
Stridebreaker is a mythic item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


Stridebreaker item
3300 Gold 3300 (400 Gold 400)
Ironspike Whip item
1100 Gold 1100 (225 Gold 225)
Hearthbound Axe item
1000 Gold 1000 (350 Gold 350)
Dagger item
300 Gold 300
Kindlegem item
800 Gold 800 (400 Gold 400)


Gold Value Mythic passive gold value

Gold Efficiency

Dreamshatter is a mythic item in League of Legends icon League of Legends. Can only be forged by Ornn Ornn.


Dreamshatter item
3300 Gold 3300 (Special)
Stridebreaker item
3300 Gold 3300 (400 Gold 400)
Ironspike Whip item
1100 Gold 1100 (225 Gold 225)
Hearthbound Axe item
1000 Gold 1000 (350 Gold 350)
Dagger item
300 Gold 300
Kindlegem item
800 Gold 800 (400 Gold 400)


Gold Value Mythic passive gold value

Gold Efficiency



  • Stridebreaker's mythic passive can grant up to 10% bonus movement speed with 5 other Legendary items.
  • Halting Slash deals Death Lotus area damage, and thus will trigger spell effects.
  • Halting Slash is blocked by Spell Shield spell shield.
  • Halting Slash is an auto-targeted effect.
  • Halting Slash's cast breaks Guerrilla Warfare stealth.
  • Halting Slash has a brief cast time equal to 100% of the caster's attack windup time, at the end of which the area of effect spell occurs.
    • Therefore the cast time both scales with attack speed and depends on the champion that casts it.
    • The caster may still move during the cast time.
    • If Stridebreaker's item slot is changed during this cast time, the area of effect spell will not occur.*
  • Halting Slash goes on cooldown at the start of the cast.


  • Stridebreaker is most effective in chasing down enemies through the bonus movement speed it grants and the Slow icon slow. This is especially useful for Fighter icon Juggernauts.


  • The search term 'whipchain' references Sylas' Sylas' usage of his shackles shackles, which is who this item is based off of.
Demacia Crest icon


Patch History

  • Unique Active - Halting Slash:
    • New Effect: Deal 100% AD physical damage to enemies in a Range center 450 radius centered in front of you at your attack range value (max. 250 distance) and Slow icon slow them by 90% decaying to 40% over 3 seconds (15 second cooldown, reduced by ability haste). Can be cast while moving.
    • Old Effect: Dash Dash up to 300 units to the target location, though not through terrain, and at the end of a cast time deal 75% AD physical damage to enemies in a Range center 450 radius centered in front of you at your attack range value (max. 250 distance) and Slow icon slow them by 40% decaying over 2 seconds (20 second cooldown, reduced by ability haste).
  • Attack damage reduced to 40 from 45.
  • Health increased to 400 from 200.
  • Heroic Gait bonus movement speed reduced to 20 from 30.
  • Mythic passive bonus movement speed reduced to 2% from 3%.
  • Dreamshatter Dreamshatter attack damage reduced to 50 from 55.
  • Dreamshatter Dreamshatter health increased to 500 from 300.
  • Undocumented: Now also dashes the user back to their original location at 600 speed if player-generated terrain is or appears in front of them.*
V11.6 - March 17th Hotfix
  • Bug Fix: Total cost increased to 3300 Gold from 3200 Gold.
    • Combine cost increased to 300 Gold from 200 Gold.
  • Undocumented: Total cost reduced to 3200 Gold from 3300 Gold.
    • Combine cost unchanged.
  • Health reduced to 200 from 300.
  • Dreamshatter Dreamshatter health reduced to 300 from 400.
  • Halting Slash slow reduced to 40% from 60%.
  • Halting Slash AD ratio reduced to 75% AD from 100% AD.
  • Halting Slash dash range increased to 300 units from 200.
  • Halting Slash dash speed increased slightly to 300 + 200% movement speed from 300 + 150% movement speed.
  • Undocumented/Bug Fix: Halting Slash can no longer dash through player-generated terrain.
  • Bug Fix: Halting Slash is now properly disabled while rooted or grounded.
  • Attack damage reduced to 45 from 50.
  • Ability haste increased to 20 from 10.
  • Dreamshatter Dreamshatter attack damage reduced to 55 from 60.
  • Dreamshatter Dreamshatter ability haste increased to 25 from 15.
  • Halting Slash AD ratio reduced to 100% AD from 110% AD.
  • Bug Fix: Passive cooldown no longer ignores ability haste.
V10.25 - December 15th Hotfix
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the cooldown would be reduced to 0 seconds when moving slots in the item inventory.
  • Bug Fix: Moving it to a new item box location no longer refreshes its cooldown.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip now mentions dash cannot go through terrain.
V10.23 - Added
  • Recipe: Ironspike Whip Ironspike Whip + Hearthbound Axe Hearthbound Axe + Kindlegem Kindlegem + 200 Gold = 3300 Gold.
  • Stats: 50 attack damage, 20% attack speed, 300 health, 10 ability haste.
  • Unique Active - Halting Slash: Lunge a short distance and deal 110% AD physical damage to enemies in a circle, Slow icon slowing them by 60% decaying over 2 seconds (20 second cooldown, reduced by ability haste).
  • Unique Passive - Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants you 30 bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
  • Mythic Passive: Empowers your other Legendary items with 3% bonus movement speed.
  • Limited to 1 Mythic item.
  • ornn's ornn's Masterwork Masterwork item: Dreamshatter Dreamshatter.
    • Stats: 60 attack damage, 30% attack speed, 400 health, 15 ability haste.


