity Edge bears similarities to the Infinity Shaper.
  • As hinted in its lore, the Infinity Edge got its powers from the Oasis of the Dawn located in the Ancient Shuriman Capital, the once center of the vast Shuriman Empire. The Oasis is described as a pool with many magical properties.
  • Infinity Edge Infinity Edge was in the old Summoner's Rift map, specifically in the shopkeeper's bag.
    • It is still hung on display in both shops.
  • Infinity Edge looks somewhat similar to Kayle's Kayle's old sword sword in terms of blade shape and inscriptions.
  • Pentakill's second volume, Grasp of the Undying, named its fourth track after this item.
Shurima Crest icon




Infinity Edge item
3400 Gold (625 Gold)


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency

Molten Edge is a finished item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. Can only be forged by Ornn Ornn. Limited to one Master Craftsman Master Craftsman item.


Molten Edge item
3400 Gold (Gold)
Infinity Edge item
3400 Gold (625 Gold)


Gold Value

Gold Efficiency


  • Updated icon.
  • New:
    • Recipe: B. F B. F. Sword + Pickaxe Pickaxe + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + 625 Gold = 3400 Gold.
    • Stats: 70 attack damage, 20% critical strike chance.
    • Unique Passive - Perfection: Gain 0.4% bonus critical strike damage for every 1% critical strike chance.
    • Limited to 1 Crit Modifier item.
  • Molten Edge Molten Edge
    • Total cost reduced to 3400 Gold from 4400 Gold.
      • Combine cost reduced to Gold from 1000 Gold.
    • Can now only be obtained if Ornn Ornn forges the item (for himself or for another ally).
  • New Recipe: B. F B. F. Sword + Pickaxe Pickaxe + 1225 Gold = 3400 Gold.
  • Critical strike damage conversion reduced to 10% from 15%.
  • Attack damage reduced to 70 from 80.
  • New Effect: "True Damage Critical Strikes" now display as a blue/white icon instead of the purple "Magic Damage Crit" icon.
  • Molten Edge Molten Edge total cost reduced to 4400 Gold from 4600 Gold.
  • Molten Edge Molten Edge attack damage reduced to 100 from 110.
V8.12 - June 18th Hotfix
  • Total cost reduced to 3600 Gold from 3700 Gold.
    • Combine cost reduced to 1000 Gold from 1100 Gold.
  • Molten Edge Molten Edge total cost reduced to 4600 Gold from 4700 Gold.
  • New item icon.
  • New Recipe: B. F B. F. Sword + B. F B. F. Sword + 1100 Gold = 3700 Gold.
  • Molten Edge Molten Edge total cost increased to 4700 Gold from 4400 Gold.
  • Attack damage increased to 80 from 70.
  • Molten Edge Molten Edge attack damage increased to 110 from 100.
  • Removed: +20% critical strike chance.
  • Removed Unique Passive: +50% critical strike damage.
  • New Unique Passive: Doubles your critical strike chance.
  • New Unique Passive: When critically striking enemy champions, converts 15% of critical strike damage to true damage.
  • Added to recipe from Molten Edge Molten Edge. Only available while Ornn Ornn is on your team.
  • Total cost reduced to 3400 Gold from 3600 Gold.
    • Combine cost reduced to 425 Gold from 625 Gold.
  • Attack damage increased to 70 from 65.
  • Total cost reduced to 3600 Gold from 3800 Gold.
  • AD reduced to 65 from 80.
  • Critical strike chance reduced to 20% from 25%.
  • Attack damage increased to 80 from 70.
  • Item removed from Dominion and Twisted Treeline.
  • Item cost reduced to 3800 Gold from 3830 Gold.
  • Attack damage reduced to 70 from 80.
  • Total cost reduced to 3830 Gold from 4080 Gold.
  • Attack damage increased to 80 from 75.
  • Critical strike chance increased to 25% from 20%.
  • Attack damage reduced to 75 from 80.
  • Issue with scaling with crit talents/runes fixed.
May 15, 2009 Patch
  • Fixed a bug where certain item effects would persist past selling the item.
April 18, 2009 Patch
  • Effect made Unique, having multiple Infinity Edges will not stack their passive ability.
April 11, 2009 Patch
  • Combine cost increased to 375 Gold from 350 Gold.


List of Items
