Stridebreaker is a mythic item in League of Legends.
Gold Value
- 50 attack damage = 1750
- 20 ability haste = 533.33
- 20% attack speed = 500
- 300 health = 800
- Total Gold Value = 3583.33
- 2% movement speed = 79
- Total Gold Value = 79
Gold Efficiency
- 108.59% gold efficient. base stats are
- 2.39% for every other Legendary item. gold efficiency is increased by
Dreamshatter is a mythic item in League of Legends. Can only be forged by .
Gold Value
- 60 attack damage = 2100
- 25 ability haste = 666.67
- 30% attack speed = 750
- 400 health = 1066.67
- Total Gold Value = 4583.33
- 2% movement speed = 79
- Total Gold Value = 79
Gold Efficiency
- 138.89% gold efficient. base stats are
- 2.39% for every other Legendary item. gold efficiency is increased by
- The raw stats gained from upgrading 1000 (10 attack damage, 5 ability haste, 100 health, and 10% attack speed). into are worth
- Stridebreaker's mythic passive can grant up to 10% bonus movement speed with 5 other Legendary items.
- Halting Slash deals area damage, and thus will trigger spell effects.
- Halting Slash is blocked by spell shield.
- Halting Slash is an auto-targeted effect.
- Halting Slash's cast breaks stealth.
- Halting Slash has a brief cast time equal to 100% of the caster's attack windup time, at the end of which the area of effect spell occurs.
- Therefore the cast time both scales with attack speed and depends on the champion that casts it.
- The caster may still move during the cast time.
- If Stridebreaker's item slot is changed during this cast time, the area of effect spell will not occur.*
- Halting Slash goes on cooldown at the start of the cast.
- Stridebreaker is most effective in chasing down enemies through the bonus movement speed it grants and the slow. This is especially useful for Juggernauts.
- The search term 'whipchain' references usage of his , which is who this item is based off of.
Patch History
- V11.13
- Unique Active - Halting Slash:
- New Effect: Deal 100% AD physical damage to enemies in a 450 radius centered in front of you at your attack range value (max. 250 distance) and slow them by 90% decaying to 40% over 3 seconds (15 second cooldown, reduced by ability haste). Can be cast while moving.
- Old Effect: Dash up to 300 units to the target location, though not through terrain, and at the end of a cast time deal 75% AD physical damage to enemies in a 450 radius centered in front of you at your attack range value (max. 250 distance) and slow them by 40% decaying over 2 seconds (20 second cooldown, reduced by ability haste).
- Attack damage reduced to 40 from 45.
- Health increased to 400 from 200.
- Heroic Gait bonus movement speed reduced to 20 from 30.
- Mythic passive bonus movement speed reduced to 2% from 3%.
- attack damage reduced to 50 from 55.
- health increased to 500 from 300.
- V11.8
- Bug Fix: Now blocked by spell shield.
- V11.7
- Undocumented: Now also dashes the user back to their original location at 600 speed if player-generated terrain is or appears in front of them.*
- V11.6 - March 17th Hotfix
- V11.6
- Undocumented: Total cost reduced to 3200 from 3300 .
- Combine cost unchanged.
- Health reduced to 200 from 300.
- health reduced to 300 from 400.
- V11.5
- Halting Slash slow reduced to 40% from 60%.
- Halting Slash AD ratio reduced to 75% AD from 100% AD.
- Halting Slash dash range increased to 300 units from 200.
- Halting Slash dash speed increased slightly to 300 + 200% movement speed from 300 + 150% movement speed.
- Undocumented/Bug Fix: Halting Slash can no longer dash through player-generated terrain.
- V11.4
- Bug Fix: Halting Slash is now properly disabled while rooted or grounded.
- V11.1
- Attack damage reduced to 45 from 50.
- Ability haste increased to 20 from 10.
- attack damage reduced to 55 from 60.
- ability haste increased to 25 from 15.
- Halting Slash AD ratio reduced to 100% AD from 110% AD.
- Bug Fix: Passive cooldown no longer ignores ability haste.
- V10.25 - December 15th Hotfix
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the cooldown would be reduced to 0 seconds when moving slots in the item inventory.
- V10.24
- Bug Fix: Moving it to a new item box location no longer refreshes its cooldown.
- Bug Fix: Tooltip now mentions dash cannot go through terrain.
- V10.23 - Added
- Recipe: + + + 200 = 3300 .
- Stats: 50 attack damage, 20% attack speed, 300 health, 10 ability haste.
- Unique Active - Halting Slash: Lunge a short distance and deal 110% AD physical damage to enemies in a circle, slowing them by 60% decaying over 2 seconds (20 second cooldown, reduced by ability haste).
- Unique Passive - Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants you 30 bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
- Mythic Passive: Empowers your other Legendary items with 3% bonus movement speed.
- Limited to 1 Mythic item.
- Stats: 60 attack damage, 30% attack speed, 400 health, 15 ability haste.
item: .
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Mythic items
- Ornn's Mythic item upgrades
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Removed items