
Elixir of Agility was a consumable item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. It was exclusive to Summoner's Rift.


Gold value at level 1

Gold value at level 18

Gold Efficiency

  • When consumed, Elixir of Agility Elixir of Agility was 248% gold efficient at level 1 and 348% at level 18.



  • Elixirs are automatically applied when purchased if there are already 6 items in the inventory.
  • Elixir of Agility Elixir of Agility was not available in Dominion.


  • It was best used by DPS champions that would benefit from high attack speed and/or crit chance, like Tryndamere Tryndamere. It was most often bought late game because the crit chance stat needed other late game crit items to be effective.
  • Elixirs are often bought towards the end of long games when builds are all completed and the extra gold continues to accumulate. They can also be bought mid game to give a temporary stat advantage during ganks and teamfights.


  • The Piece of Green Candy Piece of Green Candy was a seasonal item that replaced the Elixir of Agility during the Harrowing celebration. It was the same item with a different name and a picture.
  • The Green Tea Kettle Green Tea Kettle was another seasonal item that replaced the Elixir of Agility during the Lunar Revel celebration.
  • The Fury Fungus Fury Fungus was yet another seasonal item that replaced the Elixir of Agility during the Great Hunt.
  • It was removed because it primarily benefited AD carries that were already in the lead, making hyper carries even stronger, and pigeon-holing end-game AD builds to focus on critical strikes.[1]



;V1.0.0.152 - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
  • Bonus attack speed reduced to 12% − 22% (based on level) from 15% − 25% (based on level).
  • Critical strike chance reduced to 8% from 15%.
  • Cost reduced to 250 Gold from 300 Gold.
  • New Effect: Elixirs will now activate immediately if purchased when your inventory is full.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with Elixir of Agility's Elixir of Agility's tooltip to correctly show that it grants 15% critical strike.
  • Bonus attack speed reduced to 15% − 25% (based on level) from 25% − 35% (based on level).
  • Critical strike chance reduced to 15% from 20%.
  • Critical strike chance changed to 20% at all levels from 12% − 21% (based on level).
  • Bonus attack speed reduced to 20% − 35% (based on level) from 35% at all levels.
  • Critical strike chance changed to 12% − 21% (based on level) from 20% at all levels.
April 25, 2009 Patch
  • Duration reduced to 4 minutes from 5.
Alpha Week 2


List of Items
