Fiendish Codex is an advanced item in League of Legends.
- icon is called "Tome of Minor Necro Compulsion" In the game files.
- Fiendish Codex can be seen hanging from belt.
;V9.1 - January 21, 2019
- No longer builds into Nexus Blitz being no longer available for play-testing. , due to the
- V8.16 - Start of the experimental game mode Nexus Blitz
- Re-added back to the recipe for .
- V8.11
- Added to recipe for .
- V8.9
- Ability power increased to 35 from 30.
- V8.4
- Added to recipe for .
- Removed from recipe for .
- V7.18
- Removed from recipe for .
- V7.9
- Added recipe for .
- Removed recipe for .
- V6.9
- V5.22
- V5.14
- Added to recipe for Black Market Brawlers. in
- V5.12
- Removed from recipe for .
- V4.20
- Added to recipe for .
- V4.5
- Added to recipe for .
- V3.01
- V1.0.0.154
- Added to recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- Added to recipe for .
- June 6, 2009 Patch Added
- +30 ability power.
- +7 flat mana regeneration.
- Unique passive: +10% cooldown reduction.
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Mythic items
- Ornn's Mythic item upgrades
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Removed items
"Transmogulate!" 本文是英文页面 Fiendish Codex 的翻译,最后翻译时间:2020-10-23 ,点击这里可以查看翻译后英文页面的改动。 |