The Drone summoned by Sweeping Lens and Oracle Lenssweeps the surrounding area, detecting all units within its detection radius regardless of terrain and brush.
Unseenunits, as well as visibletraps and wards will be displayed as a red silhouette. This does not render them targetable.
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where Sweeping Lens' animation would play when walking into brush the enemy team swept earlier in the match.
Cooldown reduced to 90 − 60 (based on level) from 120 / 75 (based on level).
Cast radius increased to 500 − 2000 (based on level) from 400 / 600 (based on level).
Scan radius changed to 450 − 575 (based on level) with level from 400 / 600 (based on level).
Fixed a bug where some stealthed traps weren't being revealed and disabled.
New Effect: Warns against unseen enemies. Similar to Rek'Sai's Tremor Sense, except that a full-body silhouette is displayed at their current location rather than tremors on the floor.
Cooldown at level 9+ increased to 75 seconds from 60 seconds.
Initial cooldown reduced to 30 seconds from 120.
Initial cooldown increased to 120 seconds from 90.
Cooldown on sell reduced to 120 seconds from 180.
Drone duration increased to 6 seconds from 4.
Cooldown is reduced level 9.
Cast range and area of effect now increase by 50% at level 9.